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SLDS Webinar Presentations
Webinar presentations provide venues for states to demonstrate products they have developed, share best practices, discuss issues of interest, and share valuable knowledge in a timely fashion. These webinars are open to staff from all state and local education agencies and can be accessed below.
Monthly Webinars
Monthly webinars provide opportunities for states and members of the SLDS team to discuss areas of interest and valuable knowledge relating to longitudinal data systems.
Garnering State Legislative Support for an ECIDS
August 2024
This webinar spotlights how leaders from Virginia and New Mexico have worked to align the design, development, and use of their early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs) with state legislative priorities. Presenters share how their ECIDS initiatives have benefited from a strong connection to these priorities, as well as how they are using or plan to use information from the systems to address state goals for the education and support of young children and their families.
AI Use Cases and Considerations
July 2024
In this webinar, three states and the Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) discuss artificial intelligence (AI) concerns, best practices, and current or planned uses of AI.
Using Data to Support High-Level Decisions During a Crisis
April 2024
Increasingly, statewide longitudinal data systems have been used to inform states' responses to crises. In this webinar, Hawaii shares how the state used its SLDS data during and lessons learned from previous crises such as the Kilauea Volcano eruption, COVID-19, and the Lahaina fire.
Partnering for Success: Key Elements of Effective ECIDS Data Governance
March 2024
Effective data governance enhances the quality and security of the data collected, managed, and reported with an early childhood integrated data system (ECIDS). In this webinar, representatives from Kansas and South Carolina will share how they have worked to establish overarching goals and plans for the governance of their ECIDS. Learn more about how these states have collaborated with partners to organize their governance structures, identify roles and responsibilities, and develop policies and processes for managing and making decisions about collective information assets.
Using SLDS Data to Support College Admissions
January 2024
Applying to college can be daunting, especially for students who are the first in their families to apply. Using SLDS data to simplify the process can help ease that challenge. Such uses of data have a direct effect on students and also provide opportunities for cross-sector partnerships. Representatives from Iowa, Idaho, and North Dakota explain how they use SLDS data to support college admissions and share lessons learned about implementing a college admissions program using SLDS data.
Strategies for Building Capacity for Stakeholder Data Use
December 2023
Representatives from state and local education agencies in Tennessee and Virginia discuss challenges to stakeholders using SLDS data as well as practical strategies for building capacity in people, processes, and technology. The speakers also share lessons learned and resources available to help improve data quality, collection, comparability, and utility.
Supporting LEA Early Warning Systems With SEA Support and Infrastructure
October 2023
Early warning systems put critical information into the hands of educators and their students. Panelists from Michigan present that state's approach to supporting schools and districts implementing the evidence-based Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System (EWIMS) and the online application MiEWIMS. Presenters from Massachusetts share their state's Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS), which has provided risk data to schools and districts for students for more than a decade and was expanded to include predictions for students’ postsecondary outcomes.
Employment Outcome Measures
September 2023
Representatives from Ohio, Minnesota, and Virginia detail how linking workforce data with education data can help states measure the impact of education on employment outcomes. The panelists discuss reasons to link education data and employment data as well as approaches to using the linked data.
Regional Collaboratives and Interstate Data Sharing
September 2023
This webinar highlights work done by states extending the use of their SLDS to look at postsecondary and workforce outcomes across state borders. Representatives from New Jersey, Kentucky and Illinois discuss the benefits and governance of multi-state collaboration and provide examples of their reports.
Leveraging Regional Education Agencies to Expand SLDS Capacity for Engagement and Implementation
July 2023
This webinar showcases how two states have leveraged regional education agencies to expand their capacity to engage stakeholders, build buy-in, understand data needs, and train users on SLDS resources. The Texas Education Agency relies on 20 regional Education Service Centers to support and train more than 1,200 local education agencies across the state. The Ohio Department of Education shares its work with Regional Education Agencies to define, develop, and deploy statewide training on data resources, reports, and advanced metrics.
