(NCES 96-127) Ordering information
This CD contains data from the third follow-up survey of the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 - NELS:88/94 - in the form of a public release Data Analysis System (DAS). This DAS does not contain all variables collected as part of NELS:88/94 or collected in previous waves of the study, but does contain most of those which are of interest to analysts for descriptive purposes.
The NELS:88/94 DAS includes all variables used to generate the third follow-up descriptive summary report, which is included on this CD as ASCII text and WordPerfect 6.1 files. (The DAS TPF parameter files used to create the tables in the descriptive summary report can also be found on the CD.) The descriptive summary report is available here or from GPO or ERIC. Files for the third follow-up methodology report are also included on the CD.
In addition to the NELS:88/94 DAS, similar software are included on this CD for both cohorts of the High School and Beyond study and the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972.
For questions about the content of this CDROM, please contact Dennis Carroll at Dennis.Carroll@ed.gov.