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Search Results: (31-41 of 41 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2001323 A Primer for Making Cost Adjustments in Education
This publication was undertaken so that educators, the public, and policymakers might better understand both geographic and inflation adjustments, and how they might be applied to elementary/secondary education. The authors seek to inform these audiences of the differences in expenditures and costs, as well as how both geographic and inflation education cost adjustments can be used to assist in differentiating nominal and real costs. The authors are particularly concerned with approaches, techniques, and adjustments that may either not be appropriate for measuring costs in education, or that are inappropriately applied. In addition, they attempt to show that there is a real virtue to keeping cost adjustment indices as simple and understandable as possible. Cost adjustments for different geographic locations and for inflation are widely accepted and applied outside of elementary and secondary education. Virtually everyone has heard of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, as an inflation index. In addition, the public is also aware of cost-of-living differences between major metropolitan areas, and its effect on attracting workers with additional compensation. Many educators, however, have not yet chosen to implement either geographic or inflation education cost adjustments. Because there may not be a single best cost adjustment, it is important to share the approaches that have been utilized, examining the strengths and weaknesses of each. Because this work presents the view of the authors, and is intended to promote the exchange of ideas among researchers and policymakers, no official support by the U.S. Department of Education or NCES is intended or should be inferred.
NCES 2000309 Teacher Supply in the United States: Sources of Newly Hired Teachers in Public and Private Schools, 1987-88 to 1993-94
An analysis of the 1993-94 Schools and Staffing Survey data on newly hired teachers by supply source. Using the same paradigm as the 1990-91 SASS teacher supply report, this report examines rates of entry from four supply sources and the characteristics and qualifications of each source, with comparisons to the 1987-88 and 1990-91 data.
NCES 1999026 Predicting the Need for Newly Hired Teachers in the United States to 2008-09
This report examines the need for addititional teachers by using information from several Schools and Staffing Surveys. This report finds that approximately 2 million additional teachers will be needed by 2008-09. Some of these additional teachers will be needed to replace teachers leaving the profession and others will be needed as enrollments continue to increase.

Updated projections for the number of new teacher hires may be found at: /programs/projections/projections2018/sec5d.asp.
NCES 97460 America's Teachers: Profile of a Profession, 1993-94
This report addresses a wide range of topics related to teachers and teaching in the United States, including teachers' demographic characteristics and various characteristics of their schools and students, teachers' preparation and professional development experiences, their workloads, teaching practices, compensation, satisfaction with and opinions regarding their working conditions, and the supply and demand of teachers. The analyses presented provide information useful to educators at all levels, policymakers, administrators, parents, and the general public.
NCES 97450 Characteristics of Stayers, Movers, and Leavers: Results from the Teacher Followup Survey: 1994-95
The Teacher Followup Survey is a one-year followup of a sample of teachers who were originally selected for the Teacher Questionnaire in the Schools and Staffing Survey. The 1994-95 Teacher Followup Survey data in this report links responses from the 1994-95 school year to characteristics of those same teachers who participated in the 1993-94 school year SASS.
NCES 95348 Teacher Supply in the U.S.: Sources of Newly Hired Teachers in Public and Private Schools, 1988-1991
An analysis of 1991 SASS data on newly hired teachers by supply pool. Using the same paradigm as the 1988 SASS supply report, this report examines changes in rates of entry from 4 supply pools and qualifications and characteristics of each pool, with comparisons to 1988 data.
NCES 94409 Public Secondary School Teacher Survey on Vocational Education
Results of a survey of public secondary school teachers. It will include descriptive information on vocational education and academic courses in secondary schools. The report will also include data on teachers' educational and professional backgrounds, class activities, and student assessments.
NCES 93424 Teacher Supply in the U.S.: Sources of Newly Hired Teachers in Public and Private Schools
Four sources of new hires are compared in terms of demographics, qualifications, and career patterns. Public and Private data from 1988 SASS.
NCES 93141 E.D. TAB: Selected Tables on Teacher Supply and Demand: 1987-88 and 1988-89
This report will discuss teacher supply and demand issues and present descriptive statistics on aspects of teacher supply and demand. In addition, several models for explaining teacher attrition will be developed and tested.
NCES 93461 Modeling Teacher Supply and Demand, with Commentary
This research and development report describes an effort undertaken to model teacher supply and demand, using logistic regression. It includes commentary from substantive and technical experts on the validity of the modeling effort.
NCES 91470 Careers in Teaching: Following Members of the High School Class of 1972 - In and Out of Teaching
This report makes use of longitudinal information about the careers of individuals from the high school class of 1972 trained to be teachers.
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