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EDUCATION INDICATORS: An International Perspective

Indicator 10: Adult Literacy

In recent years, adult literacy has come to be seen as one of the fundamental tools necessary for successful economic performance in industrialized societies. Literacy is no longer defined merely in terms of a basic threshold of reading ability. As society becomes more complex and low-skill jobs continue to disappear, the concern about adults' ability to use written information to function in society continues to rise. For the purpose of this indicator, "literacy" is defined as the ability to understand and employ printed information in daily activitiesat home, at work, and in the communityto achieve one's goals and to develop one's knowledge and potential. Within countries, literacy levels are affected by both the quality and quantity of the population's formal education, as well as their participation in informal learning activities throughout their lives.

Sidebar: International adult literacy

Table 10a: Percentage distribution of the population across
literacy levels, by country: 1994

Country		       Level 1 Level 2 Level 3	Level 4/5
				 Prose scale
Canada			16.6	25.6	35.1	22.7
Germany			14.4	34.2	38.0	13.4
United States		20.7	25.9	32.4	21.1
Netherlands		10.5	30.1	44.1	15.3
Poland                  42.6    34.5    19.8     3.1
Sweden                   7.5    20.3    39.7    32.4
Switzerland (French)	17.6	33.7	38.6	10.0
Switzerland (German)    19.3    35.7    36.1     8.9
				Document scale
Canada			18.2	24.7	32.1	25.1
Germany                  9.0    32.7    39.5    18.9
United States		23.7	25.9	31.4	19.0
Netherlands		10.1	25.7	44.2	20.0
Poland                  45.4    30.7    18.0     5.8
Sweden                   6.2    18.9    39.4    35.5
Switzerland (French)	16.2	28.8	38.9	16.0
Switzerland (German)	18.1	29.1	36.6	16.1
				Quantitative scale
Canada			16.9	26.1	34.8	22.2
Germany                  6.7    26.6    43.2    23.5
United States		21.0	25.3	31.3	22.5
Netherlands		10.3	25.5	44.3	19.9
Poland                  39.1    30.1    23.9     6.8
Sweden                   6.6    18.6    39.0    35.8
Switzerland (French)	12.9	24.5	42.2	20.4
Switzerland (German)	14.2	26.2	40.7	19.0

*No data available for France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 10 for descriptions of the literacy scales and
proficiency levels for the International Adult Literacy Survey.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Statistics Canada, Literacy, Economy, and Society: Results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey, 1995.

Table 10b: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by educational attainment and country: 1994

			Prose scale	Document scale	Quantitative scale
			-----------	--------------	------------------
			      Level 4 	        Level 4		 Level 4
Country		      Level 1 or above Level 1 or above	Level 1	or above
					Lower secondary
Canada                  22.2    8.1     23.2    10.3   23.1      7.8
Germany			17.5	7.9	10.5	12.0	7.6	17.2
United States           44.7    2.8     45.2     5.9   44.7      4.5
Netherlands		11.9	4.9	11.2	8.8	11.9	10.9
Poland                  42.5    1.8     46.9    4.0     39.4     4.1
Sweden                   7.0   25.0     68.0   30.8      7.1    31.1
Switzerland (French)    28.9    0.0     31.1    2.1     22.6     4.0
Switzerland (German)    34.2    4.2     31.6   10.3     22.0    12.7
					Upper secondary
Canada			10.0	19.5	10.5	24.1	8.8	16.6
Germany                  7.9    14.0     4.7    25.1    4.1     25.7
United States           16.9    13.9    21.2    12.6   18.4     14.5
Netherlands              2.7    18.8     2.9    26.5    2.7     23.2
Poland                  24.9     2.3    27.8     6.8   20.9     10.1
Sweden                   5.7    31.1     3.9    34.9    4.8     34.8
Switzerland (French)    11.1     9.1     9.0    14.8    5.6     22.0
Switzerland (German)    11.0     9.8     9.7    16.5    6.9     19.2
				Higher education (nonuniversity)
Canada                   4.4    27.7     4.2    39.1    4.2     26.4
Germany                  4.1    32.6     4.7    26.8    2.7     26.9
United States            9.5    25.8    11.7    24.0    8.8     26.8
Netherlands		 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -
Poland                  11.8     8.6    16.4    12.1   15.5     11.1
Sweden                   1.4    45.8     1.1    50.1    0.6     46.3
Switzerland (French)     7.0    10.7     2.0    30.6    3.2     31.2
Switzerland (German)     6.8     9.0     5.1    20.9    3.7     27.9

Table 10b: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by educational attainment and country: 1994-Continue

	                Prose scale    Document scale  Quantitative scale
			-----------    --------------  ----------------------
		              Level 4           Level 4         Level 4
Country		     Level 1 or above  Level 1 or above	Level 1	or above
Higher education (university)
Canada			0.2	59.1	3.3	48.1	2.2	64.0
Germany			4.0	39.6	1.1	46.2	2.0	56.2
United States	 	4.9	47.5	6.7	41.1	4.9	51.8
Netherlands		1.3	34.5	1.3	34.9	1.7	39.3
Poland                 11.2     16.4   15.6     22.0    9.1     26.5
Sweden			0.7	60.7	0.7	61.4	1.0	63.7
Switzerland (French)	4.8	32.4	4.9	40.1	4.2	41.4
Switzerland (German)	6.7	25.5	6.8	38.4	6.8	38.9

-Data not available. *No data available for France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 10 for descriptions of the literacy scales and proficiency levels for the International Adult Literacy Survey.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Statistics Canada, Literacy, Economy, and Society: Results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey, 1995.

