--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event dropout and persistence rate Percent of all dropouts ---------------------------------- ------------------------ Population Population Standard size Standard size Characteristics error (in thousands) error (in thousands) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 0.38 9,509 544 Sex Male 0.55 4,805 3.4 297 Female 0.52 4,704 3.4 247 Raceethnicity\1\ White, non-Hispanic 0.41 6,532 3.4 296 Black, non-Hispanic 1.18 1,458 2.99 93 Hispanic 2.31 1,171 4.55 145 Family income\2\ Low income level 1.46 1,368 3.22 182 Middle income level 0.51 5,328 3.39 305 High income level 0.42 2,813 2.09 57 Region Northeast 0.56 1,778 1.75 54 Midwest 0.65 2,347 2.6 99 South 0.73 3,309 3.45 239 West 0.94 2,075 3.15 153 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Not applicable.
1/ Due to relatively small sample sizes, American Indian/Alaskan Natives and Asian/Pacific Islanders are included in the total but are not shown separately.
2/ Family income in current residence. Low income is defined as the bottom 20 percent of all family incomes for 1994; middle income is between 20 and 80 percent of all family incomes; and high income is the top 20 percent of all family
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, October 1995, unpublished data.