Education in States and Nations: 1991

(ESN) Table 18b: Percentage of public school 8th-graders who report spending 2 hours or more on homework daily and watching 2 hours or more of television daily, by state: 1992

         Percent of students who do         Percent of students who
                    2 hours or more                watch TV 2 hours
State             of homework daily                   or more daily
Alabama                          26                              90
Arizona                          20                              83
Arkansas                         23                              90
California                       31                              83
Colorado                         25                              79
Connecticut                      34                              84
Delaware                         23                              89
District of Columbia             32                              93
Florida                          25                              87
Georgia                          23                              88
Hawaii                           29                              89
Idaho                            20                              80
Indiana                          20                              85
Iowa                             19                              84
Kentucky                         21                              88
Louisiana                        31                              90
Maine                            32                              82
Maryland                         26                              89
Massachusetts                    34                              82
Michigan                         24                              88
Minnesota                        20                              82
Mississippi                      27                              90
Missouri                         22                              88
Nebraska                         21                              86
New Hampshire                    31                              80
New Jersey                       31                              85
New Mexico                       25                              84
New York                         30                              85
North Carolina                   26                              88
North Dakota                     26                              83
Ohio                             23                              85
Oklahoma                         25                              88
Pennsylvania                     20                              84
Rhode Island                     26                              86
South Carolina                   26                              88
Tennessee                        24                              89
Texas                            28                              85
Utah                             21                              72
Virginia                         27                              87
West Virginia                    20                              89
Wisconsin                        21                              81
Wyoming                          20                              78

NOTE: The states of Alaska, Illinois, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, and Washington did not participate in the 1992 NAEP Trial State Assessment, the source for these data.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Data Compendium for the NAEP 1992 Mathematics Assessment of the Nation and the States, Tables 13.4 and 13.14.

Table 18a Processes and Institutions Indicators Indicator 19