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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 2 Issue 1
Table of Contents
Note From NCES
     Note From NCES
     By:Jeffrey Owings, Acting Associate Commissioner
     Provides an overview of NCES longitudinal studies.
Featured Topic: America's Kindergartners
     America's Kindergartners: Findings From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99: Fall 1998
     By:Jerry West, Kristin Denton, and Elvie Germino-Hausken
     Presents findings from a new study that will follow a nationally representative sample of 1998. 99 kindergartners through fifth grade. Describes differences in first-time kindergartners. skills, health, and approaches to learning.
     Invited Commentary: America's Kindergartners: An Initial Look at the Kindergarten Class of 1998
     By:Sue Bredekamp, Director of Research, Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition
     Invited Commentary: The Class of 2011 Embarks: Perspectives on America's Kindergartners
     By:John M. Love, Senior Fellow, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Early Childhood Education
     Home Literacy Activities and Signs of Children’s Emerging Literacy: 1993 and 1999
     By:Christine Winquist Nord, Jean Lennon, Baiming Liu, and Kathryn Chandler
     Provides information on family literacy activities and signs of children’s emerging literacy.
Elementary and Secondary Education
     Estimation Skills, Mathematics-in-Context, and Advanced Skills in Mathematics
     By:Julia H. Mitchell, Evelyn F. Hawkins, Frances B. Stancavage, and John A. Dossey
     Intended primarily for mathematics educators and others concerned with mathematics education, presents details on how students perform on particular types of NAEP mathematics questions.
     Youth Service-Learning and Community Service Among 6th- Through 12th-Grade Students in the United States: 1996 and 1999
     By:Brian Kleiner and Christopher Chapman
     Estimates changes across years in student reports of school practices to promote community service, student participation in community service activities, and service-learning activities.
     Racial and Ethnic Distribution of Elementary and Secondary Students
     By:from The Condition of Education: 1999
     Shows percentages of black and Hispanic students in public schools (by urbanicity) and private schools from 1970 to 1996.
     Dropout Rates in the United States: 1998
     By:Phillip Kaufman, Jin Y. Kwon, Steve Klein, and Christopher D. Chapman
     Presents dropout rates for 1998, as well as time series data on high school dropout and completion rates for 1972 to 1998. Also examines the characteristics of high school dropouts and completers in 1998.
     Family Characteristics of 6- to 12-Year-Olds
     By:from The Condition of Education: 1999
     Contains 1972 to 1997 data on family characteristics such as parents’ educational attainment and family income.
     Teachers’ Feelings of Preparedness
     By:from The Condition of Education: 1999
     Reports data on teachers’ feelings of preparedness to meet new challenges in the classroom.
     What Are the Barriers to the Use of Advanced Telecommunications for Students With Disabilities in Public Schools?
     By:Sheila Heaviside, Cassandra Rowand, David Hurst, and Edith McArthur
     Focuses on school reports of access to advanced telecommunications for students who receive special education and related services.
     Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994–99
     By:Catrina Williams
     Discusses progress on connecting schools and classrooms to the Internet and explores relationships between school characteristics and Internet access.
     Computer and Internet Access in Private Schools and Classrooms: 1995 and 1998
     By:Doug Levin, David Hurst, and Shelley Burns
     Focuses on trends in the availability of and access to technology in private schools.
     Nutrition Education in Public Elementary School Classrooms, K–5
     By:Carin Celebuski and Elizabeth Farris
     Includes information on teacher training in nutrition education, as well as time devoted to and strategies for teaching nutrition.
     Title I Migrant Education Program Summer-Term Projects: 1998
     By:Basmat Parsad, Sheila Heaviside, Catrina Williams, and Elizabeth Farris
     Reports on characteristics of summer-term projects for migrant students, types of services offered, and student records systems.
     Trends in Disparities in School District Level Expenditures per Pupil
     By:William Hussar and William Sonnenberg
     Examines trends in disparities between districts in education expenditures from 1979–80 to 1993–94.
     State Profiles of Public Elementary and Secondary Education: 1996–97
     By:Victor Bandeira de Mello and Beth Aronstamm Young
     For each state and the five outlying areas, provides information on demographics, education agencies and schools, students and staff, and education revenues and expenditures.
Postsecondary Education
     Mapping the Road to College: First-Generation Students’ Math Track, Planning Strategies, and Context of Support
     By:Laura Horn and Anne-Marie Nuñez
     Compares first-generation students with those whose parents were college graduates, examining college planning, preparation, and support.
     Students at Private, For-Profit Institutions
     By:Ronald A. Phipps, Katheryn V. Harrison, and Jamie P.
