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EDUCATION INDICATORS: An International Perspective

Notes on Figures and Tables for Indicator 44


Expenditure for higher education includes expenditure for vocational secondary education, as it is taught in institutions of higher education, and are from 1991-92. Expenditures for preprimary and secondary education and private higher education are from 1990-91.

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom

Expenditures represent total public expenditure (i.e., include capital expenditure and debt services) and are derived from public education expenditure per GDP figure.

Austria and the Czech Republic

See supplemental note for Indicator 43.


Expenditure for preprimary education is included in expenditure for
primary and secondary education.


Expenditure data for publicly supported private schools include capital expenditures.


Public education expenditures are derived from total education expenditure figure, using a public/private ratio from 1991.

Public/private ratio reported for "all levels" is used for both primary-secondary and higher education.

Figures include daycare and preschool education (and meals) provided for
3-6-year-olds, in daycare centers, generally 8 to 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.

West Germany (former)

Includes contributions to the pension funds of teachers who are civil servants.

Expenditure data for publicly supported private schools include capital expenditures.

For preprimary, primary, and secondary levels, figures refer to public institutions only.

For higher education shares of enrollments have not been calculated because enrollments cannot be distinguished between public and private institutions.

New Zealand

All expenditure figures are derived from figure for public education expenditure per GDP, multiplied by current/total expenditure ratio for total public and private education expenditures.


Expenditure data for publicly supported private schools include capital expenditures.


Public expenditure for education is underestimated because a large part of the pension costs is not included.


Preprimary and higher education figures include capital expenditures.


Expenditure data for publicly supported private schools include capital expenditures.

Expenditure data include only net expenditures for ancillary services.

United Kingdom

Excludes expenditure on nursing and paramedical education.