Youth Indicators, 2005: Trends in the Well-Being of American Youth

Indicator 43: Victims of Violent Crimes

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Table 43. Number of violent crime victims per 1,000 persons, by type of crime, sex, race of victim and age group: Various years, 1995 to 2002
Age, sex, and race19951996199719992000Total RobberyAssaultRape/
sexual assault1
12 to 15 years old107.095.087.974.460.
16 to 19 years old107.7102.796.277.464.358.
20 to 24 years old78.874.367.868.549.447.44.739.82.9
25 to 34 years old54.851.146.936.334.826.32.822.80.6 !
12 to 15 years old128.3120.0105.985. !
16 to 19 years old125.0122.1105.287.774.458.44.952.60.8 !
20 to 24 years old88.282.876.374.156.656. !
25 to 34 years old63.055.949.437.339.629. !
12 to 15 years old84.768.868.963.445.742.60.9 !37.34.3
16 to 19 years old89.782.686.766.753.658.13.2 !44.510.4
20 to 24 years old69.565.959.262.942.238.32.2 !30.75.4
25 to 34 years old46.746.344.435.330.123.22.419.81.1 !
12 to 15 years old106.896.890.168.558.747.52.643.02.0 !
16 to 19 years old110.5104.493.677.363.456.
20 to 24 years old76.572.071.470.850.249.84.841.93.1
25 to 34 years old53.849.845.036.736.226.42.523.20.7 !
12 to 15 years old120.495.590.8109.866.739.64.5 !32.03.0 !
16 to 19 years old100.096.7126.788.181.973.94.3 !51.518.1
20 to 24 years old97.394.962.365.654.634.52.8 !30.31.5 !
25 to 34 years old60.261.057.735.631.631.95.6 !25.50.7 !
# Rounds to zero.
! Interpret data with caution.
1Includes verbal threats of rape and threats of sexual assault.
2Includes other races not separately shown.
3Includes persons of Hispanic origin.
NOTE: Violent crimes include rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Criminal Victimization in the United States, various years.

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