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Assessment and Analysis of
School-Level Expenditures

October 1996

(Working Paper 96-19) Ordering information

Assessment and Analysis of School-Level Expenditures reports research done in support of the development of a model school-level finance data collection system in the United States. The project involved reviewing school reform literature and recent school finance studies of resource allocation across states, school districts, and schools; reviewing accounting structures used to account for school-level expenditures; and analyzing school-level finance data in Ohio and Texas to explore the feasibility of using school-level financial data to examine key policy issues. The report concludes with the authors’ recommendations for the design of a school-level finance data collection.

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U.S. Department of Education
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  • Institute of Education Sciences
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  • Suggested Citation

    U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. Assessment and Analysis of School-Level Expenditures, Working Paper No. 96-19, by Joel D. Sherman, Clayton Best, and Lawrence Luskin. William Fowler, project officer. Washington, D.C.: 1996.

    October 1996


    Each year a large number of written documents are generated by NCES staff and individuals commissioned by NCES which provide preliminary analyses of survey results and address technical, methodological, and evaluation issues. Even though they are not formally published, these documents reflect a tremendous amount of unique expertise, knowledge, and experience.

    The Working Paper Series was created in order to preserve the information contained in these documents and to promote the sharing of valuable work experience and knowledge. However, these documents were prepared under different formats and did not undergo vigorous NCES publication review and editing prior to their inclusion in the series. Consequently, we encourage users of the series to consult the individual authors for citations.

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    Susan Ahmed
    Chief Mathematical Statistician
    Statistical Standards and Services Group

    Samuel S. Peng
    Methodology, Training, and Customer Service Program

    Assessment and Analysis of School-Level Expenditures

    Joel D. Sherman
    Clayton Best
    Lawrence Luskin

    October 1996

    Pelavin Research Institute
    1000 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W., Suite 400
    Washington, D.C. 20007





    We would like to acknowledge the assistance of several people in the development and preparation of this report. First, we wish to express our appreciation to Matthew Cohen in the Ohio Department of Education and to Tom Camby and John Hudspeth in the Texas Education Agency for their assistance in providing data for the study and understanding the details of these states' school-level data collections. Their assistance on this project was invaluable.

    Our thanks also go to William Fowler and Lee Hoffman at the for their assistance in conceptualizing the project and developing the project report. We would also like to thank the following people for their insightful comments on draft reports, which were incorporated into the final text: Robert Berne, Jay Chambers, Bruce Cooper, James Guthrie, David Monk, Tom Parrish, Larry Picus, Wayne Riddle, and Stephanie Stullich. Our thanks also extend to Don McLaughlin, the AIR Project Director for his assistance on the project.

    A special word of appreciation goes to Sterlina Harper, who typed numerous drafts of text and tables for the report. Her assistance in the production of the report contributed significantly to the project.