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Education Statistics Quarterly
Contents By Category
Lifelong Learning
Reasons for Adults' Participation in Work-Related Courses, 2002–03, from Volume 7—Issue 1 & 2
     By: Matthew DeBell and Gail Mulligan
     Examines the reasons that adults participate in formal, work-related educational courses.
Participation in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning: 2000–01, from Volume 6—Issue 4
     By: Kwang Kim, Mary Collins Hagedorn, Jennifer Williamson, and Christopher Chapman
     Provides information on adult participation in formal and informal education, characteristics of participating adults, their educational experiences in college or university degree programs, and reasons for participation in work-related courses.
Adult Literacy and Education in America, from Volume 3—Issue 4
     By:Carl F. Kaestle, Anne Campbell, Jeremy D. Finn, Sylvia T. Johnson, and Larry J. Mikulecky
     Explores the relationship between formal schooling and adult literacy proficiency overall and for members of different demographic subgroups, for high school noncompleters, for those scoring lowest on literacy tasks, and for individuals in the workplace.
English Literacy and Language Minorities in the United States, from Volume 3—Issue Lifelong Learning
     By:Elizabeth Greenberg, Reynaldo F. Macías, David Rhodes, and Tsze Chan
     Explores the English fluency and literacy of U.S. adults whose native language is not English, their fluency and literacy in their native language, and their employment patterns and earnings.
Participation in Adult Education in the United States: 1998-99, from Volume 2—Issue Lifelong Learning
     By:Kwang Kim and Sean Creighton
     Focuses on the growth in participation in adult education from 1991 to 1999 as related to educational attainment.
Literacy in the Labor Force: Results From the National Adult Literacy Survey, from Volume 1—Issue Lifelong Learning
     By:Andrew Sum
     Documents the literacy proficiencies of American adults, with a primary emphasis on the civilian labor force. Compares results for the employed and unemployed, as well as for various subpopulations of employed civilians. Also analyzes the relationship between literacy proficiencies and employee earnings.

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