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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1995 / Appendix A: Table A31

Table A31.  Standard errors for Table 31: Status dropout rate, ages 1624, by race-ethnicity and disabling condition(s): October 1995

                                           Status            Percent
                                          dropout               of
Characteristics                             rate            population
                                               White non-Hispanic
Total                                       0.30                
 No disability                              0.31               1.17
 Disabled                                   1.26               1.17
  Learning only                             2.77               0.72
  Learning & other                          5.84               0.45
  All other disabilities                    1.39               0.86
                                               Black non-Hispanic
Total                                       0.75                
 No disability                              0.75               2.10
 Disabled                                   4.34               2.10
  Learning only                                                
  Learning & other                                             
  All other disabilities                    5.37               1.74
Total                                       1.09                
 No disability                              1.12               0.78
 Disabled                                   4.60               0.78
  Learning only                                                
  Learning & other                                             
  All other disabilities                    5.52               0.78
-/ Not applicable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, October 1995, unpublished data.

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