The NCES Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE) program designs and develops information resources to help understand the social and spatial context of education in the United States. It uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to create custom indicators of social, economic, and housing conditions for school-age children and their parents. It also uses spatial data collected by NCES and the Census Bureau to create geographic locale indicators, school point locations, school district boundaries, and other types of data to support spatial analysis.

School Geocodes & Geoassignments

NCES relies on information about school location to construct school-based surveys, support program administration, identify associations with other types of geographic entities, and to help investigate the social and spatial context of education. EDGE creates and assigns address geocodes (estimated latitude/latitude values) and other geographic indicators to public schools, public local education agencies, private schools, and postsecondary schools. The geographic data are provided for download as shapefiles and are also directly accessible as GIS web services.

icon of us map in pointsPublic Schools & School Districts

Geocodes for public schools and school district administrative offices are based on data reported in the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), an annual collection of administrative data about enrollment, staffing, and program participation for schools, local education agencies (LEAs), and state education agencies (SEAs). SEAs report these data to the United States Department of Education in a series of file submissions throughout the year. Additional information about the CCD collection and data resources for public schools are available at

Public School and Local Education Agency Geocodes Technical Documentation (556 KB)

icon of a schoolPrivate Schools

Geocodes for private schools are based on data collected by the NCES Private School Survey (PSS). The PSS is a biennial collection of private elementary and secondary schools that provides data related to enrollment, staffing, type of program, and other basic administrative features. Additional information about the PSS collection and data resources for private schools are available at

Private School Documentation (347 KB)

icon cap and diplomaPostsecondary Schools

Geocodes for postsecondary schools are based on data collected by the NCES Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), an annual survey of institutional characteristics about colleges and universities. Additional information about the IPEDS collection and data resources for postsecondary schools are available at

Postsecondary School Geocodes Technical Documentation (499 KB)



Public School File (28.8 MB)

