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Title: 2021 NAEP School and Teacher Questionnaire Special Study

This report describes selected results from the 2021 NAEP School and Teacher Questionnaire Special Study conducted in March and April 2021. Results are based on a survey sample consisting of schools and teachers that serve fourth- and eighth-grade students, and are limited to states/jurisdictions and districts that agreed to participate in the study and met reporting standards. The report provides insight into some of the efforts schools and teachers made during a period of widespread academic disruption, including what support schools provided for distance learning; how schools and teachers supported students to address gaps in learning that may have occurred because of school closures; and how confident teachers were in facing the challenges of distance learning.

Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 2022
Web Release: December 1, 2022
Publication #: NCES 2022068
Center/Program: NCES
Type of Product: Statistical Analysis Report
Survey/Program Areas: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Statistical Analysis Report, please contact:
Grady Wilburn.