State Profiles of Public Elementary and Secondary
Education, 1996-97State Profiles of Public Elementary and Secondary Education, 1996-97
IntroductionUS ProfileRanking of StatesState ProfilesItem DefinitionsAppendix

Kentucky Department of Education, 500 Mero Street,
Frankfort, KY 40601
Download, view and print Kentucky's report as a pdf file
Download, view and print Kentucky's report as a pdf file.
Superintendent of Education
Commissioner Wilmer S. Cody, (502) 564-31412
National Cooperative Education Statistics Liaison
William White, (502) 564-3141
Common Core of Data Survey Coordinator
Robin Morley, (502) 564-2020

1987 1996 Demographics
642,696 656,089 Students in public elementary and secondary schools
1,399 1,407 Public schools
35,239 39,331 Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools
40,409 40,409 Land area in square miles
15.9 16.2 Public school students per square mile
3.5 3.5 Public schools per 100 square miles

Figure 1
School-age population in public elementary and secondary schools
School-age population in public elementary and secondary schools

1987 1996 Fiscal summary
3,683 3,882 State population (in thousands)
$2,003 $3,846 State revenue per capita
$1,866 $3,313 State expenditure per capita
$394 $628 State expenditure for elem. and secondary education per capita
$84,394 $134,985 Gross state product per school-age child

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1987 1996 Distribution of agencies by type
100% 258 100% 258 Total public education agencies
69.0% 178 68.2% 176 Regular school districts
0.0% 0 0.0% 0 Regional service agencies
30.2% 78 31.0% 80 State-operated agencies
0.8% 2 0.8% 2 Federally operated and other types

1987 1996 Distribution of agencies by number of schools
0.4% 1 0.4% 1 100 or more schools
1.2% 3 1.2% 3 25 to 99 schools
14.3% 37 14.0% 36 10 to 24 schools
25.6% 66 27.5% 71 5 to 9 schools
27.5% 71 25.2% 65 1 to 4 schools
31.0% 80 31.8% 82 No schools reported

Figure 2
Regular school districts by student membership size
Regular school districts by student membership size

1987 1996 Distribution of schools by type
100% 1,399 100% 1,407 Total public elementary and secondary schools reported
94.6% 1,323 94.8% 1,334 Regular schools
1.4% 19 0.6% 8 Special education schools
1.4% 19 0.8% 11 Vocational schools
2.7% 38 3.8% 54 Other and alternative schools

Figure 3
Distribution of public schools and students by type of locale: 1996-97
Distribution of public schools and students by type of locale: 1996-97

Figure 4
Public schools by size of student membership
Public schools by size of student membership

1987 1996 Number of public schools by grade span category
40.3% 564 48.5% 682 PK, K, 1 to 3, 4, 5, 6
19.4% 272 6.5% 92 PK, K, 1 to 8
9.0% 126 12.4% 175 4, 5, 6, to 6, 7, 8
4.1% 58 2.9% 41 7 to 8, 9
4.0% 56 4.8% 68 7, 8 to 12
14.6% 204 15.4% 216 9, 10, 11 to 12
4.4% 61 4.1% 58 Other grades
2.4% 34 0.6% 9 Ungraded
1.7% 24 4.7% 66 Not reported

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1987 1996 Public school membership by grade
19,428 Prekindergarten
49,206 46,450 Kindergarten
54,536 48,209 First
51,388 47,697 Second
49,491 54,703 Third
48,446 47,018 Fourth
48,325 46,850 Fifth
46,636 48,695 Sixth
47,250 49,675 Seventh
44,641 49,641 Eighth
51,188 55,989 Ninth
49,605 48,867 Tenth
47,244 43,346 Eleventh
41,586 38,460 Twelfth
13,154 11,061 Ungraded

Figure 5
Public school student membership by racial/ethnic category
Public school student membership by racial/ethnic category

1987 1996  
Students in special education with IEPs
40.3% School membership eligible for free lunch
24.7% School-age children below poverty

1987 1995 High school completers and dropouts
99.6% 36,948 100.0% 36,641 Regular diploma
0.3% 104   Other diploma
    High school equivalency
0.2% 60   Other completers
        Dropouts who were male
        Dropouts who were minority

Figure 6
Grade 8 1996 Mathematics and Science average scale scores for the state () and nation () and the 25th () and 75th () percentiles
Grade 8 1996 Mathematics and Science average scale scores for the state (symbol) and nation (symbol) and the 25th (symbol) and 75th (symbol) percentiles

Grade 4 Grade 8 1996 Mathematics and Science achievement levels
220 266.6 Average Mathematics scale score [scale 0 to 500]
39.8% 43.5% Students below basic level
60.2% 56.5% Students at or above basic level
15.6% 15.7% Students at or above proficient level
1.2% 1.4% Students at advanced level
147.3 Average Science scale score [scale 0 to 300]
  42.4% Students below basic level
  57.6% Students at or above basic level
  23.1% Students at or above proficient level
  1.5% Students at advanced level

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1987 1996 Educational staff
100% 69,192 100% 74,880 Total education staff
        Instructional staff
50.9% 35,239 52.5% 39,331 Teachers
7.5% 5,182 10.6% 7,947 Instructional aides
        Support staff
1.3% 915 1.7% 1,272 Guidance counselors/directors
2.1% 1,443 2.4% 1,766 Librarians/library support
8.7% 6,054 6.6% 4,930 Administrative support
25.0% 17,325 21.8% 16,304 Other support services
2.4% 1,640 2.5% 1,903 School-based
2.0% 1,394 1.9% 1,427 School district officials/administrators

Figure 7
Average number of students per teacher, by grade level
Average number of students per teacher, by grade level

1987 1996  
1.0 1.1 Teacher to all other staff ratio
11.6 11.8 Teacher to administrator ratio

Figure 8
Average salary of full-time teachers by years of experience
Average salary of full-time teachers by years of experience

1987 1996  
$16,150 $23,018 Average beginning teacher salary
$24,253 $33,802 Average teacher salary

Figure 9
Distribution of public school teachers by age
Distribution of public school teachers by age

1987 1993 Preparation of teachers: highest degree earned
0.3% 0.1% Public school teachers with no degree
24.4% 23.6% Public school teachers with a Bachelor's or lower degree
50.4% 56.8% Public school teachers with a Master's degree
25.0% 19.5% Public school teachers with a degree beyond Master's

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FY88 FY97 Federal aid to education under selected programs
(in thousands of current dollars)
$58,350 $96,377 National school lunch
$14,250 $27,526 National school breakfast
$72,631 $135,792 Title I
$25,339 $59,480 Education for the handicapped
$17,894 $24,676 Vocational and adult education
$12,353 $28,078 School improvement
$1,317 $498 School assistance (federally affected areas)
$195 $154 Bilingual education
Indian education

Figure 10
Revenues by source
Revenues by source

Figure 11
Current expenditures by function
Current expenditures by function

FY88 FY97 Revenues and expenditures (in current dollars)
$1,819,222 $3,794,129 Revenues (in thousands of dollars)
$2,831 $5,783 Revenue per pupil in membership
$1,741,799 $3,382,062 Current expenditures (in thousands of dollars)
$2,710 $5,155 Current expenditure per pupil in membership
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