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EDUCATION INDICATOR: An International Perspective

Indicator 45: Source of Funds for Education

Tracing the path of education expenditures back to their origin uncovers the level or levels of government and the sources (private and public) that bear primary responsibility for financing a country's education system. The initial source of money for education sometimes differs from the ultimate spender. For example, though local school districts in the United States generally operate and fund the local public schools, much of the financing arrives in the form of transfers from state governments. Some of the state money, in turn, arrives in the form of transfers from the federal government. The initial sources of those transferred funds, then, are state and federal governments. Likewise, the initial source of funds spent on public schools can be either public or private. Student tuition and fees are one example of a private source of public expenditure. Funding by private firms of youth apprenticeship programs in Germany and Austria is another example. Moreover, the initial source of funds spent on private schools can be either public or private. Unlike the United States, many other industrialized countries maintain large numbers of privately operated schools that are mostly or entirely publicly funded.

Sidebar: What is "public" and "private" education?

Table 45a: Distribution of public and private expenditure on primary and secondary education, by initial source of funds and country: 1992

			  Percent of all expenditure	     Percent of public expenditure
			  --------------------------	--------------------------------------------
Country 		Private sources	Public sources	Central		Regional	Local
Canada                   4.5             95.5             2.4           63.8            33.8
France                   6.6             93.4            74.8           11.7            13.5
West Germany (former)   38.7             61.3             0.6           80.2            19.1
Italy                    3.3             96.7            79.0            4.8            16.1
Japan                    8.9             91.1            24.5           75.5            -
United Kingdom           5.1             94.9             6.5             -             93.5
United States            9.1             90.9             7.6           47.9            44.5
Australia               -               -                28.9           71.0             0.1
Austria 11.1            88.9             69.4            10.4           20.2
Belgium                  0.4             99.6            -              95.7             4.3
Czech Republic          10.5             89.5            68.4            -              31.6
Denmark                 -               100.0            28.4           11.4            60.2
Finland*                -               -                70.6            -              29.4
Hungary                  6.7             93.3            71.8            -              28.2
Ireland                  4.9             95.1            95.7            -               0.1
Netherlands             -               100.0            96.4            -               3.6
New Zealand		-		-		100.0		-		-
Norway			-		100.0		-		-		-
Spain                   12.2             87.8            48.3           44.6             6.3
Sweden			-		100.0		-		-		-
Switzerland              6.8             93.2             3.4           52.2            44.4

-Not available or not applicable.
*Public proportion is 92.3 percent for all levels of education.

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 45 for details on indicator calculation for Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the European Community countries, Finland, the former West Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom and methodology for adjusting inflation rates.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Center for Educational Research and Innovation, International Indicators Project, 1995.

Table 45b: Distribution of public and private expenditure at the higher education level, by initial source of funds and country: 1992

			  Percent of all expenditure	    Percent of public expenditure 
     			------------------------------	-----------------------------------------------
Country	 		Private sources	Public sources	Central		Regional	Local
Canada                   2.6             97.4            29.4            70.6            0.0
France                   8.9             91.1            91.6             4.8            3.6
West Germany (former)    0.0            100.0            16.0            83.1            0.8
Italy                   29.3             70.7            99.6            -               0.6
Japan                   60.3             39.7            86.0            14.0            -
United Kingdom           0.0            100.0            93.6             0.0            6.4
United States           45.5             54.5            36.2            57.9            5.9
Australia                0.0            100.0            73.5            26.4            0.0
Austria                 19.2             80.8            98.8             0.3            0.9
Belgium                  1.0             99.0             0.0            99.6            0.4
Czech Republic          11.4             88.6           100.0             0.0             -
Denmark                  1.2             98.8            87.8             1.3           10.1
Finland1                -               -                91.7             0.0            8.3
Hungary                  6.0             94.0           100.0           -                0.0
Ireland2                16.7             83.3            77.4             0.0            0.0
Netherlands              0.0            100.0           100.0             0.0            0.0
New Zealand             -               -               100.0             0.0            0.0
Norway                   0.0            100.0           -               -               -
Spain                   16.6             83.4            49.0            50.0            0.9
Sweden                   0.7             99.3            -               -               -
Switzerland             19.8             80.2            44.5            54.7            0.7
Turkey                   4.1             95.9            -               -               -

-Not available or applicable.
1/ Public proportion is 92.3 percent for all levels of education.
2/ The other source of funds for Ireland is the European Community.

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 45 for details on indicator calculation for Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the European Community countries, Finland, the former West Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom and the methodology for adjusting inflation rates.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Center for Educational Research and Innovation, International Indicators Project, 1995.

Figure 45a: Distribution of public education expenditure on primary and secondary education, by initial source of funds and G-7 country,1,2 1992

Figure 45a

1/ No data available for the United Kingdom.
2/ Countries are sorted in descending order by percentage of funds raised at the local level.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Center for Educational Research and Innovation, International Indicators Project, 1995.

Figure 45b: Distribution of public and private education expenditure at the higher education level, by initial source of funds and G-7 country: 1992

Figure 45b

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Center for Educational Research and Innovation, International Indicators Project, 1995.

See Supplemental Notes on Figure and Tables.

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