Overcoming Challenges of Reporting Publicly Available Data
June 2023
This webinar focuses on the challenges of protecting student data by using data suppression while publishing meaningful and transparent public reports. Presenters the from the Delaware and Kansas State Departments of Education and PTAC discuss approaches and best practices for sharing education data with public stakeholders and the role of data governance in managing the process and policies.
Alternative Approaches to Determining Student Poverty
June 2023
Many states are looking for alternatives to using free and reduced-priced lunch eligibility data as a proxy for student poverty. Representatives from Hawai'i, Maryland, Texas, and Virginia share how they are working toward a more accurate measure for identifying student poverty. They discuss their experiences and processes for calculating student poverty measures.
CRDC Data Use Series: Part 1
May 2023
Data from the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) can be used not only for federal reporting compliance, but also to gain insights into diversity and equity within schools and districts. In preparation for the release of the 2020-2021 CRDC results, CRDC staff discuss reporting and analysis ideas using the CRDC data. They also highlight Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Connections related to CRDC data.
Cross-Agency Data Sharing, Governance, and Practice
March 2023
This webinar explores how data governance practices in Indiana and Washington have evolved to encompass and support their SLDS systems as they have grown and matured. Representatives from Indiana share how their cross-agency data sharing and research in the Management Performance Hub (MPH) is facilitated by legislation, interagency agreements, and data governance. Representatives from the state of Washington share their work to build out more mature data governance practices through data sharing agreements, relationship building, and continuous process improvement practices.
Innovations for Reporting P-20W+ Outcomes
March 2023
Representatives from two states discuss new approaches for reporting P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) outcomes using SLDS data. The Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center incorporates cost-of-living information into workforce outcomes reports and uses a rigorous process for gathering stakeholder input and ideas to inform how SLDS data are published. Iowa's Student Outcomes website includes the groundbreaking report on Noncredit Career and Technical Education Employment Outcomes, as well as dashboards and reports reflecting outcomes for a wide range of education and training programs.
The Possibilities and Challenges of ARP ESSER Funds
February 2023
Three states discuss how they are using American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds for data systems, data strategies, and IT infrastructure, while also highlighting challenges and successes in meeting deadlines and public reporting requirements. Louisiana demonstrates how it uses ARP ESSER funds for data systems. New Hampshire shows how it meets public reporting requirements. Montana highlights challenges in meeting federal deadlines to spend these funds and shares strategies for meeting those deadlines successfully.
Learner and Employment Records (LER): Bridging Educational Competencies and Workforce Opportunities Through Digital Credentials
February 2023
Many SLDS projects are working to strengthen linkages between education and workforce data while also improving how students move from their education programs into the workforce. Digital credentials are learner and employment records (LERs) that give individuals agency over their own digital portfolios of competencies and skills. Representatives from North Dakota and Alabama share how they are making it easier to transfer skills and competencies and understand what skills are in high demand.
Postsecondary Enrollment Trends in a Post-COVID-19 World
December 2022
This webinar highlights analysis and reporting of postsecondary outcomes projects from three states (Iowa, Montana, and Indiana). Each state explores how various postsecondary outcomes have shifted from pre- to post-COVID-19 and discusses the implications of these trends for their state’s SLDS.
Leveraging SEA SLDS Infrastructure to Improve CRDC Data Quality While Reducing LEA Burden
May 2022
Representatives from the federal Office for Civil Rights discuss changes to the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) and how state education agencies (SEAs) can support their local education agencies (LEAs) in submitting the required data. Additionally, representatives from state agencies in Michigan and Colorado share how they help school districts submit and certify data to the CRDC and share potential roadblocks and barriers.
Cybersecurity Awareness and Incident Response Planning
April 2022
With data breaches and cyber-attacks against educational institutions occurring with terrifying regularity, schools should take appropriate steps to safeguard sensitive data and student records from threats like hackers and ransomware. During this session, the Privacy Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) of the U.S. Department of Education’s Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) will partner with the Hawai'i Department of Education and Hawai'i P-20 Partnerships for Education to share lessons learned for cybersecurity preparedness and provide real world insight on how to create strong, resilient cyber incident management and recovery processes.