     Examines characteristics of students at private, for-profit institutions from 1992–93 to 1995–96.
     Progress Through the Teacher Pipeline: 1992–93 College Graduates and Elementary/Secondary School Teaching as of 1997
     By:Robin R. Henke, Xianglei Chen, Sonya Geis, and Paula Knepper
     Discusses the rates at which graduates become involved in teaching. Includes preparation, classroom experiences, and future plans.
     Fall Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions: 1997
     By:Samuel Barbett
     Presents data on fall 1997 enrollment in postsecondary institutions.
     Degrees and Other Awards Conferred by Title IV Eligible, Degree-Granting Institutions: 1996–97
     By:Frank B. Morgan
     Includes number of degrees conferred in each field of study by degree level and recipient characteristics.
     Fall Staff in Postsecondary Institutions: 1997
     By:Stephen Roey and Rebecca R. Skinner
     Contains data on staff by institution and staff characteristics.
     Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1997–98
     By:Laurie Lewis, Kyle Snow, Elizabeth Farris, and Douglas Levin
     Includes information on distance education enrollments, courses, and changes since 1994–95.
Lifelong Learning
     Participation in Adult Education in the United States: 1998–99
     By:Kwang Kim and Sean Creighton
     Focuses on the growth in participation in adult education from 1991 to 1999 as related to educational attainment.
Public, State, and Federal Libraries
     Academic Libraries: 1996
     By:Margaret W. Cahalan and Natalie M. Justh
     Summarizes information on libraries in higher education institutions in the United States.
     State Library Agencies: Fiscal Year 1998
     By:P. Elaine Kroe
     Contains data on state library agencies, including governance, finances, and services to libraries.
International Statistics
     International Education Indicators: A Time Series Perspective: 1985–1995
     By:Stéphane Baldi, George Khalaf, Marianne Perie, and Joel D. Sherman
     Compares educational trends in economically developed countries over an 11-year period.
Crosscutting Statistics
     Vocational Education in the United States: Toward the Year 2000
     By:Karen Levesque, Doug Lauen, Peter Teitelbaum, Martha Alt, and Sally Librera
     Occupational Programs and the Use of Skill Competencies at the Secondary and Postsecondary Levels: 1999
     By:Basmat Parsad and Elizabeth Farris
     Federal Support for Education: Fiscal Years 1980 to 1999
     By:Charlene M. Hoffman
     Provides a comprehensive picture of federal financial support for education.
     Increasing the Participation of Special Needs Students in NAEP: A Report on 1996 NAEP Research Activities
     By:John Mazzeo, James E. Carlson, Kristin E. Voelkl, and Anthony D. Lutkus
     Analyzes effects on inclusion rates of recent efforts to increase the participation of special needs students in NAEP.
     School-Level Correlates of Academic Achievement: Student Assessment Scores in SASS Public Schools
     By:Donald McLaughlin and Gili Drori
     Models the relationship between a variety of SASS schoollevel data and average student assessment scores.
     A Recommended Approach to Providing High School Dropout and Completion Rates at the State Level
     By:Marianne Winglee, David Marker, Allison Henderson, Beth Aronstamm Young, and Lee Hoffman
     Explores alternatives for reporting state dropout data and high school completion rates based on CCD data.
Data Products, Other Publications, and Funding Opportunities
Data Products
     National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988–94: Data Files and Electronic Codebook System CD-ROM: 1999 Re-release
     Data File: Common Core of Data (CCD): School Years 1993–94 Through 1997–98 (CD-ROM)
     Data File: Ten-Year Longitudinal CCD Local Education Agency Universe Survey File: School Years 1986–87 Through 1995–96
     Expanded File Documentation for CCD National Public Education Financial Survey: School Year 1993–94
     Data File: IPEDS Completions: 1996–97
     Data File: IPEDS Fall Enrollment: 1997
     Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, Second Follow-up: Public-Use Data Analysis System (DAS) CD-ROM
     Data File: Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, Second Follow-up: Restricted Data and Electronic Codebook CD-ROM
     Data File: State Library Agencies Survey: Fiscal Year 1998
Other Publicationss
     The NAEP Guide
     By:Nancy Horkay (editor)
     NELS:88/2000 Fourth Follow-up: An Overview
     By:Jeffrey Owings
     The Pocket Condition of Education: 1999
     By:National Center for Education Statistics
     Privacy Issues in Education Staff Records: Guidelines for Education Agencies
     By:Oona Cheung
Funding Opportunitiess
     The AERA Grants Program
     The NAEP Secondary Analysis Grant Program

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