Title: | Intervention Report: Project-Based Inquiry Science |
Description: | This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on Project-Based Inquiry ScienceTM, a curriculum with units in life science, earth science, and physical science that is designed to improve student science achievement in grades 6 to 8. No eligible studies of Project-Based Inquiry ScienceTM met WWC design standards, so the WWC is unable to draw any conclusions at this time about the effectiveness of this program. |
Online Availability: | |
Cover Date: | March 2020 |
Web Release: | March 10, 2020 |
Publication #: | WWC 2020007 |
Center/Program: | WWC |
Associated Centers: | NCEE |
Authors: | WWC |
Type of Product: | Intervention Report |
Keywords: | |
Questions: |
For questions about the content of this Intervention Report, please contact: Jonathan Jacobson. |