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This article was originally published as the Executive Summary of the Technical Report of the same name. The sample survey data are from the NCES Customer Satisfaction Survey. | |||
In 1999, the U.S. Department of Educations National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) surveyed a targeted sample of its current and potential customers to determine their levels of satisfaction and needs related to
This report summarizes the results of the 1999 Customer Satisfaction Survey and also compares results from the 1999 and 1997 surveys for the core customer groupspolicymakers and academic researchersthat were sampled in both years. All satisfaction results reported apply to those customers who indicated that they had used the product or service in question and all percentages reported are based on weighted data.
The 1999 Customer Satisfaction Survey does not reflectnor was it intended to reflectthe total NCES customer base or the views of all its customers. Rather, it focuses on responses of specific customer groups whose use of NCES products and services can have an important effect on the condition and progress of education. In 1999, NCES targeted a population made up of the following seven customer groups, the distribution of which is shown in figure A:
Figure A.Distribution of the target population by customer group: 1999
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 1999 Customer Satisfaction Survey.
From a list of more than 40,000 individuals in the seven customer groups, NCES sent mail or Internet questionnaires to 3,284, of whom 3,256 were found to be eligible.1 All who had not responded after about 7 weeks were called and asked to complete a telephone interview. With 2,563 respondents, the final response rate was 79 percent.
A majority of respondents had heard of NCES and had used its products and services (72 percent and 61 percent, respectively) (figure B). The level of awareness of NCES and use of its products and services varied across customer groups. The following customer groups were the four groups that were most likely both to have heard of NCES and to have used its products or services:
NCES users tended to have used NCES products and services recently; 72 percent, overall, had used them in the past 12 months, with such recent use highest among federal policymakers, state policymakers, and education association users (above 90 percent).
The uses made of NCES products and services covered many areas. The predominant uses that NCES users cited were research and analysis (82 percent), general information (77 percent), and planning (53 percent).
Figure B.Awareness of NCES and use of its products or services, by customer group: 1999
Although, overall, 45 percent of the respondents had used NCES publications in the past 2 years, the level of use varied among customer groups. In the past 2 years, the following three groups were the most likely to have used NCES publications:
The percentage of respondents who were unaware of NCES publications was substantial (32 percent), and this percentage was not insignificant even among two of the three groups with the highest rate of usage of publications:
More than a third of NCES publication users obtained publications through the Internet (43 percent), whereas a majority of the users indicated they used traditionally-bound-and-printed publications (76 percent).
NCES statistical compendia received very high marks, with over 90 percent of customers reporting that they were satisfied or very satisfied with two out of the three compendia:
No more than 5 percent of users reported dissatisfaction with such publication aspects as overall quality, comprehensiveness, ease of understanding, relevance of information, and accuracy. However, 15 percent of users reported dissatisfaction with timeliness.
A majority of respondents were unaware of NCES databases or user tools (58 percent). Although, overall, only 12 percent of respondents had used NCES databases or user tools, the level of use among those who were aware of NCES databases and user tools was 29 percent.
No one database or user tool was used by more than 5 percent of customers during the past 2 years. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) database was used most often (5 percent) and the library surveys databases were used least often (1 percent).
Customers employing specific NCES user tools such as the Electronic Code Book (ECB) and the Data Analysis System (DAS) gave these tools satisfaction ratings ranging from 84 to 92 percent. The percentage of users satisfied with the specific NCES databases ranged from 74 to 91 percent.
Users were most dissatisfied with the timeliness of the database release, ease of access, and ease of use of these databases and user tools (20, 16, and 15 percent, respectively).
As with databases and user tools, a majority of respondents were unaware of the availability of the range of NCES services (54 percent). Although, overall, only 22 percent of respondents had used NCES services, the level of use among those who were aware of these services was 47 percent. Among those who were aware, the percentage of use was highest among NEDRC users (93 percent), education associations (74 percent), and federal policymakers (71 percent).
Most users of NCES services (82 percent) had used these services occasionally in the past 2 years, while the rest had used them more often (14 percent monthly and 4 percent weekly). Users were most likely to use the following NCES services:
Satisfaction levels with all services were high, ranging from 84 to 96 percent. Customers also reported a high level of satisfaction (at least 80 percent) with all listed aspects of NCES services except the handling of complaints (60 percent).
