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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 5 Issue 2
Table of Contents
Note From NCES
     Note From NCES
     By:C. Dennis Carroll, Associate Commissioner, Postsecondary Studies Division
     Outlines methods used in the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) to help us learn how students and their families pay for college.
Featured Topic: Paying for College
     How Families of Low- and Middle-Income Undergraduates Pay for College: Full-Time Dependent Students in 1999–2000
     By:Susan P. Choy and Ali M. Berker
     Provides data on how much students and their families pay for college, where the money comes from, and how students' methods of payment vary by type of institution and level of family income.
     What Colleges Contribute: Institutional Aid to Full-Time Undergraduates Attending 4-Year Colleges and Universities
     By:Laura Horn and Katharin Peter
     Presents information about trends in institutional aid from 1992–93 to 1999–2000 and explores the relationships among institutional grant aid, academic merit, financial need, and the selectivity of institutions.
     Invited Commentary: Federal Efforts to Help Low-Income Students Pay for College
     By:Sally L. Stroup, Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
     Invited Commentary: The Gap Between College Costs and Student Resources
     By:Kenneth E. Redd, Director of Research and Policy Analysis, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Elementary and Secondary Education
     The Nation's Report Card: Reading 2002
     By:Wendy S. Grigg, Mary C. Daane, Ying Jin, and Jay R. Campbell
     Reports on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2002 Reading Assessment of fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-graders and compares results with those of previous years. Also presents results for states and other jurisdictions at grades 4 and 8.
     Trends in the Use of School Choice
     By:Stacey Bielick and Chris Chapman
     Discusses 1993, 1996, and 1999 data on the percentages of students attending assigned public schools, public schools chosen by parents, and private schools; student characteristics; and outcomes such as parent satisfaction and students' plans for postsecondary education.
     Trends in High School Vocational/Technical Coursetaking: 1982–1998
     By:Karen Levesque
     Examines public high school students' overall vocational/technical coursetaking, introductory technology and computer-related coursetaking, and ways of combining vocational technical and academic coursetaking.
     Public School Student, Staff, and Graduate Counts by State: School Year 2001–02
     By:Beth Aronstamm Young
     Provides national and state data on the number of students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, number of staff by type, number of high school graduates, and race/ethnicity of students and graduates.
     Overview of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools and Districts: School Year 2001–02
     By:Lee M. Hoffman
     Presents national and state data on the number, type, size, and location of schools and districts. Also includes data on the numbers of students in programs for migrant education, limited English proficiency, and special education.
     Effects of Energy Needs and Expenditures on U.S. Public Schools
     By:Timothy Smith, Rebecca Porch, Elizabeth Farris, and William Fowler
     Examines actual and budgeted energy expenditures, efforts to reduce energy consumption, characteristics of districts with sufficient and insufficient energy budgets, and experiences of districts with energy budget shortfalls.
     Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education: School Year 2000–01
     By:Elise St. John
     Presents national and state data on public education finances, including revenues by source, expenditures per student, and expenditures for instruction.
     Revenues and Expenditures by Public School Districts: School Year 1999–2000
     By:Frank Johnson
     Reports on public school district revenues and expenditures per student. Presents national and state values for the median school district and for districts at the 10th and 90th percentiles.
     School District Revenues for Elementary and Secondary Education: 1997–98
     By:Joel D. Sherman, Barbara Gregory, and Jeffrey M. Poirier
     Examines differences in public school district revenues by geographic region, school district size, and district fiscal and demographic characteristics. Also ranks states on interdistrict variation.
Postsecondary Education
     Community College Students: Goals, Academic Preparation, and Outcomes
     By:Gary Hoachlander, Anna C. Sikora, and Laura Horn
     Provides data on goals, persistence, transfer to 4-year institutions, degree attainment, and relationship of academic performance in high school to college outcomes.
     Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Path to a Postsecondary Credential
     By:Lisa Hudson
     Examines where racial/ethnic differences arise in the path from high school to a postsecondary credential. Presents data on student achievement of traditional and less stringent milestones of progress along this path.
     A Study of Higher Education Instructional Expenditures: The Delaware Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity
     By:Michael F. Middaugh, Rosalinda Graham, and Abdus Shahid
     Analyzes factors associated with the cost of delivering instruction, particularly the relative importance of an institution's Carnegie classification (research, doctoral, comprehensive, or baccalaureate) and the configuration of disciplines within the institution.
