Search Results: (16-30 of 176 records)
Pub Number | Title | Date |
NCES 2022718 | Documentation for the 2017-18 National Teacher and Principal Survey
The 2017-18 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) collected data on public and private elementary and secondary schools across the nation. The Documentation report provides information about all phases of the NTPS, from survey questionnaire revisions to survey data collection and all phases of data processing. |
11/2/2022 |
NCES 2022144 | Condition of Education 2022
The Condition of Education 2022 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress. |
5/31/2022 |
NCES 2022018 | Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Restricted-Use Data for School Year 2019-20
Restricted-Use data for the 2019-20 Private School Universe Survey in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and text. Includes file documentation and a copy of the questionnaire. |
3/8/2022 |
NCES 2022022 | Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Public-Use Data for School Year 2019-20
Public-Use data for the 2019-20 Private School Universe Survey in three formats: SAS, SPSS, and text. Includes file documentation and a copy of the questionnaire. |
2/22/2022 |
NCES 2022019 | Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Education in the United States (Preliminary Data): Results from the 2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS)
The 2020–21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) collected data on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on public and private schools, principals, and teachers during the 2019–20 school year. The report presents selected findings, using preliminary data, from coronavirus-related questions that were focused on how schools adapted to the coronavirus pandemic during the spring of 2019–20. |
2/22/2022 |
NCES 2022009 | Digest of Education Statistics, 2020
The 56th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. |
2/10/2022 |
NCES 2022017 | Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Restricted-Use Data File User’s Manual for School Year 2019–20
User's Manual for 2019-20 restricted-use data file including codebook. |
1/27/2022 |
NCES 2022021 | Private School Universe Survey (PSS): Public-Use Data File User’s Manual for School Year 2019–20
User's Manual for the 2019-20 PSS public-use data file, including code book. |
1/27/2022 |
NCES 2021061 | Characteristics of Private Schools in the United States: Results From the 2019-20 Private School Universe Survey
This First Look report provides selected findings from the 2019–20 Private School Universe Survey (PSS) regarding private schools that were in operation during the 2019-20 school year. The data include information on school size, school level, religious orientation, association membership, geographic region, community type, and program emphasis. The PSS collects nonfiscal data biennially from the universe of private schools in the United States with grades kindergarten through twelve. |
9/22/2021 |
NCES 2021091 | Principals’ Perceptions of Influence Over Decisions at Their Schools in 2017–18
This Data Point examines the relationship between public and private school principals’ perceived influence over various decisions made at their schools before the coronavirus pandemic. This information was reported by U.S private and public school principals on the principal survey of the 2017–18 National Teacher and Principal Survey. |
7/27/2021 |
NCES 2021046 | Teacher Training to Meet Diverse Student Needs Before Entering the Classroom: Teacher Preparation in 2017-18
This Data Point looks at preservice coursework taken by public and private school teachers to meet the needs of diverse student populations before the coronavirus pandemic. Preservice coursework, part of teacher preparation, is completed by U.S. private and public school teachers before their first year teaching. This information was reported by public and private school teachers on the 2017–18 National Teacher and Principal Survey. |
7/20/2021 |
NCES 2021054 | Teacher Requirements to Help Students Outside Regular School Hours in 2017–18
This Data Point examines whether teachers were required to help students with their academic or social and emotional needs outside regular school hours in public and private schools in the United States in school year 2017-18, by selected school classification. |
6/29/2021 |
NCES 2021144 | Condition of Education 2021
The Condition of Education 2021 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress. |
5/25/2021 |
REL 2021071 | Do College and Career Readiness and Early College Success in Indiana Vary Depending on Whether Students Attend Public, Charter, or Private Voucher High Schools?
Indiana has a robust portfolio of high school options, including traditional public schools, charter schools, and private voucher schools that accept Indiana Choice Scholarships. This study identified the type of high school enrollment among students enrolled in grade 9 in 2010/11–2013/14 and examined their performance on indicators of college and career readiness and early college success. Charter school students and recipients of private school vouchers (voucher recipients) were most likely to belong to disadvantaged groups. After adjusting for student and high school background factors, students at private voucher schools who did not receive vouchers (nonvoucher students) performed similarly to or better than students in traditional public and charter schools on most indicators of college and career readiness; voucher recipients performed similarly to or better than students in traditional public schools; and among students who enrolled in an Indiana public college, students from all enrollment types performed similarly on indicators of early college success. |
3/15/2021 |
NCES 2021009 | Digest of Education Statistics, 2019
The 55th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons. |
2/25/2021 |
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