Title: | Analyzing U.S. Young Adults' Skills by Student and Employment Status: Methodology for a New PIAAC Variable with Initial Results |
Description: | The Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a cyclical, large-scale study of adult cognitive skills and life experiences. The study focuses on cognitive skills in three domains: literacy, numeracy, and problem solving in technology-rich environments. The purpose of this report is to provide researchers a simple and efficient way of investigating policy issues related to young adults (age 16-34) and their transition into the labor force using PIAAC data. In particular, the report introduces a student-and-employment status variable, explains how this variable was developed, and illustrates the use of the variable, reporting skills by student and employment status. The initial PIAAC 2012/2014 First Look report was released in 2016. |
Online Availability: | |
Cover Date: | June 2018 |
Web Release: | June 19, 2018 |
Publication #: | NCES 2018122 |
Center/Program: | NCES |
Associated Centers: | IES |
Authors: | Stephen Provasnik |
Type of Product: | Data File |
Survey/Program Areas: |
Adult Literacy and Lifeskills (ALL) International Activities Program (IAP) Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) |
Keywords: | |
Questions: |
For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact: Holly Xie. |