Public School District File (7.89 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.64 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2023.
  2. Locale assignments are based on inputs from TIGER 2023.
  3. Congressional district codes represent the 118th Congress.
  4. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) July 2023 metropolitan and micropolitan area components.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,648 15.30
City, Midsize 12 6,340 6.20
City, Small 13 6,887 6.73
Suburban, Large 21 26,639 26.05
Suburban, Midsize 22 2,957 2.89
Suburban, Small 23 1,769 1.73
Town, Fringe 31 3,149 3.08
Town, Distant 32 5,469 5.35
Town, Remote 33 3,344 3.27
Rural, Fringe 41 9,697 9.48
Rural, Distant 42 12,002 11.74
Rural, Remote 43 8,373 8.19
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,323 11.83
City, Midsize 12 664 3.38
City, Small 13 876 4.46
Suburban, Large 21 3,657 18.62
Suburban, Midsize 22 408 2.08
Suburban, Small 23 299 1.52
Town, Fringe 31 599 3.05
Town, Distant 32 1,158 5.90
Town, Remote 33 793 4.04
Rural, Fringe 41 1,851 9.43
Rural, Distant 42 3,742 19.06
Rural, Remote 43 3,267 16.64
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCHSchool identification number--102,274
LEAIDSchool district identification number--102,274
NAMEName of institution--102,274
OPSTFIPSFIPS state code for operating state--102,274
STREETReported location street address--102,274
CITYReported location city--102,274
STATEReported location state--102,274
ZIPReported location ZIP code--102,274
STFIPState FIPS--102,274
CNTYCounty FIPS--102,274
NMCNTYCounty name--102,274
LOCALELocale code--102,274
LATLatitude of school location--102,274
LONLongitude of school location--102,274
CBSACore Based Statistical Area11,293 - 90,981
NMCBSACore Based Statistical Area name11,293 -90,981
CBSATYPEMetropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator--102,274
CSACombined Statistical Area27,806 -74,468
NMCSACombined Statistical Area name27,806 -74,468
CD118th Congressional District--102,274
SLDLState Legislative District - Lower1,477 -100,797
SLDUState Legislative District - Upper131 -102,143
SCHOOLYEARSchool year--102,274
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAIDAgency identification number--19,637
NAMEName of agency--19,637
OPSTFIPSFIPS state code for operating state--19,637
STREETReported location street address--19,637
CITYReported location city--19,637
STATEReported location state--19,637
ZIPReported location ZIP code--19,637
STFIPState FIPS--19,637
CNTYCounty FIPS--19,637
NMCNTYCounty name--19,637
LATLatitude of agency office location--19,637
LONLongitude of agency office location--19,637
CBSACore Based Statistical Area3,944 -15,693
NMCBSACore Based Statistical Area name3,944 -15,693
CBSATYPEMetropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator--19,637
CSACombined Statistical Area7,371 -12,266
NMCSACombined Statistical Area name7,371 -12,266
CD118th Congressional District--19,637
SLDLState Legislative District - Lower359 -19,278
SLDUState Legislative District - Upper9 -19,628
SCHOOLYEARSchool year--19,637
LOCALELocale assigned to district--19,637
PCT_CITY11Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large)1,042 -18,595
PCT_CITY12Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize)1,042 -18,595
PCT_CITY13Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small)1,042 -18,595
PCT_SUB21Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large)1,042 -18,595
PCT_SUB22Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize)1,042 -18,595
PCT_SUB23Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small)1,042 -18,595
PCT_TOWN31Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe)1,042 -18,595
PCT_TOWN32Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant)1,042 -18,595
PCT_TOWN33Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote)1,042 -18,595
PCTRURAL41Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe)1,042 -18,595
PCTRURAL42Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant)1,042 -18,595
PCTRURAL43Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote)1,042 -18,595
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,595 23.70
City, Midsize 12 816 12.12
City, Small 13 892 13.25
Suburban, Large 21 1,657 24.62
Suburban, Midsize 22 181 2.69
Suburban, Small 23 117 1.74
Town, Fringe 31 119 1.77
Town, Distant 32 429 6.37
Town, Remote 33 317 4.71
Rural, Fringe 41 333 4.95
Rural, Distant 42 159 2.36
Rural, Remote 43 111 1.65
Not applicable N 5 0.07
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 6,731
NAME Name of institution - - 6,731
STREET Reported street address - 11 6,720
CITY Reported city - - 6,731
STATE Reported state - - 6,731
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 6,731
STFIP State FIPS 5 - 6,726
CNTY County FIPS 5 - 6,726
NMCNTY County name 5 - 6,726
LOCALE Locale code 5 - 6,726
LAT Latitude of school location - - 6,731
LON Longitude of school location - - 6,731
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 297 - 6,434
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 297 - 6,434
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 6,731
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,392 - 5,339
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,392 - 5,339
CD 116th Congressional District 5 - 6,726
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 79 - 6,652
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 12 - 6,719
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 6,731


Public School File (30.3 MB)

