How Low Income Undergraduates Financed Postsecondary
- See Laura Horn, Undergraduates Who Work While Enrolled in Postsecondary
Education: 1989-90 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, National
Center for Education Statistics, 1994), NCES 94-311, for a description of how
much undergraduates work while enrolled.
- The College Board, Washington Office, Trends in Student Aid: 1984 to
1994 (Washington, D.C.: 1994),4.
- See appendix B for more information on NPSAS and BPS.
- Income is defined as the sum of adjusted gross income and untaxed
- U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract
of the United States: 1994 (Washington, D.C.: 1994), 480. The 1991 income was
used to determine a student s eligibility for financial aid in 1992-93.
- Single independent students are more precisely independents without
dependents, and therefore could include students who are married but separated
and therefore technically not single. However, the term single independents
is used in this report because it is less cumbersome and easier to distinguish
from independents with dependents.
- The Higher Education Amendments of 1992 changed the definition of
independent, making it more difficult for students less than 24 years old to
file financial aid applications as independents. Starting in 1993-94, it was no
longer possible for students to apply for financial aid as independents on the
grounds they were not claimed as tax exemptions for 2 years and could document
resources of more than $4,000 per year.
- As shown in figure 3 and table 3, 64 percent of low income students
and 79 percent of other students were white, non-Hispanic, leaving 36 percent
and 21 percent, respectively, minority.
- The 1989-90 data are reported here because these questions were not
asked in NPSAS:93. The BPS students whose persistence and attainment are
examined later were part of NPSAS:90.
- For comments on the current state of need analysis, see National
Association of Student Financial Administrators, Need Analysis: Does it Still
Work? (Washington, D.C.), June 1995.
- U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistics, 1992-93 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:93),
Undergraduate Data Analysis System.
- It should be pointed out that only 30 percent of low income students
attending private, for-profit institutions were enrolled full time for a full
year; most were enrolled in programs lasting less than 1 year. Thus, the
majority of students at private, for-profit institutions would not be paying
tuition as high as $13,000 for their programs. U.S. Department of Education,
, 1992-93 National Postsecondary Student
Aid Study (NPSAS:93), Data Analysis System.
- All differences for independent students were statistically
significant except for single independent students at private, for-profit
- Dependency status is relevant because dependents, single independents,
and independents with dependents have different minimum contributions and are
subject to different rules about how their income and assets are treated.
- The maximum Pell grant was also limited by educational costs. Students
at low-tuition public institutions were not always eligible for the maximum
- The difference in the average Pell grant at private, not-for-profit
4-year and less-than-4-year institutions was not statistically significant.
- This includes students without aid. Because 99 percent of all
full-time, full-year low income students had financial need and thus would have
been eligible for financial aid, it seemed more appropriate to include all of
them in the calculation of the ratios in this table, rather than to limit the
calculation to just those who received aid.
- The average unmet need was somewhat lower than the gap between net
costs and the EFC. This can be explained by the fact that unmet need is
calculated with reference to the institutionally determined budget (which
averaged $10,900, table 7), while net costs are calculated with reference to
student-reported costs (which averaged $12,600).
- Considering low income students separately by dependency status, the
difference was statistically significant for independents with dependents, but
not for dependents or single independents.
- U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education
Statistics, 1992-93 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:93),
Undergraduate Data Analysis System.
- Appendix B contains a description of the means adjustment method. A
logistic regression model would be an alternative to a linear regression model.
- It should be noted, however, that income and borrowing are likely to
be related. In addition, for dependent students, parental education and income
are related.
- Other excluded institutions were those offering only avocational,
recreational, or remedial courses; those offering only in-house business
courses; those offering only programs of less than 3 month s duration; and those
offering only correspondence courses.
- The NPSAS sample is not a simple random sample and, therefore, simple
random sample techniques for estimating sampling error cannot be applied to
these data. The DAS takes into account the complexity of the sampling procedures
and calculates standard errors appropriate for such samples. The method for
computing sampling errors used by the DAS involves approximating the estimator
by the linear terms of a Taylor series expansion. The procedure is typically
referred to as the Taylor series method.
- The standard that p<=.05/k for each comparison is more stringent
than the criterion that the significance level of the comparisons should sum to
p<=.05. For tables showing the t statistic required to ensure that p<=.05/k
for a particular family size and degrees of freedom, see Olive Jean Dunn,
Multiple Comparisons Among Means, Journal of the American Statistical
Association 56: 52-64.
- Although the DAS simplifies the process of making regression models,
it also limits the range of models. Analysts who wish to use different error
assumptions than pairwise or to estimate probit/logit models can apply for a
restricted data license from NCES.
- The adjustment procedure and its limitations are described in C.J.
Skinner, D. Holt, and T.M.F. Smith, eds. Analysis of Complex Surveys (New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1989).
[Appendix B]
[Table of Contents]