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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1995 / Appendix A: Table A29

Table A29.  Standard errors for Table 29: Rate, number, and distribution of status dropouts, ages 1624, by disabling condition(s): October 1995

                                                     Number of
                                      Status           status           Percent         Percent
                                      dropout         dropouts           of all           of
Characteristics                        rate        (in thousands)       dropouts      population
     Total                             0.29              93                               
Disability status
  No disability                        0.30              89               0.71           0.22
  Disabiled                            1.18              27               0.71           0.22
   Specific learning disability        2.25              16               0.46           0.13
   Learning only                       2.45              14               0.38           0.11
   Learning & other                    5.21              9                0.26           0.06
   All other disabilities              1.38              21               0.57           0.19
 Type of disabling condition
  Blindness                            9.14                                            0.03
  Other vision impairment              1.72              9                0.24           0.11
  Deafness                             7.13              5                0.13           0.04
  Other hearing impairment                                                              
  Orthopedic impairment                3.84              8                0.22           0.07
  Serious emotional disturbance        5.35              9                0.25           0.06
  Speech impairment                    4.97              7                0.19           0.06
  Specific learning disability         2.25              16               0.46           0.13
  Mental retardation                   5.78              9                0.29           0.06
  Mental illness                       11.87                                           0.03
  Other health impairment
    or serious illness                 2.57              13               0.37           0.11
-/ Not applicable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, October 1995, unpublished data.

[Appendix A: Table 28] Previous Table of Contents Next[Appendix A: Table 30]