Public School District File (8.25 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.64 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2022, except for CBSA and CSA codes which are based on TIGER 2021.
  2. Locale assignments are based on inputs from TIGER 2021.
  3. Congressional district codes represent the 116th Congress.
  4. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) March 2020 metropolitan and micropolitan area standards.
  5. The Census Bureau discontinued New England City and Town Areas (NECTA) as a reported entity in TIGER.
  6. Connecticut replaced its 8 counties with 9 county-equivalent entities.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,382 15.04
City, Midsize 12 6,101 5.97
City, Small 13 6,587 6.44
Suburban, Large 21 26,827 26.23
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,322 3.25
Suburban, Small 23 2,004 1.96
Town, Fringe 31 2,984 2.92
Town, Distant 32 6,265 6.13
Town, Remote 33 4,156 4.06
Rural, Fringe 41 12,064 11.80
Rural, Distant 42 10,197 9.97
Rural, Remote 43 6,379 6.24
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,303 11.68
City, Midsize 12 627 3.18
City, Small 13 851 4.32
Suburban, Large 21 3,699 18.76
Suburban, Midsize 22 502 2.55
Suburban, Small 23 366 1.86
Town, Fringe 31 614 3.11
Town, Distant 32 1,432 7.26
Town, Remote 33 1,032 5.23
Rural, Fringe 41 2,309 11.71
Rural, Distant 42 3,332 16.90
Rural, Remote 43 2,647 13.43
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCHSchool identification number--102,268
LEAIDSchool district identification number--102,268
NAMEName of institution--102,268
OPSTFIPSFIPS state code for operating state--102,268
STREETReported location street address--102,268
CITYReported location city--102,268
STATEReported location state--102,268
ZIPReported location ZIP code--102,268
STFIPState FIPS--102,268
CNTYCounty FIPS--102,268
NMCNTYCounty name--102,268
LOCALELocale code--102,268
LATLatitude of school location--102,268
LONLongitude of school location--102,268
CBSACore Based Statistical Area11,388 -90,880
NMCBSACore Based Statistical Area name11,388 -90,880
CBSATYPEMetropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator--102,268
CSACombined Statistical Area29,715 -72,553
NMCSACombined Statistical Area name29,715 -72,553
NECTANew England City and Town Area98,309 -3,959
NMNECTANew England City and Town Area name98,309 -3,959
CD116th Congressional District--102,268
SLDLState Legislative District - Lower1,478 -100,790
SLDUState Legislative District - Upper131 -102,137
SCHOOLYEARSchool year--102,268
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAIDAgency identification number--19,714
NAMEName of agency--19,714
OPSTFIPSFIPS state code for operating state--19,714
STREETReported location street address--19,714
CITYReported location city--19,714
STATEReported location state--19,714
ZIPReported location ZIP code--19,714
STFIPState FIPS--19,714
CNTYCounty FIPS--19,714
NMCNTYCounty name--19,714
LATLatitude of agency office location--19,714
LONLongitude of agency office location--19,714
CBSACore Based Statistical Area3,987 -15,727
NMCBSACore Based Statistical Area name3,987 -15,727
CBSATYPEMetropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator--19,714
CSACombined Statistical Area7,876 -11,838
NMCSACombined Statistical Area name7,876 -11,838
NECTANew England City and Town Area18,677 -1,037
NMNECTANew England City and Town Area name18,677 -1,037
CD116th Congressional District--19,714
SLDLState Legislative District - Lower359 -19,355
SLDUState Legislative District - Upper9 -19,705
SCHOOLYEARSchool year--19,714
LOCALELocale assigned to district--19,714
PCT_CITY11Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large)1,169 -18,545
PCT_CITY12Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize)1,169 -18,545
PCT_CITY13Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small)1,169 -18,545
PCT_SUB21Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large)1,169 -18,545
PCT_SUB22Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize)1,169 -18,545
PCT_SUB23Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small)1,169 -18,545
PCT_TOWN31Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe)1,169 -18,545
PCT_TOWN32Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant)1,169 -18,545
PCT_TOWN33Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote)1,169 -18,545
PCTRURAL41Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe)1,169 -18,545
PCTRURAL42Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant)1,169 -18,545
PCTRURAL43Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote)1,169 -18,545
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,595 23.41
City, Midsize 12 805 11.82
City, Small 13 876 12.86
Suburban, Large 21 1,682 24.69
Suburban, Midsize 22 195 2.86
Suburban, Small 23 143 2.10
Town, Fringe 31 136 2.00
Town, Distant 32 453 6.65
Town, Remote 33 349 5.12
Rural, Fringe 41 397 5.83
Rural, Distant 42 118 1.73
Rural, Remote 43 60 0.88
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 6,812
NAME Name of institution - - 6,812
STREET Reported street address - 12 6,800
CITY Reported city - - 6,812
STATE Reported state - - 6,812
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 6,812
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 6,809
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 6,809
NMCNTY County name 3 - 6,809
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 6,809
LAT Latitude of school location - - 6,812
LON Longitude of school location - - 6,812
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 305 - 6,507
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 305 - 6,507
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 6,812
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,563 - 5,249
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,563 - 5,249
CD 116th Congressional District 3 - 6,809
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 76 - 6,736
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 6,802
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 6,812


