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Dropout Rates in the United States: 1995 / Appendix A: Table A18

Table A18.  Standard errors for Table 18: Rate, number, and distribution of Hispanic status dropouts, ages 1624, by language spoken at home: October 1995

                                        Number of
                            Status        Status         Percent       Percent
Language                   dropout       dropouts        of all          of
spoken                       rate     (in thousands)    dropouts     population
  Total                      1.64           74                           
    Speaks only English      3.19           29            2.27          1.45
    Speak Spanish            1.88           67            2.27          1.45
-/ Not applicable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, October 1995, unpublished data.

[Appendix A: Table 17] Previous Table of Contents Next[Appendix A: Table 19]