Infrastructure Responses When Opportunities Arise
April 2022
Education policies and needs are constantly changing. Responding to these changes and remaining relevant are priorities for states and their education data systems. Iowa shares its approach to adapting its postsecondary admissions criteria in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevada discusses its plan and progress toward transitioning to a cloud platform.
Processes for Handling Multiple IDs to Ensure Data Quality
March 2022
As SLDSs continue to grow with additional years of data, new data sources, and expanding programs, it is critical to ensure that records are accurately linked so that individuals’ data can be integrated correctly within the system. Representatives from Rhode Island and Virginia discuss their strategies for resolving multiple IDs, as well as how they review and continuously improve those processes.
Locating and Retaining Quality Staff
March 2022
As competition for qualified staff continues to increase among state agencies, many agencies are finding it increasingly difficult to locate and retain quality staff. As a result, state agencies are struggling to have the knowledge and skills needed to move forward in a timely fashion the development, or enhancements to their education data systems. This webinar will feature 3 states highlighting their experiences and strategies of staff retention, along with how they help grow staff abilities and knowledge.
Predicting P-20W+ Outcomes
March 2022
SLDS efforts to improve student outcomes and support education interventions rely on information about the interrelation of P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) outcomes. Presenters from three states share how their SLDS projects have begun to measure and predict education outcomes. Maryland will discuss how it identifies persisting students-who are still enrolled, but have not earned a diploma on their expected graduation date-including examining the unique characteristics and outcomes for these students. Montana will present its work to establish an Early Warning System for Dropouts statewide and establish a research agenda to study this applied analytics tool. Mississippi will share how it develops actionable information for educators based on its analysis of K12 data on postsecondary outcomes.
Utilizing SLDSs to Analyze Adult Education Participation and Outcomes
February 2022
Adult education programs help adults build skills and earn credentials that lead to postsecondary education, sustainable employment, and economic self-sufficiency. Integrating adult education data into a state's SLDS allows for descriptive statistics of program participation and outcomes analysis. This webinar features the National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE) as well as Kentucky and Rhode Island's analyses of adult education participation and outcome data.
The COVID-19 Education and Workforce Data Challenge
November 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted state programs and forced services to expand dramatically as large numbers of people were unable to work or attend school. Educators and workforce professionals have responded by finding ways to engage students and workers and to apply information in new ways. Representatives from Colorado, Illinois, and Michigan share their most critical lessons; the changes they have made as a result of the pandemic; and the implications for data, data systems, and evidence-based decisionmaking going forward.
Supporting a Consistent SLDS Vision Across Multiple Grant Rounds and Funding Sources
November 2021
Representatives from Pennsylvania and Montana share their approaches to augmenting multiple SLDS federal grants with other awards to achieve interconnected infrastructure and research visions. They discuss sustained leadership support, project management and governance structures, infrastructure and technology design, and staff capacity. Additionally, federal program officers provide contextual insights.
Cost Analysis to Support SLDS Sustainability
November 2021
Representatives from the SLDS Program Office and the IES-funded Cost Analysis in Practice (CAP) Project discuss the importance of cost analysis as a component of SLDS sustainability; the steps involved; and technical assistance, tools, and other resources available to support state SLDS programs completing cost analyses.
Collaborating to Expand the CEDS Data Warehouse
October 2021
Since November 2020, the CEDS Data Warehouse Expansion Project has provided support and guidance for states and territories to implement or expand their own versions of the CEDS Data Warehouse. Representatives from 17 states and other organizations meet regularly to expand the data warehouse for three use cases: special education, adult education, and school-level poverty data. This webinar highlights the outputs of each use case available through the CEDS Open Source Community, including expansions to CEDS elements and the data model as well as code to build reports.
School-Level Poverty Measures: An Exploratory Pilot Project
October 2021
Sixteen FY19 SLDS grantees are participating in a voluntary, exploratory project to connect student and school-level data with Spatially Interpolated Demographic Estimates (SIDE)-modeled poverty data from U.S. Census household surveys. Representatives from South Carolina and Virginia share their experiences with the project, including the preparation, requirements, and data needed to obtain and use SIDE data.
