Title: |
Addressing Teacher Shortages in Disadvantaged Schools: Lessons From Two Institute of Education Sciences Studies |
Description: |
Two IES studies evaluated teachers from two highly selective alternative routes--Teach For America and the Teaching Fellows programs--and less selective alternative routes that accept nearly all applicants. An evaluation brief discusses the following lessons learned from these two studies:
- Teachers who enter teaching through alternative routes to certification can help fill teacher shortages in hard-to-staff schools and subjects without reducing student achievement.
- Coursework taken while teaching appears to decrease teachers' effectiveness.
- Predicting teacher effectiveness at the time of hiring appears to be difficult.
Online Availability: |
Cover Date: |
September 2013 |
Web Release: |
September 12, 2013 |
Publication #: |
NCEE 20134018
Center/Program: |
Authors: |
Melissa Clark, Sheena McConnell, Jill Constantine, Hanley Chiang |
Type of Product: |
Evaluation Brief |
Keywords: |
Questions: |
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