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Title: Improving Reading Outcomes for Students with or at Risk for Reading Disabilities: A Synthesis of the Contributions from the Institute of Education Sciences Research Centers
Description: The report describes what has been learned regarding the improvement of reading outcomes for children with or at risk for reading disabilities through research funded by the Institute's National Center for Education Research and National Center for Special Education Research and published in peer-reviewed outlets through December 2011. The synthesis describes contributions to the knowledge base produced by IES-funded research across four focal areas:
  • Assessment: What have we learned about effective identification and assessment of students who have or are at risk for reading difficulties or disabilities?
  • Basic Cognitive and Linguistic Processes: What are the basic cognitive and linguistic processes that support successful reading and how can these skills be improved for students who have or who are at risk for reading disabilities?
  • Intervention: How do we make reading instruction more effective for students who have or are at risk for developing reading disabilities? How do we teach reading to students with low incidence disabilities?
  • Professional Development: How do we bring research-based instructional practices to the classroom?
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2014
Web Release: February 27, 2014
Print Release:
Publication #: NCSER 20143000
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCSER
Type of Product: Research Report
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