Planning for ECIDS Development: System Design Considerations
August 2021
This webinar focuses on considerations for the initial and ongoing design and development of an early childhood integrated system (ECIDS). Representatives from North Carolina and Utah will discuss how their systems have evolved over time, key infrastructure decisions, and plans for future enhancements.
Identifying Indicators of Educational Equity
June 2021
The use of data to identify and address inequities in education has long been a focus for educational leaders. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) creates a unique opportunity for states to revisit how to accomplish this work. The extensive data systems available to state education extend the opportunity to expand how states identify inequities. Representatives from Kentucky and Washington will showcase how they identified relevant indicators of equity in preparation for developing new equity dashboards and reports, as well as how stakeholders have been involved in the decisions about which indicators to use, and how to work to develop the dashboards and reports will be supported by FY2019 SLDS funds.
Improving Data Quality: State Strategies to Enable Data Use
May 2021
Representatives from Rhode Island and Utah discuss how they have identified and are addressing data quality issues within their K12 and P-20W+ SLDSs.
Apprenticeship Data
April 2021
Apprenticeship data can be a valuable source of information to help SLDS programs determine student outcomes and the impact of education in a state. Representatives from Iowa, Kentucky, and North Dakota describe their processes for including apprenticeship data in their SLDSs, what motivated them to acquire the data, and how they use the data.
COVID-19 and Equity - How the Pandemic Has Revealed and Exacerbated Inequities and How States Are Addressing Them
April 2021
The pandemic has changed the way students across the country are educated, and these changes have uncovered new and exacerbated existing issues of equity within education. This webinar will explore how two states’ SLDS data work has helped them to better identify and understand issues of equity. Wisconsin and Virginia will also share their plans and approaches to address the inequities identified and what they have learned about inequities in outcomes and access due to the pandemic.
CEDS and Generate, a State Example
March 2021
The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Data Warehouse is an open source model for storing P-20W+ (early childhood through workforce) data for a variety of uses. This webinar highlights South Carolina’s work to align with CEDS as well as the plans for leveraging this alignment to install and use the EDFacts data reporting automation tool called Generate. South Carolina will demonstrate tools they have developed locally that assist them in effectively aligning their data definitions with CEDS, enabling them to efficiently document their data system.
Implementing Agile Processes for Managing Projects and Development
February 2021
Effectively implementing and managing an SLDS requires close collaboration between information technology and program area staff. Many states are or are considering using agile processes to gain flexibility and increase productivity. Representatives from Maine, Illinois, and Nebraska discuss their strategies, lessons learned, and future plans for agile development and project management processes.
State Approaches to Cloud Technology
January 2021
Many states are modernizing their SLDS infrastructure to take advantage of technological advances, realize cost savings, and streamline their work. Some states use cloud computing as part of their modernization efforts. Representatives from Arizona, Maine, and Minnesota discuss how they are implementing cloud technology, the decisions they have made, and benefits and challenges they have found.
EDFacts Business Rules in an SLDS Ecosystem
January 2021
This webinar provides information on the Business Rules Single Inventory (BRSI) tool that is used to facilitate EDFacts reporting and file submissions. The BRSI enables SEAs to identify and correct data quality issues proactively and prior to submission and can be used by SEAs to understand when and where to tackle data quality issues within the greater SLDS ecosystem. Presenters define data quality dimensions, business rules, and the BRSI.
SLDS Research Projects That Support Sustainability
December 2020
This webinar showcases three states' unique approaches to research projects that support SLDS sustainability and data use through research programs and processes. Maryland presents its synthetic data project to increase the usefulness and accessibility of SLDS data to researchers, policy analysts, and stakeholders. Pennsylvania discusses its approach to supporting researchers through the Education Research Scholars Program. New Jersey describes its plans to provide research grants to external researchers and establish an internship and training program for staff, students, and emerging scholars.
Effective Practices for Establishing and Sustaining SEA and LEA Data Governance
November 2020
Members of the National Forum on Education Statistics discuss the Forum Guide to Data Governance, which highlights multiple ways that data governance programs can benefit education agencies. SEA and LEA practitioners share best practices and lessons learned from states and schools.
