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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024251 2023-24 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files, Version 1a
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2023–24 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff full-time equivalent by professional category, as well as student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies, as well as several CCD indicators by state, are also available.
NCEE 2024003 Did the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant Program Reach Its Goals? An Implementation Report
Boosting literacy among school-age children remains a national priority. Nearly one third of students in the United States have not developed the foundational reading skills needed to succeed academically, with students living in poverty, students with disabilities, and English learners especially at risk. Starting in 2010, Congress invested more than $1 billion for state literacy improvement efforts through the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) program. SRCL was intended to focus funding on disadvantaged schools, encourage schools to use evidence-based practices, and support schools and teachers in providing comprehensive literacy instruction. This report assesses how well SRCL implementation was aligned with these goals, using information collected from states, districts, and schools in all 11 states awarded three-year grants in 2017.
NCES 2024022 High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09): A First Look at the 2021 Postsecondary Enrollment, Completion, and Financial Aid Outcomes of Fall 2009 Ninth-Graders
This First Look report provides selected findings from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) Postsecondary Education Administrative Records Collection (PEAR). HSLS:09 follows a nationally representative sample of students who were ninth-graders in fall 2009 from high school into postsecondary education and the workforce. The PEAR data collection was conducted in 2021, approximately 8 years after high school graduation for most of the cohort. These data provide information on whether fall 2009 ninth-graders enrolled in postsecondary education by June 2021, and allow researchers to examine enrollment characteristics, degree completion, and financial aid awards for the subset of fall 2009 ninth-graders who enrolled in postsecondary education.
NCES 2024151 2022-23 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files, Version 1a
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2022–23 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff full-time equivalent by professional category, as well as student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies, as well as several CCD indicators by state, are also available.
NCES 2023013 User’s Manual for the MGLS:2017 Data File, Restricted-Use Version
This manual provides guidance and documentation for users of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) restricted-use school and student data files (NCES 2023-131). An overview of MGLS:2017 is followed by chapters on the study data collection instruments and methods; direct and indirect student assessment data; sample design and weights; response rates; data preparation; data file content, including the composite variables; and the structure of the data file. Appendices include a psychometric report, a guide to scales, field test reports, and school and student file variable listings.
NCES 2023040 High School Counseling and College Financial Aid
This Data Point uses data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), a national study of more than 23,000 ninth-graders in 2009. Students answered surveys between 2009 and 2016. College transcripts and financial aid records were collected in 2017–18 in the Postsecondary Education Transcript Study and Student Financial Aid Records Collection (PETS-SR).This Data Point investigates whether students who expected to go to college after high school meet with a high school counselor about financial aid and completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and if meetings and completion vary varied by parental education. It also describes whether students who meet with a high school counselor about financial aid received need-based or merit-based grants in college.
NCES 2023152 2021-22 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files, Provisional Version 1a
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2021–22 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff counts by professional category, as well as student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of students eligible for free and reduced-price lunch. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies, as well as several CCD indicators by state, are also available.
NCES 2023010 NAEP Reading 2022 State and District Snapshot Reports
Each state/jurisdiction and district that participated in the NAEP 2022 reading assessment receives a one-page Snapshot report that presents key findings and trends in a condensed format. The reports in this series provide bulleted text describing overall student results, bar charts showing NAEP achievement levels for selected years in which the state or district participated, and tables displaying results by gender, race/ethnicity, and eligibility for free/reduced-price lunch. In addition, bulleted text describes the trends in average scale score gaps by gender, race/ethnicity, and eligibility for free/reduced-price lunch. Each state/jurisdiction Snapshot report includes a map comparing the 2022 average score to other states/jurisdictions; and each district Snapshot report includes a table comparing the 2022 average score to other participating districts.
NCES 2023011 NAEP Mathematics 2022 State and District Snapshot Reports
Each state/jurisdiction and district that participated in the NAEP 2022 mathematics assessment receives a one-page Snapshot report that presents key findings and trends in a condensed format. The reports in this series provide bulleted text describing overall student results, bar charts showing NAEP achievement levels for selected years in which the state or district participated, and tables displaying results by gender, race/ethnicity, and eligibility for free/reduced-price lunch. In addition, bulleted text describes the trends in average scale score gaps by gender, race/ethnicity, and eligibility for free/reduced-price lunch. Each state/jurisdiction Snapshot report includes a map comparing the 2022 average score to other states/jurisdictions; and each district Snapshot report includes a table comparing the 2022 average score to other participating districts.
NCES 2022144 Condition of Education 2022
The Condition of Education 2022 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2022009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2020
The 56th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2022152 2020-21 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2020-21 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff counts by professional category, and student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of student eligible for free and reduced-price lunches. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies as well as several CCD indicators, by state are also available to users.
NCES 2021411 One Year Later: Relationship Between 2015–16 Bachelor's Degree Recipient Enrollment in Further Education and Pell Grant Receipt
This Data Point uses data from the 2016/17 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B: 16/17) to examine how Pell Grants for bachelor’s degrees relate to later education.
NCES 2021144 Condition of Education 2021
The Condition of Education 2021 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2021150 2019-20 Common Core of Data (CCD) Universe Files
These files are the product of the CCD data collection for the 2019-20 school year. Data are reported at state, district, and school levels and include staff counts by professional category, and student membership disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, and sex. Also included are school-level counts of student eligible for free and reduced-price lunches. Along with the data files, four web tables summarizing select CCD data elements including the number and status of schools and local education agencies as well as several CCD indicators, by state are also available to users.
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