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Public and Private School Principle in the United States: A Statistical Profile, 1987-88 to 1993-94
Table B15.-Standard errors for Table A15:  Percentage of public and private school principals 
           by sex, by prior experience in teaching and other specified education roles:  
           1987-88, 1990-91, and 1993-94
                                                       All                               Male                              Female
                                        ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------  
Experience area                           1987-88    1990-91    1993-94      1987-88    1990-91    1993-94      1987-88    1990-91    1993-94
 Teacher                                    0.15       0.16       0.17         0.16       0.18       0.25         0.32       0.26       0.33
 Department head                            0.50       0.68       0.52         0.55       0.75       0.56         1.02       1.35       0.89
 Curriculum specialist or coordinator        (a)        (a)       0.54          (a)        (a)       0.52          (a)        (a)       1.13
 Assistant principal or program director    0.51       0.78       0.66         0.63       0.92       0.86         1.19       1.47       1.30
 Guidance counselor                         0.37       0.38       0.38         0.45       0.46       0.40         0.77       0.66       0.69
 Library media specialist/librarian          (a)        (a)       0.17          (a)        (a)       0.14          (a)        (a)       0.35
 Athletic coach                             0.52       0.70       0.60         0.62       0.92       0.72         0.60       0.44       0.50
 Student club sponsor                       0.50       0.58       0.60         0.58       0.69       0.61         0.90       1.10       1.12
 Other                                       (a)       0.66       0.64          (a)       0.69       0.70          (a)       1.84       1.29
 Teacher                                    1.15       1.06       1.10         2.04       1.98       1.88         0.73       0.80       1.37
 Department head                            1.22       1.21       0.83         1.40       1.61       1.30         1.58       1.55       1.11
 Curriculum specialist or coordinator        (a)        (a)       0.73          (a)        (a)       0.78          (a)        (a)       1.08
 Assistant principal or program director    1.30       1.11       0.80         1.78       1.51       1.50         1.79       1.83       1.39
 Guidance counselor                         0.66       0.70       0.56         1.18       1.14       0.84         0.66       0.79       0.84
 Library media specialist/librarian          (a)        (a)       0.24          (a)        (a)       0.14          (a)        (a)       0.44
 Athletic coach                             1.01       0.84       0.68         1.68       1.55       1.30         0.52       0.74       0.58
 Student club sponsor                       1.07       0.92       0.84         1.40       1.49       1.21         1.53       1.34       1.00
 Other                                       (a)       1.03       0.94          (a)       1.44       1.40          (a)       1.38       1.42
(a) Item not included on SASS instrument that year.
NOTE:  Multiple responses are possible because most principals have more than one prior experience.
SOURCE:  U.S. Department of Education, , Schools and Staffing Survey:  1987-88 (School 
Administrator Questionnaire), 1990-91 (Public and Private School Administrator Questionnaires), and 1993-94 (Public and Private School 
Principal Questionnaires).

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