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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 5, Issue 1, Topic: Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities
Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities

Data Products

Other Publications Funding Opportunities

Data Products

CD-ROM: Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study Second Follow-up Data Analysis System (DAS) BPS:96/01 

Featured on this CD-ROM are data from the 1996/01 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:96/01). BPS:96/01 includes data for students who started their postsecondary education during the 1995–96 academic year and were surveyed in 1996, 1998, and 2001. BPS data pertain to persistence, progress, and attainment from initial time of entry into postsecondary education through leaving and entering the workforce.

In addition to the BPS:96/01 data, this CD-ROM also contains all the other NCES data sets that have been made available for public use through the Data Analysis System (DAS) as of December 2002. These data sets do not allow users direct access to the data, but do allow them to design and run basic analyses specific to their needs. Visit the DAS home page for a list of available surveys as well as access to the latest DAS updates, several of which can be run directly from the web.

For questions about this CD-ROM, contact Aurora D’Amico (aurora.d’

To obtain this CD-ROM (NCES 2003–159), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827).

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Other Publications

Weaving a Secure Web Around Education: A Guide to Technology Standards and Security
Web Standards and Security Task Force, National Forum on Education Statistics

The purpose of this guidebook is to assist education agencies and organizations (which include state education agencies or state departments of education, school districts, and schools) in the development, maintenance, and standardization of effective web sites. Also included is a detailed examination of the procedures necessary to provide adequate security for the Internet node (or connection point) and the network that sends information from computer to computer in the education agency. This guidebook was produced by a task force of the National Forum on Education Statistics (an entity of the National Cooperative Education Statistics System) and funded by NCES.

Author affiliations: The Web Standards and Security Task Force of the National Forum on Education Statistics included state and local education professionals, as well as consultants from education associations, NCES, and the Education Statistics Services Institute.

For questions about content, contact Ghedam Bairu (

To obtain this publication (NCES 2003–381), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827) or visit the NCES Electronic Catalog ( or contact GPO (202–512–1800).

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Planning Guide for Maintaining School Facilities
Tom Szuba, Roger Young, and the School Facilities Maintenance Task Force, National Forum on Education Statistics

This guidebook is designed to help staff at the local school district level better understand why and how to develop, implement, and evaluate a facilities maintenance plan. It provides practical advice on a range of topics, such as conducting a facilities audit, planning for maintenance that will ensure smooth operations and avoid costly surprises, managing staff and contractors, and evaluating maintenance efforts.

The Planning Guide for Maintaining School Facilities was developed through the National Cooperative Education Statistics System and funded by NCES. It is the product of a collaborative effort between the National Forum on Education Statistics and the Association of School Business Officials International.

Author affiliations: T. Szuba, consultant; and R. Young, Chair of the School Facilities Maintenance Task Force of the National Forum on Education Statistics. Task force members included state and local education professionals and facility management professionals.

For questions about content, contact Lee M. Hoffman (

To obtain this publication (NCES 2003–347), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827), visit the NCES Electronic Catalog (, or contact GPO (202–512–1800).

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Highlights From the TIMSS 1999 Video Study of Eighth-Grade Mathematics Teaching
James Hiebert, Ronald Gallimore, Helen Garnier, Karen Bogard Givvin, Hilary Hollingsworth, Jennifer Jacobs, Angel Miu-Ying Chui, Diana Wearne, Margaret Smith, Nicole Kersting, Alfred Manaster, Ellen Tseng, Wallace Etterbeek, Carl Manaster, Patrick Gonzales, and James Stigler

The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 Video Study examines classroom teaching practices through in-depth analysis of videotapes of eighth-grade mathematics lessons. The study provides rich descriptions of mathematics teaching as it is actually experienced by eighth-grade students in the United States and six other countries: Australia, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Students in these six countries were generally among the top-performing students on the TIMSS 1995 mathematics assessment and, in particular, outperformed their U.S. counterparts.

This 12-page publication presents highlights of results, based on the full report Teaching Mathematics in Seven Countries: Results From the TIMSS 1999 Video Study (NCES 2003–013). This report focuses only on mathematics lessons; the report on science lessons will be released at a later date.

Author affiliations:  J. Hiebert and D. Wearne, University of Delaware; R. Gallimore and J. Stigler, UCLA and LessonLab; H. Garnier, K.B. Givvin, H. Hollingsworth, J. Jacobs, and A.M.-Y. Chui, LessonLab; M. Smith, Iona College; N. Kersting, UCLA; A. Manaster, University of California, San Diego; E. Tseng, Open University of Hong Kong; W. Etterbeek, California State University, Sacramento; C. Manaster, Christian Albrechts Universitaet, Kiel, Germany; and P. Gonzales, NCES.