Public School File (26.9 MB)

Public School District File (7.02 MB)

Private School File (5.88 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.55 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2020.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 116th Congress.
  3. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) March 2020 metropolitan and micropolitan area standards.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,400 15.08
City, Midsize 12 6,091 5.96
City, Small 13 6,592 6.45
Suburban, Large 21 26,762 26.20
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,312 3.24
Suburban, Small 23 2,009 1.97
Town, Fringe 31 2,999 2.94
Town, Distant 32 6,288 6.16
Town, Remote 33 4,155 4.07
Rural, Fringe 41 11,934 11.69
Rural, Distant 42 10,200 9.99
Rural, Remote 43 6,388 6.25
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,296 11.65
City, Midsize 12 630 3.20
City, Small 13 860 4.36
Suburban, Large 21 3,691 18.72
Suburban, Midsize 22 500 2.54
Suburban, Small 23 364 1.85
Town, Fringe 31 614 3.11
Town, Distant 32 1,423 7.22
Town, Remote 33 1,039 5.27
Rural, Fringe 41 2,301 11.67
Rural, Distant 42 3,349 16.99
Rural, Remote 43 2,646 13.42
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCH School identification number - - 102,130
LEAID School district identification number - - 102,130
NAME Name of institution - - 102,130
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 102,130
STREET Reported location street address - - 102,130
CITY Reported location city - - 102,130
STATE Reported location state - - 102,130
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 102,130
STFIP State FIPS - - 102,130
CNTY County FIPS - - 102,130
NMCNTY County name - - 102,130
LOCALE Locale code - - 102,130
LAT Latitude of school location - - 102,130
LON Longitude of school location - - 102,130
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 11,396 - 90,734
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 11,396 - 90,734
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 102,130
CSA Combined Statistical Area 29,669 - 72,461
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 29,669 - 72,461
NECTA New England City and Town Area 98,178 - 3,952
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 98,178 - 3,952
CD 116th Congressional District - - 102,130
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 1,471 - 100,659
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 131 - 101,999
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 102,130
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAID Agency identification number - - 19,713
NAME Name of agency - - 19,713
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 19,713
STREET Reported location street address - - 19,713
CITY Reported location city - - 19,713
STATE Reported location state - - 19,713
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 19,713
STFIP State FIPS - - 19,713
CNTY County FIPS - - 19,713
NMCNTY County name - - 19,713
LAT Latitude of agency office location - - 19,713
LON Longitude of agency office location - - 19,713
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 3,995 - 15,718
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 3,995 - 15,718
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 19,713
CSA Combined Statistical Area 7,898 - 11,815
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 7,898 - 11,815
NECTA New England City and Town Area 18,684 - 1,029
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 18,684 - 1,029
CD 116th Congressional District - - 19,713
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 356 - 19,357
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 8 - 19,705
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 19,713
LOCALE Locale assigned to district - - 19,713
PCT_CITY11 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_CITY12 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_CITY13 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_SUB21 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_SUB22 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_SUB23 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_TOWN31 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_TOWN32 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant) 1,165 - 18,548
PCT_TOWN33 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote) 1,165 - 18,548
PCTRURAL41 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe) 1,165 - 18,548
PCTRURAL42 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant) 1,165 - 18,548
PCTRURAL43 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote) 1,165 - 18,548
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 4,047 18.11
City, Midsize 12 1,762 7.89
City, Small 13 1,946 8.71
Suburban, Large 21 7,484 33.49
Suburban, Midsize 22 643 2.88
Suburban, Small 23 410 1.83
Town, Fringe 31 395 1.77
Town, Distant 32 936 4.19
Town, Remote 33 609 2.73
Rural, Fringe 41 2,151 9.63
Rural, Distant 42 1,613 7.22
Rural, Remote 43 349 1.56
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
PPIN School identification number - - 22,345
NAME Name of institution - - 22,345
STREET Reported street address - - 22,345
CITY Reported city - - 22,345
STATE Reported state - - 22,345
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 22,345
STFIP State FIPS - - 22,345
CNTY County FIPS - - 22,345
NMCNTY County name - - 22,345
LOCALE Locale code - - 22,345
LAT Latitude of school location - - 22,345
LON Longitude of school location - - 22,345
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 1,314 - 21,031
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 1,314 - 21,031
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator 1,314 - 21,031
CSA Combined Statistical Area 4,706 - 17,639
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 4,706 - 17,639
NECTA New England City and Town Area 21,296 - 1,049
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 21,296 - 1,049
CD 116th Congressional District - - 22,345
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 234 - 22,111
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper - - 22,345
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 22,345
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,599 23.35
City, Midsize 12 829 12.11
City, Small 13 890 13.00
Suburban, Large 21 1,690 24.68
Suburban, Midsize 22 199 2.91
Suburban, Small 23 146 2.13
Town, Fringe 31 130 1.90
Town, Distant 32 449 6.56
Town, Remote 33 342 4.99
Rural, Fringe 41 389 5.68
Rural, Distant 42 117 1.71
Rural, Remote 43 64 0.93
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 6,847
NAME Name of institution - - 6,847
STREET Reported street address - 11 6,836
CITY Reported city - - 6,847
STATE Reported state - - 6,847
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 6,847
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 6,844
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 6,844
NMCNTY County name 3 - 6,844
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 6,844
LAT Latitude of school location - - 6,847
LON Longitude of school location - - 6,847
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 302 - 6,545
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 302 - 6,545
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 6,847
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,567 - 5,280
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,567 - 5,280
NECTA New England City and Town Area 6,518 - 329
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 6,518 - 329
CD 116th Congressional District 3 - 6,844
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 78 - 6,769
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 6,837
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 6,847