Table 10c: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by age and country: 1994

			Prose scale      Document scale   Quantitative scale  
			-----------	---------------	  -------------------
                            Level 4            Level 4          Level 4
Country                Level 1 or above Level 1 or above Level 1 or above
					Age 16-25
Canada                  10.7    19.9    10.4      31.0      10.1    16.7
Germany                  8.9    15.4     5.2      22.8       4.4    22.0
United States             -       -       -         -         -       -
Netherlands              8.3    19.5     6.1      26.0       7.7    21.1
Poland                  26.7     5.9    32.2       8.5      29.6     6.7
Sweden                   3.8    39.7     3.1      40.7       4.9    38.4
Switzerland (French)    10.5    15.4     8.7      26.0       6.2    25.4
Switzerland (German)     7.3    13.8     7.1      26.3       6.9    22.9
					Age 26-35
Canada                  12.3    26.1    13.5      27.5      12.0    27.5
Germany                 12.4    19.7     5.9      24.9       4.9    28.9
United States           19.6    21.6    21.6      21.0      20.1    23.5
Netherlands             6.4     22.5     5.9      29.3       6.7    28.2
Poland                 35.0      3.7    39.2       7.4      32.7     8.7
Sweden                  4.9     41.7     3.9      47.6       4.0    45.4
Switzerland (French)   11.1     13.0    11.5      21.6       8.8    22.9
Switzerland (German)   16.6     12.0    17.4      23.1      13.1    25.4
					Age 36-45
Canada                 13.3     31.3    13.8      27.4      11.9    30.1
Germany                14.5     14.5     9.5      21.4       6.5    26.3
United States          19.5     29.2    23.5      25.4      18.2    31.6
Netherlands             8.6     14.3     9.2      17.1      10.1    18.9
Poland                 42.0      2.8    42.6       5.7      36.1     8.4
Sweden                  7.1     31.7     6.6      35.4       7.0    35.2
Switzerland (French)   22.1      8.9    19.2      13.7      16.6    21.8
Switzerland (German)   24.2      9.1    21.5      12.0      19.0    16.9

Table 10c: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by age and country: 1994 -Continued

                      Prose scale   Document scale  Quantitative scale
			 -----------   --------------  ------------------  
                          Level 4           Level 4        Level 4
Country               Level 1 or above Level 1 or above Level 1 or above
					Age 46-55
Canada			20.6	18.4	23.0	22.4	23.9	19.0
Germany                 14.2    10.9     7.4    14.5     7.0    24.7
United States		18.3	23.8	21.4	17.3	19.0	23.6
Netherlands             13.9     9.8    12.6    13.7    12.8    16.4
Poland                  53.5     1.0    55.6     4.1    47.7     5.9
Sweden                   8.2    28.2     6.8    30.3     5.8    34.0
Switzerland (French)    20.9     7.9    18.0     9.7    16.1    18.0
Switzerland (German)    19.4     4.2    21.0    10.2    14.8    15.5
					Age 56-65
Canada                  37.6    8.1     43.8    8.7     39.7     7.4
Germany			22.1	4.7	17.7	8.8	10.8	13.5
United States           23.6   14.7     29.3   11.7     22.4    16.0
Netherlands             20.1    4.7     22.6    6.8     17.6     9.3
Poland                  69.5    0.2     70.1    1.4     60.8     2.2
Sweden                  15.9   16.2     12.2   18.5     12.9    22.6
Switzerland (French)	27.7	2.3	27.5	4.6	19.2	11.0
Switzerland (German)	30.4	4.1	22.8	6.7	15.8	10.8

-Data is inaccurate due to problems with sampling this age group and nonresponse. *No data available for France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

NOTE: See supplemental note to Indicator 10 for descriptions of the literacy scales and proficiency levels for the International Adult Literacy Survey.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Statistics Canada, Literacy, Economy, and Society: Results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey, 1995.

Figure 10a: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels, by country:1,2 1994

Figure 10a Figure 10a Figure 10a
1/ Data not available for France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

2/ Countries are sorted in descending order by percentage of the population at literacy levels 4/5 (prose scale only).

NOTE: This chart reads as follows: on the prose scale, 32 percent of adults in Sweden reached level 4 or higher, 72 percent reached level 3 or higher, 92 percent reached level 2 or higher, and 100 percent reached level 1 or higher. For corresponding numbers, see table 10a.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Statistics Canada, Literacy, Economy, and Society: Results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey, 1995.

Figure 10b: Percentage distribution of the population across literacy levels (prose scale), by age and country:1,2 1994

Figure 10b
1/ Data not available for France, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
2/ Countries are sorted in descending order by percentage of the 26- to 35-year-olds' population in literacy levels
4 and 5 (prose scale only).

NOTE: The chart reads as follows: Almost 42 percent of adults aged 26_35 from Sweden attained level 4 or higher on the prose literacy scale, and another 53 percent reached levels 2 or 3. For corresponding numbers, see table 10c.

SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Statistics Canada, Literacy, Economy, and Society: Results of the first International Adult Literacy Survey, 1995.

See Supplemental Notes on Figure and Tables

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