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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 1, Issue 2
Table of Contents
Note From NCES
     Note From NCES
     By:Martin Orland, Associate Commissioner
     Outlines current and upcoming NCES efforts to expand and improve data on instructional practices.
Featured Topic: Instructional Practices
     What Happens in Classrooms? Instructional Practices in Elementary and Secondary Schools: 1994–95
     By:Robin R. Henke, Xianglei Chen, and Gideon Goldman
     Analyzes survey responses from a national sample of elementary and secondary teachers in all subjects and at all grade levels. Provides estimates of the proportions of teachers using a wide variety of reform-oriented and traditional teaching practices. Also discusses variation of instructional practices with characteristics of teachers and their students.
     Invited Commentary: Educational Reform and Instructional Change
     By: Margaret E. Goertz, Co-Director, Consortium for Policy Research in Education, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
     Invited Commentary: Moving Toward Better Instructional Practice Data
     By: Daniel P. Mayer, Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., Washington, DC
Elementary and Secondary Education
     The NAEP 1998 Reading Report Card for the Nation and the States
     By:Patricia L. Donahue, Kristin E. Voelkl, Jay R. Campbell, and John Mazzeo
     Presents results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 1998 Reading Assessment for the nation and participating states. Includes average scores and achievement-level performance for the nation and states, comparisons with 1994 and 1992 results, and results for subgroups of students.
     NAEP 1996 Trends in Writing: Fluency and Writing Conventions
     By:Nada Ballator, Marisa Farnum, and Bruce Kaplan
     Presents results for two parts of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 1996 Long-Term Trend Assessment: (1) holistic scoring of writing fluency and (2) mechanics scoring of conventions of written English. Compares results from 1984 and 1996.
     Community Service Participation of Students in Grades 6-12
     By:from The Condition of Education 1998
     Presents rates of student participation in community service by characteristics such as grade level, parents' highest education level, and school policy.
     Summer Activities of Students Enrolled in Grades 1-12
     By:from The Condition of Education 1998
     Provides rates of student participation in various summer activities by characteristics such as grade level, race/ethnicity, and parents' highest education level.
     Student Work and Teacher Practices in Mathematics
     By:Julia H. Mitchell, Evelyn F. Hawkins, Pamela M. Jakwerth,Frances B. Stancavage, and John A. Dossey
     Intended primarily for teachers, curriculum experts, and school administrators, includes discussion and examples of student work in five mathematics content strands and several cognitive-skill areas. Also discusses course-taking patterns, classroom practices, and student attitudes relating to mathematics.
     Student Work and Teacher Practices in Science
     By:Christine Y. O'Sullivan and Andrew R. Weiss
     Intended primarily for science teachers, includes discussion and examples of student work in three fields of science and on several types of tasks. Also discusses classroom practices, school climate, and student attitudes relating to science.
     Dropout Rates in the United States: 1997
     By:Phillip Kaufman, Steve Klein, and Mary Frase
     Presents dropout rates for 1997, as well as time series data on high school dropout and completion rates for 1972 through 1997. Also examines the characteristics of high school dropouts and completers in 1997.
     Internet Access in Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-98
     By:Cassandra Rowand
     Discusses progress on connecting schools and classrooms to the Internet and explores relationships between school characteristics and Internet access.
     Public School Student, Staff, and Graduate Counts by State: School Year 1997-98
     By:Ghedam Bairu
     Provides national and state data on the number of students and staff at public elementary and secondary schools in 1997-98, as well as the number of public high school graduates in 1996-97.
     Early Estimates of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Statistics: School Year 1998-99
     By:Lena M. McDowell
     Provides estimates of key statistics for public elementary and secondary schools, including national and state data on the amount of revenues and expenditures and the number of students, teachers, and high school graduates.
Postsecondary Education
     Immediate Transition From High School to College
     By:from The Condition of Education 1998
     Provides percentages of high school completers going directly from high school to college by student characteristics such as family income and race/ethnicity.
     College Access and Affordability
     By:Susan P. Choy
     Examines the price of college attendance, the impact of financing strategies on students' educational experiences, and the extent to which the financial aid system promotes access to postsecondary education.
     State Aid for Undergraduates in Postsecondary Education
     By:John B. Lee and Suzanne B. Clery
     Examines differences among undergraduates in states that provide different levels of student financial aid. Explores relationships between state aid levels and variables such as price of attendance, student characteristics, and percentages of students enrolled at different types of institutions.
     Current Funds Revenues and Expenditures of Degree-Granting Institutions: Fiscal Year 1996
     By:Samuel Barbett and Roslyn A. Korb
     Provides national and state data on revenues and expenditures in all institutional sectors. Breaks down revenues by source and expenditures by purpose.
Public, State and Federal Libraries
     Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 1996
     By:Adrienne Chute and P. Elaine Kroe
     Summarizes information on public libraries in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Includes public library types, services, collections, staffing, and operating income and expenditures.
     Measuring Inflation in Public Libraries: A Comparison of Two Approaches, the Input Cost Index and the Cost of Services Index
     By:Jay C. Chambers and Robert Vergun
     Describes two approaches to measuring inflation in public libraries, presents estimates derived from each approach, and compares the approaches in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.
     State Library Agencies: Fiscal Year 1997
     By:P. Elaine Kroe
     Contains data on state library agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, including these agencies' governance, staffing, income and expenditures, roles in electronic network development, and services to libraries in their states.
International Statistics
     The TIMSS Videotape Classroom Study: Methods and Findings From an Exploratory Research Project on Eighth-Grade Mathematics Instruction in Germany, Japan, and the United States
     By:James W. Stigler, Patrick Gonzales, Takako Kawanaka, Steffen Knoll, and Ana Serrano
     Discusses the first study to collect videotaped records of classroom instruction from national probability samples. Compares mathematics content and teaching methods used in the United States with those used in other countries and those recommended in reform documents.
Crosscutting Statistics
     Digest of Education Statistics: 1998
     By:Thomas D. Snyder
     Provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from kindergarten through graduate school.
     Classification Evaluation of the 1994-95 Common Core of Data: Public Elementary/Secondary Education Agency Universe Survey
     By:Stephen Owens
     Analyzes and documents classification issues, such as inadequate survey definitions, in order to provide input for ongoing improvement of the Common Core of Data (CCD) statistical program.
     Indirect State-Level Estimation for the Private School Survey
     By:Beverly D. Causey, Leroy Bailey, and Steven Kaufman
     Describes the development and evaluation of statistical models used to produce indirect estimates of the number of private schools and private school teachers, students, and graduates in individual states.
Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities
Data Products
     The 1997 NAEP Arts Report Card—CD-ROM
     By:Hilary R. Persky, Brent A. Sandene, and Janice M. Askew
     Data File: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 1996
     Data File: State Library Agencies Survey: Fiscal Year 1997
Other Publications
     The NAEP 1998 Reading Report Card: National and State Highlights
     By:Sheida White
     NAEP 1998 Reading State Reports
     By:Nada Ballator and Laura Jerry
     Directory of NAEP Publications
     By:Sahar Akhtar, Alicia Darensbourg, Munira Mwalimu, Kelly Weddel, and Sheida White
     Highlights From TIMSS
     By:Chris Calsyn, Patrick Gonzales, and Mary Frase
     Learning About Education Through Statistics
     By:Claire Geddes
     Programs and Plans of the National Center for Education Statistics: 1999 Edition
     By:Celestine J. Davis
Funding Opportunities