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Grantee State - Pennsylvania
2019 Grant Application
Strengthening PIMS Infrastructure to Expand Data Use Capacity
Start Date: 3/1/2020
End Date: 2/29/2024
Project Director: David Ream
Amount Awarded: $3,250,000
Project Abstract 115 KB
Major Outcomes:
- Infrastructure Priority
- Automate Data-Request Workflow.
- PDE will develop a public-facing web application through which submitted data requests will enter an automated workflow system that DQO staff can use review/vet requests, manage communications, and monitor the status of data requests. This workflow will make the formal proposal and IRB process more efficient for both third-party researchers and PDE staff; will ensure that non-research data requests are fulfilled appropriately and in a timely manner; and will allow PDE to shorten response times and increase accuracy of data-request responses.
- Create a Research Data Repository.
- PDE will create new linkages within PIMS that pre-join some data and permit faster custom joins when needed. This will allow DQO staff to fulfill internal and external data requests much more quickly and accurately.
- Advance Interagency Interoperability & Data Linking.
- PDE will work to increase the long-term usefulness of its data by exploring a common interagency identifier and other interagency data linkages to help answer research questions beyond PDE’s immediate sphere and advance research goals statewide.
- Automate Data-Request Workflow.
2015 Grant Application
Expansion of Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) Data Use
Start Date: 10/1/2015
End Date: 9/30/2022
Project Director: David Ream
Amount Awarded: $6,999,928
Project Abstract 47 KB
Major Outcomes:
- Instructional Support
- Expand the educator dashboard to be more usable, enhance its functionality and increase dashboard adoption by stakeholders.
- Provide training to participating LEAs and have access to tools and professional support materials that assist them to better use data to support instructional decision-making.
- Evaluation and Research
- Implement the “One Stop Data Shop” to expand capacity for research and evaluation by creating more open and transparent access to education data overall. Establish a state research agenda, form collaborative research partnerships and increase internal capacity to conduct research.
- Conduct evaluations and research providing data to answer key questions, thereby, improving policy implementation and decision making.
2009-ARRA Grant Application
Pennsylvania Information Management Systems (PIMS)
Start Date: 7/1/2010
End Date: 6/30/2015
Project Director: Dave Ream
Amount Awarded: $14,284,020
Project Application 9.2 MB
Project Abstract 127 KB
Major Outcomes:
- Connect to workforce data
- Connect to Adult Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) data
- Expand postsecondary database
- Expand existing student and teacher data in the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS)
- Link kindergarten assessment outcomes and demographic data in PIMS
- Link PA Federal Head Start program data into Early Learning Network (ELN)
- Implement eTranscripts and Electronic Student Record Exchange
- Conduct feasibility and connectivity studies across all agencies and states
- Establish rigorous data use policy and data audit plans, procedures and training
- Ensure and enhance access to and use of data
2009 Grant Application
Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS)
Start Date: 7/1/2009
End Date: 6/30/2013
Project Director: David Ream
Amount Awarded: $6,103,000
Project Application 4.7 MB
Project Abstract 103 KB
Major Outcomes:
- Link PAsecureID and PIMS to Early Childhood Data Collection.
- Implement eTranscripts and Electronic Student Record Exchange.
- Continue Expansion of PIMS to Public Postsecondary Institutions.
- Assign Unique Staff Identifier to PK-12 Non-Certified Professional and Paraprofessional Staff and Teacher’s Aides.
2006 Grant Application
Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS)
Start Date: 3/1/2006
End Date: 2/28/2010
Amount Awarded: $4,008,875
Project Application 8.8 MB
Project Abstract 119 KB
Major Outcomes:
Systems Components- Unique state id.
- Enterprise data architecture: statewide unique student record management system that will fulfill the data standards managed in the metadata facility.
- Security and personalization: develop a SIF-enabled learning resource exchange. Assessment results will be managed in the data warehouse with reliable links to the state's academic standards and will enable future exchange of learning objects.
- Vertical reporting: vertical reporting system that would replace all current data collections.
- Data warehouse/marts: design and develop an initial data warehouse with data marts optimized to the four target audiences [Org Profiles, Class/Student Profiles, Research Access, EDEN Federal Report].
WDQI Grant Application
Project Application 303 KB