Using Partnerships to Build Buy-In and Increase Capacity
September 2020
Increasing data use and stakeholder buy-in is critical for SLDS sustainability. Two states, Arizona and Montana have developed partnerships to further increase their capacity to use data and facilitate buy-in of their SLDS as a key data resource. Arizona Department of Education highlights how their partnerships with Arizona State University and the Helios Education Foundation have increased their analytical and reporting capacity. Montana’s Office of Public Instruction shares their work with Montana Council of Deans of Education (MCDE) as a catalyst for projects involving using data and the Montana SLDS to support teacher preparation programs and instructional decisionmaking.
Implementing the EIMAC-SLDS Data Maturity Model
September 2020
The Data Maturity Model provides a roadmap and method for evaluating SLDS practices in order to maximize the value of the data system, understand a system’s current state, and determine where the system needs to go. This webinar includes an overview of the Data Maturity Model and presentations from three states that participated in the development and pilot implementation of the model.
Collaborating to Support Education Research
June 2020
This webinar features states that have established research partnerships to address key education issues. Representatives will share how and why their partnerships were formed, the research topics addressed, and how data are shared to support the research.
Geocoded Visualizations and Tools Used to Create Them
June 2020
This webinar highlights why and how states are creating geocoded data visualizations. Presenters from the NCES, Utah, and Nevada showcase report examples and share the processes and tools they used to create them.
Planning for, Collecting, and Managing Data About Displaced Students
May 2020
As the severe impacts of recent weather events continue to disrupt the provision of educational services to students, crisis data management remains an important topic of interest for education agencies. Furthermore, many states, districts, and schools are utilizing crisis management practices to respond to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and its impact on the education community. Members of the National Forum on Education Statistics and education agency practitioners provide best practices, current efforts, and lessons learned during the pandemic.
Using SLDS Data to Address Key Education Issues
May 2020
IES's Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Policymaking (Using Data) grant program seeks to expand state education agencies' use of their SLDSs to provide evidence when making policy decisions. This webinar is a partnership between the SLDS Grant Program and the National Center for Education Research (NCER) to provide helpful information as states identify and develop proposals in response to this grant opportunity.
Cybersecurity for Remote Learning and Working
April 2020
Cybersecurity remains a priority for education agencies that have moved to remote working and learning in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Remote methods of working and learning present unique challenges to cybersecurity, as well as new opportunities to strengthen cybersecurity practices. Steven Hernandez, chief information security officer for the U.S. Department of Education, provides information on the security implications of virtual education technologies and shares best practices for securing agency information and data while working and learning remotely.
Promoting Effective Understanding and Use of Integrated Early Childhood Data
April 2020
Early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs) can help state leaders and stakeholders answer essential policy and program questions. However, for a variety of reasons, states are finding that ECIDS data are not being used to their fullest potential. Representatives from Minnesota and Wisconsin discuss their progress toward developing ECIDSs, the essential policy and program questions their systems can answer, reports that their systems generate, and how they train users to use ECIDS data.
Responding to SEA and LEA Needs for Virtual Learning Solutions
April 2020
In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, states, schools, and families are working to implement and/or scale virtual learning solutions. This unprecedented need requires quick but responsible action to develop strategies to support educators and students as they adapt to new modes of working and learning. This webinar features members of the National Forum on Education Statistics as they discuss the Forum Guide to Elementary/Secondary Virtual Education Data, which addresses the impact of virtual education on established data elements and methods of data collection. Representatives from SEAs and LEAs that have recently moved to virtual learning share best practices and lessons learned.
Strategies for Leveraging SCED to Support SEA and LEA Goals
April 2020
The School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED) is a voluntary, standardized classification system that can help education agencies share information about courses offered to students from preschool through high school. Technical assistance providers and state and local education agency representatives offer an overview of SCED and describe how states have used SCED to facilitate data use.
