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Title: National Center for Education Research Publication Handbook: Publications from funded education research grants FY 2002 to FY 2013 November
Description: Since its inception in 2002, the National Center for Education Research (NCER) in the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has funded over 700 education research grants and over 60 education training grants. The research grants have supported have supported exploratory research to build theory or generate hypotheses on factors that may affect educational outcomes, development and innovation research to create or refine academic interventions, evaluation studies to test the efficacy and effectiveness of interventions, and measurement work to help develop more accurate and valid assessments, and the training grants have helped prepare the next generation of education researchers. NCER‘s education research grantees have focused on the needs of a wide range of students, from pre-kindergarten through postsecondary and adult education, and have tackled a variety of topic areas. The portfolio of research includes cognition, social and behavioral research, math, science, reading, writing, school systems and policies, teacher quality, statistical and research methods, just to name a few.

Each year, our grantees are contributing to the wealth of knowledge across disciplines. What follows is a listing of the publications that these grants have contributed along with a full listing of all the projects funded through NCER's education research grant programs from 2002 to 2013. The publications are presented according to the topic area and arranged by the year that the grant was awarded. Where applicable, we have noted related grant projects and project websites and have provided links to publications that are listed in the IES ERIC database. For grants that do not yet have associated publications in press or published, we include the word Publications as a placeholder to denote where future publications will occur during updates to this document.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: December 2013
Web Release: December 23, 2013
Publication #: NCER 2013PUBS
Center/Program: NCER
Type of Product: Research Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Research Report, please contact:
Vinita Chhabra.