NCES targeted the same four core customer groupsfederal, state, and local policymakers and academic researchersin 1997 and 1999. Comparing results from these four groups shows that, overall, there were no profound changes in customers responses from 1997 to 1999. (Note that since the comparisons use only responses from the four core groups out of the seven groups surveyed in 1999, the 1999 percentages presented in this section are different from the 1999 percentages cited above.)
More than 85 percent of customers reported being satisfied or very satisfied with NCES compendia publications in both 1997 and 1999. Although satisfaction with the Digest of Education Statistics remained high among state policymakers, there was a decrease in satisfaction between 1997 and 1999 (from 97 percent to 92 percent).
Also, between 79 and 93 percent of customers reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the following program-specific NCES publications in both years:
There were some specific findings that may merit further consideration. For example, with regard to the program-specific publications, the percentage of users satisfied or very satisfied
With regard to aspects of NCES publications, similar percentages of customers (around 80 to 90 percent) reported being satisfied or very satisfied in both 1997 and 1999 with five of the six aspects (overall quality, relevance, accuracy, ease of understanding, and comprehensiveness). However, a sixth aspect, timeliness, showed a notable improvement in customers levels of satisfaction. The percentage of users who were satisfied or very satisfied with timeliness increased from 72 percent in 1997 to 78 percent in 1999. Also, the aspect of overall quality was consistently rated the highest among the six aspects in both years (90 percent in 1997 and 93 percent in 1999).
In both 1997 and 1999, about 90 percent of customers reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the NCES elementary and secondary education databases and assessment database that were asked about in both years. The percentage of customers satisfied with databases in the longitudinal, postsecondary, and library studies areas ranged between 72 and 91 percent in both years.3
With regard to aspects of NCES databases, similar percentages of customers (between 69 and 87 percent) reported being satisfied or very satisfied in both 1997 and 1999 with four of the six aspects of NCES databases (accuracy of database, database documentation, ease of use, and comprehensiveness of database). However, two aspects, ease of access and timeliness, showed a notable improvement in customers levels of satisfaction between 1997 and 1999. The percentage of users who were satisfied or very satisfied increased
Also, the aspect of comprehensiveness of database was consistently rated the highest among the six aspects in both years (81 percent in 1997 and 87 percent in 1999).
Generally, around 90 to 95 percent of customers reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the following NCES services:
With regard to the seven aspects of NCES services that were asked about in both 1997 and 1999, similar percentages of customers (83 to 93 percent) reported being satisfied or very satisfied in both years with four aspects (extent to which the information met your needs, staff expertise, time needed to reach knowledgeable staff, courtesy of staff). However, the percentage of users who were satisfied or very satisfied differed between 1997 and 1999 for the other three aspects. The percentage satisfied or very satisfied
Also, the aspect of extent to which information met customer needs was consistently rated the highest among the seven aspects in both years (92 percent in 1997 and 93 percent in 1999).
The percentage of respondents aware of how to contact NCES increased from 34 percent in 1997 to 47 percent in 1999. This reflected increased percentages of awareness among state policymakers (from 69 percent in 1997 to 77 percent in 1999) and among local policymakers (from 32 percent in 1997 to 44 percent in 1999).
2Note that the 1999 Customer Satisfaction Survey asked respondents about use and levels of satisfaction with aspects of NCES databases and user tools, while the 1997 survey questions referred only to NCES data files.
3Altogether, 13 NCES databases were included in both the 1997 and 1999 surveys. They were as follows: three elementary and secondary education databasesthe National Household Education Survey (NHES), the Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), and the Common Core of Data (CCD); one assessment databasethe National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP); three longitudinal databasesthe Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B), the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS), and the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 Eighth-Graders (NELS:88); three postsecondary databasesthe National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF), the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS); and three library studies databasesthe School Library Survey (SLS), the Public Libraries Survey (PLS), and the Academic Libraries Survey (ALS).
Data source:The NCES 1997 and 1999 Customer Satisfaction Surveys.
For technical information, see the complete report:
Salvucci, S., Parker, A.C.E., Cash, R.W., and Thurgood, L. (2001). 1999 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report: How Do We Measure Up? (NCES 2001601).
Author affiliations: S. Salvucci, A.C.E. Parker, R.W. Cash, and L. Thurgood, Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc.
For questions about content, contact Arnold Goldstein (
To obtain the complete report (NCES 2001601), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877-433-7827) or visit the NCES Web Site (