Differences in Kindergartners' Early Education Experiences, from Volume 7Issues
1 & 2 |
By: |
Emily Rosenthal, Amy Rathbun,
and Jerry West |
Describes kindergartners' patterns of participation in preschool
and kindergarten programs, as well as characteristics of the programs
and the kindergartners who attend them, to provide a regional picture
of kindergartners' early learning experiences. |
Children Born in 2001:
First Results From the Base Year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), from Volume 6Issue 4 |
By: |
Kristin Denton Flanagan and Jerry West |
Presents information on children born in 2001, collected
when they were about 9 months of age. Includes information on the characteristics
of the children and their families, the early mental and physical skills
of the children, their first experiences in child care, and their fathers. |
Kindergarten Teachers: Public and Private School Teachers of the Kindergarten Class of 1998–99, from Volume 6Issues 1 & 2 |
By: | Elvira Germino Hausken, Jill Walston, and Amy H. Rathbun |
Describes the demographic characteristics and professional
qualifications of U.S. public and private school kindergarten
teachers. Also examines kindergarten data on the schools and
classrooms where they teach. |
Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten in the United States: Findings From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998–99, from Volume 6Issues 1 & 2 |
By: | Jill Walston and Jerry West |
Describes the schools, both public and private, that offer fullday
and half-day kindergarten programs and the children who
attend them. Examines the composition and structure of
public school classes and the instructional practices used by
teachers. |
Young Childrens
Access to Computers in the Home and at School in 1999 and 2000, from Volume 5Issue 1 |
By: | Amy H. Rathbun and Jerry West |
Describes kindergartners and first-graders access to and use of computers in their schools, classrooms, and homes. Includes examination of data by selected characteristics of children, teachers, and classrooms. |
Prekindergarten in U.S. Public Schools: 20002001, from Volume 5 Issue 1 |
By: | Timothy Smith, Anne Kleiner, Basmat Parsad, and Elizabeth Farris |
Provides information on the number of public schools offering prekindergarten classes, the number and characteristics of children enrolled, services received by these children, the number and characteristics of prekindergarten teachers, and funding sources. |
Schools Use
of Assessments for Kindergarten Entrance and Placement: 199899, from Volume 5Issue 1 |
By: | Naomi Prakash, Jerry West, and Kristin Denton |
Examines the prevalence and purposes of testing children who are entering or about to enter kindergarten by type of school (public or private), concentration of low-income children, grade levels taught, and number of children enrolled. |
Literacy Activities and Signs of Children's Emerging Literacy: 1993
and 1999, from Volume 2Issue 1 |
By: | Christine Winquist Nord, Jean Lennon, Baiming Liu, and Kathryn Chandler |
Provides information on family literacy activities and signs of children's emerging literacy. |
Education Enrollment, from Volume 1Issue 1 |
By: |
from The Condition of Education 1998 |
Presents preprimary enrollment rates for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds by student characteristics such as race-ethnicity, household income, and parents' highest education level. |
Literacy Experiences in the Home, from Volume 1Issue 1 |
By: | from The Condition of Education 1998 |
Provides percentages of children ages 3-5 who were read to, told a story, or taken to the library by a parent or other family member. |