State Strategies for Incorporating Instructional Support Data Use Into SEA Strategic Plans
March 2020
Data use is increasingly becoming central to the school planning and improvement process, and educators must be prepared to understand and incorporate data into their classrooms. As a result, states must create necessary supports to facilitate this process. Representatives from the Hawaii and Maryland discuss how they have built institutional support for and incorporated instructional support data use such as data literacy training, curricular support materials, and more into their agency’s strategic priorities.
Strategies to Involve Stakeholders for Successful Data Initiatives
February 2020
Effectively engaging stakeholders is a key component of ensuring an SLDS is sustainable and that it continues to meet the needs of educators, policymakers, families, program staff, and the public. In this webinar, three states explain how to involve stakeholders in prioritizing processes, defining requirements, developing processes, and rolling out their data initiatives. Presenters from Illinois, Mississippi, and Hawaii will share tips and strategies that states can leverage as part of an ongoing stakeholder engagement plan.
Using Educator Preparation Provider Data to Inform Program Approval and Improve Program Efficacy
January 2020
Representatives from the Tennessee Department of Education and two Tennessee educator preparation providers discuss how they collaborate and use data from the state’s TNAtlas system to improve the preparation and quality of educators.
Building Capacity for LEAs and SEAs to Support Personalized Learning
December 2019
Personalized learning is a teaching strategy that tailors instruction to the needs, talents, and skills of each individual learner. Representatives from the National Forum on Education Statistics and the SLDS Grant Program share information for state and local education agencies (SEAs and LEAs) interested adopting personalized learning programs.
Using the SLDS to Train Preservice Teachers on Data Use
November 2019
Increasingly, new teachers are expected to acquire the knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors to use longitudinal data effectively to inform their instruction. Incorporating use of the state’s SLDS into preservice educator training programs helps new teachers become familiar with the system and the types of data use they will engage in once they enter the profession. North Dakota and Montana describe how preservice teachers use their SLDSs.
Training Stakeholders to Use College and Career Data
November 2019
Linking education and employment data allows states to measure student outcomes as they enter the workforce during and after their education career. However, using these data may not always be intuitive. This webinar highlights three states—Kentucky, Minnesota, and Ohio—and the means by which they train their users to effectively use college and career data.
Collaboration to Support Data System Modernization
November 2019
States continue to make progress in building infrastructure and streamlining processes to collect, connect, and report information. The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and Ed-Fi are both engaging with states to help support this work. Representatives from CEDS, Ed-Fi, and Nebraska will share their experiences implementing Ed-Fi and CEDS tools to streamline federal reporting.
At-Risk and Early Intervention Analyses to Inform Instructional Supports
October 2019
Early warning systems use a variety of common education data and statistical models to predict student outcomes, such as the likelihood that a student will not graduate from high school. The same underlying data can help identify why a student is off track. State and local education agency representatives from Montana and Illinois share information about their early warning systems and describe how they use those systems to inform educator practice.
Early Childhood Data Analytics: Transitions Between Programs
September 2019
Representatives from Utah, Texas, and Kansas share how they use their ECIDSs and SLDSs to address collecting and using information horizontally about children who are served in multiple early childhood programs as well as vertically for children as they move from early childhood programs to early elementary school. Experts also discuss how the Common Education Data Standards can help states integrate data across early childhood programs.
Using SLDSs to Support Multi-Tiered System of Support
September 2019
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), formerly Response to Intervention, is an instructional framework that includes universal screening of all students, multiple tiers of instruction and support services, and an integrated data collection and assessment system to inform decisions at each tier of instruction. Hawai'i and North Dakota will describe how they are utilizing their SLDSs to support their MTSS initiatives as part of their Instructional Support priority area. They will address how they have engaged stakeholders to determine their data needs and priorities and the operational and planned MTSS reports.
Considerations for Preparing for a Federal Audit
September 2019
The federal government has the authority to conduct periodic audits to review state policies and procedures around the privacy and confidentiality of student data. A representative from Indiana discusses that state's experience with a federal data audit, how the state instituted security practices, and advice on how to adequately prepare for an audit.
