Public and Private School Principle in the United States: A Statistical Profile, 1987-88 to 1993-94
Table A1.Number and percentage of public and private school principals, by sex,
race-ethnicity, and age: 1987-88, 1990-91, and 1993-94
1987-88 1990-91 1993-94
--------------- ---------------- ----------------
Principal characteristics Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 103,291 100 102,771 100 104,634 100
Male 70,853 68.6 66,896 65.1 63,719 60.9
Female 32,437 31.4 35,875 34.9 40,915 39.1
American Indian/
Alaska Native 946 0.9 824 0.8 762 0.7
Islander 637 0.6 670 0.7 787 0.8
Black non-Hispanic 7,433 7.2 7,412 7.2 9,078 8.7
White non-Hispanic 91,087 88.2 90,161 87.7 90,214 86.2
Hispanic 3,186 3.1 3,704 3.6 3,793 3.6
Total minority 12,203 11.8 12,610 12.3 14,419 13.8
Under 35 6,291 6.1 4,950 4.8 4,194 4
35-39 15,909 15.4 11,786 11.5 8,850 8.5
40-44 23,252 22.5 25,932 25.2 22,004 21.0
45-49 21,074 20.4 22,644 22.0 30,290 28.9
50-54 17,982 17.4 18,372 17.9 21,132 20.2
55 or over 18,782 18.2 19,087 18.6 18,164 17.4
Average age 46.4 47.0 47.5
Table A1.Number and percentage of public and private school principals, by sex,
race-ethnicity, and age: 1987-88, 1990-91, and 1993-94(continued)
Public Private
------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
1987-88 1990-91 1993-94 1987-88 1990-91 1993-94
--------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------
Principal characteristics Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Total 77,890 100 78,890 100 79,618 100 25,401 100 23,881 100 25,015 100
Male 58,700 75.4 55,256 70.0 52,114 65.5 12,154 47.8 11,640 48.7 11,606 46.4
Female 19,190 24.6 23,634 30.0 27,505 34.5 13,247 52.2 12,241 51.3 13,410 53.6
American Indian/
Alaska Native 836 1.1 700 0.9 631 0.8 110 0.4 124 0.5 131 0.5
Islander 391 0.5 529 0.7 620 0.8 246 1 140 0.6 168 0.7
Black non-Hispanic 6,655 8.5 6,770 8.6 8,018 10.1 778 3.1 642 2.7 1,060 4.2
White non-Hispanic 67,460 86.6 67,794 85.9 67,081 84.2 23,628 93 22,366 93.7 23,133 92.5
Hispanic 3,548 3.3 3,097 3.9 3,269 4.1 639 2.5 607 2.5 524 2.1
Total minority 10,430 13.4 11,096 14.1 12,537 15.7 1,773 7 1,514 6.3 1,882 7.5
Under 35 3,376 4.3 2,490 3.2 1,831 2.3 2,916 11.5 2,460 10.3 2,364 9.4
35-39 11,160 14.3 8,205 10.4 5,708 7.2 4,749 18.7 3,581 15.0 3,142 12.6
40-44 17,855 22.9 20,730 26.2 17,289 21.7 5,396 21.2 5,201 21.8 4,715 18.8
45-49 16,528 21.2 18,319 23.2 25,396 31.9 4,546 17.9 4,325 18.1 4,894 19.6
50-54 14,989 19.2 15,079 19.1 17,160 21.6 2,993 11.8 3,293 13.8 3,971 15.9
55 or over 13,980 17.9 14,067 17.8 12,234 15.4 4,802 18.9 5,020 21.0 5,930 23.7
Average age 46.8 47.2 47.7 45.4 46.4 47.1
NOTE: Details may not add to totals or 100 percent due to rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, , Schools and
Staffing Survey: 1987-88 (School Administrator Questionnaire), 1990-91 (Public and Private School
Administrator Questionnaires), and 1993-94