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Search Results: (1-15 of 81 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2024144 Condition of Education 2024
The Condition of Education 2024 is an annual report mandated by the U.S. Congress and is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor the condition and progress of education in the United States. Topics range from prekindergarten through postsecondary education, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons.
NCES 2023466 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20): First Look at Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2019–20
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:20), the most comprehensive national study of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. This report includes information for about 80,800 undergraduate students and 19,700 graduate students attending 2,200 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended, gender, race/ethnicity, attendance pattern, and income level. Percentages and average amounts are additionally described by dependency status for undergraduate students and by graduate program for graduate students. Supplemental tables feature state-level percentages of students receiving aid and average amounts received by undergraduate students.
NCES 2023144REV Condition of Education 2023
The Condition of Education 2023 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2023009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2021
The 57th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2022144 Condition of Education 2022
The Condition of Education 2022 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2021476REV 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC): First Look at Student Financial Aid Estimates for 2017–18
This First Look publication provides the first results of the 2017–18 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, Administrative Collection (NPSAS:18-AC), the most comprehensive national study of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States. The study includes information for about 245,000 undergraduate students and 21,000 graduate students attending 1,900 postsecondary institutions in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. NPSAS:18-AC also provides state-level estimates for undergraduate students in 30 states. This report describes the percentages of students receiving various types of financial aid and average amounts received, by type of institution attended and institution state (for undergraduate students), and by type of institution, attendance pattern, graduate program, and income level (for graduate students).
NCES 2022009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2020
The 56th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2021144 Condition of Education 2021
The Condition of Education 2021 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2021009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2019
The 55th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2020144 The Condition of Education 2020
The Condition of Education 2020 is a congressionally mandated annual report summarizing the latest data from NCES and other sources on education in the United States. This report is designed to help policymakers and the public monitor educational progress.
NCES 2020009 Digest of Education Statistics, 2018
The 54th in a series of publications initiated in 1962, the Digest's purpose is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school. The Digest contains data on a variety of topics, including the number of schools and colleges, teachers, enrollments, and graduates, in addition to educational attainment, finances, and federal funds for education, libraries, and international comparisons.
NCES 2019486 Trends in Undergraduate Nonfederal Grant and Scholarship Aid by Demographic and Enrollment Characteristics: Selected Years, 2003–04 to 2015–16
These tables present data from four administrations of the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (2003–04, 2007–08, 2011–12, and 2015–16) on nonfederal grant aid and scholarship aid awarded to undergraduate students. Nonfederal grant and scholarship aid is financial aid awarded by states, institutions, employers, and private organizations. Grants and scholarships, unlike loans, do not need to be repaid and are traditionally awarded on the basis of financial need, merit (e.g., academic or athletic), or a combination of need and merit. Estimates in these tables include the percentage of undergraduates who received nonfederal aid and the average amounts they received, by aid type (need- or merit-based), source (state, institution, or employer), and selected student and institutional characteristics.
NCES 2019473 Student Financing of Undergraduate Education in 2015–16: Income, Tuition, and Total Price
These tables present estimates from the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), a nationally representative study of how students and families pay for college in the United States. The estimates include information on families’ income, cost of attendance, and financial aid received. The estimates are provided for groups of students based on the control and level of the institutions attended, their demographic characteristics, enrollment patterns, and dependency status.
NCES 2019474 Student Financing of Undergraduate Education in 2015–16: Financial Aid by Type and Source
These tables present data from the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), a nationally representative study of how students and families pay for college in the United States. The estimates include information on the type, source, and average amount of financial aid undergraduate students received while enrolled in postsecondary education. The estimates are provided for groups of students based on the control and level of institutions they attend, student enrollment patterns and demographic characteristics, and receipt of various types of financial aid.
NCES 2019475 Student Financing of Undergraduate Education in 2015-16: Students' Net Price, Expected Family Contribution, and Financial Need
These tables present estimates from the 2015–16 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:16), a nationally representative study of how students and families pay for college in the United States. The estimates include information on families’ income, cost of attendance, and financial aid received. The estimates are provided for groups of students based on the control and level of the institutions attended, their demographic characteristics, enrollment patterns, and dependency status.
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