Infrastructure Webinar 3: Data Lakes
August 2019
The third webinar in the SLDS infrastructure series focuses on strategies associated with developing data resources such as data lakes to support modern analytic methodologies. Representatives from the Kentucky Center for Statistics share their data science perspectives and knowledge.
Infrastructure Webinar 2: API-First System Design
August 2019
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become ubiquitous in Cloud and Web applications. APIs provide SLDS teams with new tools for moving data between source systems and data stores. APIs can also make services such as data validation and data processing status easily available. In this webinar, the SLDS State Support Team will share information about APIs as a tool set that can help modernize SLDS applications and processes. Representatives from Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin will share their experience, expertise, and lessons learned.
SLDS Process Documentation Best Practices
August 2019
This webinar highlights the kinds of documentation and processes that are needed to effectively sustain education data systems. Presenters from Colorado and Georgia demonstrate the documentation that they have established and how it supports their SLDS work.
Leveraging State & Federal Requirements for Ongoing SLDS Sustainability
July 2019
Longitudinal data systems provide a rich source for information that aids states in meeting state and federal reporting requirements. These data systems can enhance consistency, streamline reporting, and support strategic planning and data system sustainability efforts. Representatives from Georgia and Illinois discuss their efforts to help districts with their strategic planning activities to meet federal requirement for Title funding, and financial transparency based on the Illinois’s site-based expenditures legislation.
Infrastructure Webinar 1: The Cloud
July 2019
Cloud computing offers SLDS teams with flexible and powerful computing resources that can ensure that the SLDS is always supported with sufficient, modern resources. Cloud services reduce development time and can streamline SLDS operations and maintenance. This webinar focuses on using cloud resources for migrating, storing, and reporting SLDS data. Representatives from North Dakota will share their approaches to using cloud resources to support their SLDS.
Early Childhood Data Analytics: Distinct Count of Children Served
June 2019
Early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs) and statewide longitudinal data systems (SLDSs) can be leveraged to support and develop a distinct count of children served in a mixed-delivery system, which allows states to understand patterns of service, inform allocation of resources, assess impact, and define the cost of programs. In this webinar, learn how three states defined and created unduplicated counts of children, as well as how each use these counts to inform planning and to make policy and programmatic changes.
Leveraging CEDS to Support Generate and Other Data System Initiatives
June 2019
As interest in modernizing and standardizing data systems grows, an increasing number of states are using CEDS tools and engaging with Generate to better manage and use P-20W education data. This webinar explains how to get started with both CEDS and Generate, as well as how to maintain CEDS mapping and using Generate to support data reporting.
Managing Data Requests
May 2019
As more stakeholders have become aware of SLDSs and the growing scope of information they contain, data requests have significantly increased. In response, states must expand their capacity to oversee these requests via formal processes, review committees, and tools to improve efficiency. Representatives from the District of Columbia, Kentucky, and Wisconsin discuss the strategies, groups, processes, and tools they have put in place to manage data requests.
Geocoding: Benefits and Challenges
April 2019
As part of their data visualization efforts, several states are using geocoding to present information on their public dashboards graphically. Representatives from the District of Columbia, Michigan, and Kentucky share examples of the geocoded information they provide to their stakeholders, the technologies they use, and the challenges associated with geocoding.
Benefits and Use Cases for Employment Outcome Datamart
April 2019
An increasing number of states are connecting data across employment and education in the interest of improving analysis and informing policy. Details of how data are linked, integrated, and managed require many choices, which can impact the flexibility, timeliness, and quality of information provided. One way states have responded to this challenge is to leverage datamarts to respond to questions and provide reports. In this webinar, three states provide datamart use cases, including how access is provided to stakeholders, the kinds of data included, and more.
Using an ECIDS/SLDS to Complete a Comprehensive Needs Assessment
April 2019
Comprehensive needs assessments (CNA) are a critical tool that help states and agencies identify needs and performance challenges, determine root causes, and set priorities for future action. Many funding programs require a CNA in order to assess how granted funds will be used. However, the CNA process is not easy. Staff time capacity, differences between local and state interests, and cost are all barriers to completing a successful CNA.
