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Education in States and Nations: 1991

(ESN) Table 18a: Percentage of 13-year-old students who report spending 2 hours or more on homework daily and watching 2 hours or more of television daily, by country: 1991

             Percent of students who do      Percent of students who
                        2 hours or more             watch TV 2 hours
Country               of homework daily                or more daily
Sao Paulo and Fortaleza, Brazil      47                           72
Canada                               27                           82
China                                44                           35
England                              33                           83
France                               55                           49
Hungary                              58                           89
Ireland                              63                           71
Israel                               50                           89
Emilia Romagna, Italy                79                           74
Jordan                               56                           65
Korea                                41                           76
Portugal                             30                           78
Scotland                             14                           90
Slovenia                             28                           68
Soviet Union                         52                           88
Spain                                64                           74
Switzerland                          20                           59
Taiwan                               41                           68
United States                        29                           84

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 18 for details on data and sample sizes from Canada, Emilia Romagna (Italy), England, Israel, Portugal, Scotland, the Soviet Union, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States; and for discussions of student time spent doing homework and watching television, the International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP), the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), and comparing the IAEP and the NAEP.

SOURCE: Educational Testing Service, International Assessment of Educational Progress, Learning Mathematics, Figure 4.3.

Figure 18b Processes and Institutions Indicators Table 18b