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Title: Understanding Variation in Treatment Effects in Education Impact Evaluations: An Overview of Quantitative Methods
Description: This report summarizes the complex research literature on quantitative methods for assessing how impacts of educational interventions on instructional practices and student learning differ across students, educators, and schools. It also provides technical guidance about the use and interpretation of these methods. The research topics addressed include: subgroup (moderator) analyses based on study participants’ characteristics measured before the intervention is implemented; subgroup analyses based on study participants’ experiences, mediators, and outcomes measured after program implementation; and impact estimation when treatment effects vary. The focus is on randomized controlled trials, but the methods are also applicable to quasi-experimental designs.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: May 2014
Web Release: May 13, 2014
Print Release:
Publication #: NCEE 20144017
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCEE
Type of Product: Technical Methods Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Technical Methods Report, please contact the Webmaster.