In this webinar, State Support Team members go over the basics of a CNA, including basic terminologies, what a CNA includes (and what it does not), as well as strategies to develop plans to leverage state data to make progress quickly.
Making Research Findings More Accessible and Usable by Policymakers and Practitioners
March 2019
Jeffrey Thayne of Washington State’s Education Research and Data Center describes the processes and support that the center uses to ensure that research findings are communicated in ways that are understandable and actionable to improve policies and programs.
Stakeholder Training on Understanding and Using Financial Reports and Data Tools
February 2019
Representatives from Illinois and Massachusetts share how they are helping internal and external stakeholders understand, interpret, and use district- and school-level financial data to compare expenditures and make informed decisions about allocating resources. They also discuss how they are meeting the financial transparency reporting requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Achieving Comparable Employment Outcome Metrics
January 2019
An important use of interagency longitudinal data is to inform policymakers, educators, families, and other stakeholders regarding economic and education topics. States face a number of challenges in doing this, including gaps in data sources, strategies for connecting and linking, and authorization and governance, among others. The EOM Workgroup was formed in June 2018 to leverage states’ experience and existing data connections to develop products and to calculate common metrics that would be comparable across states. In this webinar, several Workgroup members discuss their current P20 landscape, connecting secondary data to employment data, and the value of comparable metrics for employment outcomes.
Fast Response Webinars
Fast response webinars provide states opportunities for timely responses to recurring issues or questions related to longitudinal data systems.
Regional Data Sharing
October 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Alaska, Kansas, Maine, and Massachusetts about regional data sharing. The call allowed states to hear the steps others have taken toward developing regional data sharing initiatives and included conversation around the technical and policy roadblocks each data sharing effort has encountered. Specific regional data sharing initiatives that were discussed included efforts underway in New England, the Midwest, and among the WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) states. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Federated Data Models
August 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Arkansas, Colorado, and Connecticut about federated data models. The call addressed strategies for sharing data across agencies without the use of a "mega-warehouse," and the data sharing mechanisms, governance efforts, and challenges faced when employing a federated model. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Postsecondary Data Sharing
August 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin about postsecondary data sharing. The call addressed strategies for matching records, data architecture, feedback reports, and other data sharing mechanisms and challenges. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Statewide Student Information Systems
August 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Colorado, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin about Statewide Student Information Systems (SIS). The call allowed states to hear the steps others have taken toward the adoption of a statewide system, barriers encountered and potential solutions, as well as information about vendors used and related state legislation. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Sub-grants to Districts
June 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion between Georgia, Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Texas about sub-grants to districts, lessons learned, and the best practices today. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Tracking Courses and Grades
April 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin about tracking courses and grades. The call addressed aligning local and state course codes and grades, tracking information from elementary schools, and other data collection challenges. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Research Consortia
February 2010
The SLDS team facilitated a discussion with Florida, Kentucky, and Rhode Island about research consortia and how to best utilize them along with a statewide longitudinal data system. For a recording of the conversation, please contact Kristen King.
Workgroups and Data Series
Workgroups and Data Series help participating states discuss strategies, best practices, and challenges for specific LDS topics.
Early Childhood Webinars
Early childhood webinars provide states the opportunity to discuss issues, best practices, and challenges related to early childhood data.
Promoting Effective Understanding and Use of Integrated Early Childhood Data
April 2020
Early childhood integrated data systems (ECIDSs) can help state leaders and stakeholders answer essential policy and program questions. However, for a variety of reasons, states are finding that ECIDS data are not being used to their fullest potential. Representatives from Minnesota and Wisconsin discuss their progress toward developing ECIDSs, the essential policy and program questions their systems can answer, reports that their systems generate, and how they train users to use ECIDS data.
Early Childhood Data Analytics: Transitions Between Programs
September 2019
Representatives from Utah, Texas, and Kansas share how they use their ECIDSs and SLDSs to address collecting and using information horizontally about children who are served in multiple early childhood programs as well as vertically for children as they move from early childhood programs to early elementary school. Experts also discuss how the Common Education Data Standards can help states integrate data across early childhood programs.