     Postsecondary Institutions in the United States: Fall 2001 and Degrees and Other Awards Conferred: 2000–01
     By:Laura G. Knapp, Janice E. Kelly, Roy W. Whitmore, Shiying Wu, and Lorraine M. Gallego
     Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001
     By:Adrienne Chute, P. Elaine Kroe, Patricia O'Shea, Maria Polcari, and Cynthia Jo Ramsey
     Reports information on public libraries, including number of service outlets, population of service area, Internet access, children's and other services, operating income and expenditures, staffing, and size of collection.
International Statistics
     International Comparisons in Fourth-Grade Reading Literacy: Findings From the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of 2001
     By:Laurence T. Ogle, Anindita Sen, Erin Pahlke, Leslie Jocelyn, David Kastberg, Stephen Roey, and Trevor Williams
     Provides comparative information on the reading literacy of fourth-graders in 36 countries and examines factors that may be associated with the acquisition of reading literacy in young children.
     Comparative Indicators of Education in the United States and Other G-8 Countries: 2002
     By:Joel D. Sherman, Steven D. Honegger, and Jennifer L. McGivern
     Compares the U.S. education system to the education systems of several other economically developed countries. Covers numerous topics, such as access, achievement, attainment, and expenditures at various levels of education, as well as labor market outcomes.
Crosscutting Statistics
     The Condition of Education 2003
     By:National Center for Education Statistics
     Focuses on indicators of the condition and progress of education in the United States, including participation and persistence, student performance, and societal support. Also includes this year's special analysis of reading achievement in kindergarten and first grade.
     Digest of Education Statistics 2002
     By:Thomas D. Snyder and Charlene M. Hoffman
     Provides a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of education from prekindergarten through graduate school.
     Status and Trends in the Education of Hispanics
     By:Charmaine Llagas
     Presents a selection of indicators illustrating the educational gains made by Hispanics in recent years, as well as the gaps that remain between Hispanics and non-Hispanic Whites at different levels of education.
Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities
Data Products
     Data File: CCD Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey: School Year 2001-02
     Data File: CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey: School Year 2001–02
     Data File: CCD State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education: School Year 2001-02
     Data File: CCD National Public Education Financial Survey: Fiscal Year 2001
     National Student Service-Learning and Community Service Survey (FRSS 71): Public-Use Data Files
     District Survey of Alternative Schools and Programs (FRSS 76): Public-Use Data Files
     Internet Access in Public Schools, Fall 1999 (FRSS 75) and Fall 2000 (FRSS 79): Public-Use Data Files
     Advanced Telecommunications in U.S. Private Schools, 1998-1999 (FRSS 68): Public-Use Data Files
     Condition of Public School Facilities, 1999 (FRSS 73): Public-Use Data Files
     Occupational Programs and the Use of Skill Competencies at the Secondary and Postsecondary Levels, 1999 (FRSS 72 and PEQIS 11): Public-Use Data Files
     Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions, 1997-98 (PEQIS 9): Public-Use Data Files
     Data File, Public-Use: Public Libraries Survey: Fiscal Year 2001
Other Publications
     The Nation's Report Card: Reading Highlights 2002
     By:National Center for Education Statistics
     The Nation's Report Card: State Reading 2002 Reports
     By:Laura Jerry and Anthony Lutkus
     Developments in School Finance: 2001-02
     By:William J. Fowler, Jr. (editor)
     The Condition of Education 2003 in Brief
     By:John Wirt and Andrea Livingston
     Mini-Digest of Education Statistics 2002
     By:Charlene Hoffman
     Facilities Information Management: A Guide for State and Local Education Agencies
     By: Education Facilities Data Task Force, National Forum on Education Statistics
     NCES Handbook of Survey Methods
     By:Lori Thurgood, Elizabeth Walter, George Carter, Susan Henn, Gary Huang, Daniel Nooter, Wray Smith, R. William Cash, and Sameena Salvucci
Funding Opportunities
     The AERA Grants Program
     The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program
     AIR Grants Program
     NPEC/AIR Focused Grants

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