For questions about content,contact Patrick Gonzales (

To obtain this publication (NCES 2003–011), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827) or visit the NCES Electronic Catalog (

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Funding Opportunities

The AERA Grants Program

Jointly funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), NCES, and the Institute of Education Sciences, this training and research program is administered by the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The program has four major elements: a research grants program, a dissertation grants program, a fellows program, and a training institute. The program is intended to enhance the capability of the U.S. research community to use large-scale data sets, specifically those of the NSF and NCES, to conduct studies that are relevant to educational policy and practice, and to strengthen communications between the educational research community and government staff.

Applications for this program may be submitted at any time. The application review board meets three times per year. The following are examples of grants recently awarded under the program:

Research Grants

  • Marigee Bacolod, University of California, Irvine—Equalizing Educational Opportunities: Who Teaches and Where They Choose to Teach
  • Sharon Judge, University of Tennessee—Resilient and Vulnerable At-Risk Children: What Makes the Difference?
  • Xiaofeng Liu, University of South Carolina—Professional Support, School Conditions, and First-Year Teacher Attrition
  • Ann O’Connell, University of Connecticut—Factors Associated With Growth in Proficiency During Kindergarten and Through First Grade
  • Therese Pigott, Loyola University Chicago—Correlates of Success in Kindergarten
  • David Post, University of Pittsburgh—Academic Achievement by Working Eighth-Grade Students in Ten Nations
  • Catherine Weinberger, University of California, Santa Barbara—High School Leadership Skills and Adult Labor Market Outcomes
Dissertation Grants
  • Doo Hwan Kim, University of Chicago—My Friend’s Parents and My Parent’s Friends: Impact of Parental Resources on Student’s Competitiveness for College
  • Natalie Lacireno-Paquet, George Washington University—Charter School Responses to Policy Regimes and Markets: The Effect on Service to Disadvantaged Students
  • Kate Mahoney, Arizona State University—Linguistic Influences in Differential Item Functioning for English Learners on the NAEP Mathematics, 1996
  • William Mangino, Yale University—Adolescent Peer Networks as Social Capital: The Academic Implications of Openness
  • Zena Mello, Pennsylvania State University—Across Time and Place: The Development of Adolescents’ Educational and Occupational Expectations in the Context of Parental and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status
  • Colin Ong-Dean, University of California, San Diego—Parents’ Role in the Diagnosis and Accommodation of Disabled Children in the Educational Context
  • Marjorie Wallace, Michigan State University—Making Sense of the Links: From Government Policy to Student Achievement

For more information, visit the AERA Grants Program web site (

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The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program

The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program was developed to encourage education researchers to conduct secondary analysis studies using data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the NAEP High School Transcript Studies. This program is open to all public or private organizations and consortia of organizations. The program is typically announced annually, in the late fall, in the Federal Register. Grants awarded under this program run from 12 to 18 months and awards range from $15,000 to $100,000. The following grants were awarded for fiscal year 2002:

  • Henry Braun, Educational Testing Service—Using State NAEP Data to Examine Patterns in Eighth-Grade Mathematics Achievement and the Efficacy of State Education Policy Initiatives
  • Hua-Hua Chang, University of Texas at Austin—Improving the DIF Detection Procedures for NAEP Data Analysis
  • Kendrick Curry, United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation—The Trickle Down Effect: How Teacher Quality and Recruitment Practices Affect the Achievement of African American Students in a Three-State Metropolitan Area
  • Matthias von Davier, Educational Testing Service—A Tool for Improved Precision Reporting in Secondary Analysis of National and State Level NAEP Data
  • Laura Desimone, Vanderbilt University—Preparation, Professional Development, and Policy in Mathematics: Does It All Add Up?
  • Claudia Gentile, Educational Testing Service—Reading Test Design, Validity, and Fairness: A Re-Analysis of Data From the 2000 Fourth-Grade Reading Assessment
  • Susan Lubienski, Iowa State University—A Closer Look at Mathematics Achievement and Instructional Practices: Examinations of Race, SES, and Gender in a Decade of NAEP Data
  • Laura O’Dwyer, Boston College—Estimating the Full NAEP Population Distribution: Imputing Scores for Excluded SD and LEP Students Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling Techniques
  • Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin—Informing State Mathematics Reform Through State NAEP

For more information, contact Alex Sedlacek (

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