Public School File (26.7 MB)

Public School District File (8.58 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.61 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2020.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 116th Congress.
  3. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) March 2020 metropolitan and micropolitan area standards.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,315 15.06
City, Midsize 12 6,035 5.94
City, Small 13 6,618 6.51
Suburban, Large 21 26,624 26.19
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,303 3.25
Suburban, Small 23 1,999 1.97
Town, Fringe 31 2,965 2.92
Town, Distant 32 6,273 6.17
Town, Remote 33 4,167 4.10
Rural, Fringe 41 11,742 11.55
Rural, Distant 42 10,224 10.06
Rural, Remote 43 6,397 6.29
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,310 11.73
City, Midsize 12 617 3.13
City, Small 13 853 4.33
Suburban, Large 21 3,683 18.70
Suburban, Midsize 22 496 2.52
Suburban, Small 23 362 1.84
Town, Fringe 31 623 3.16
Town, Distant 32 1,410 7.16
Town, Remote 33 1,054 5.35
Rural, Fringe 41 2,278 11.57
Rural, Distant 42 3,350 17.01
Rural, Remote 43 2,654 13.48
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCH School identification number - - 101,662
LEAID School district identification number - - 101,662
NAME Name of institution - - 101,662
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 101,662
STREET Reported location street address - - 101,662
CITY Reported location city - - 101,662
STATE Reported location state - - 101,662
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 101,662
STFIP State FIPS - - 101,662
CNTY County FIPS - - 101,662
NMCNTY County name - - 101,662
LOCALE Locale code - - 101,662
LAT Latitude of school location - - 101,662
LON Longitude of school location - - 101,662
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 11,423 - 90,239
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 11,423 - 90,239
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 101,662
CSA Combined Statistical Area 29,650 - 72,012
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 29,650 - 72,012
NECTA New England City and Town Area 97,711 - 3,951
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 97,711 - 3,951
CD 116th Congressional District - - 101,662
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 1,466 - 100,196
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 131 - 101,531
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 101,662
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAID Agency identification number - - 19,690
NAME Name of agency - - 19,690
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 19,690
STREET Reported location street address - - 19,690
CITY Reported location city - - 19,690
STATE Reported location state - - 19,690
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 19,690
STFIP State FIPS - - 19,690
CNTY County FIPS - - 19,690
NMCNTY County name - - 19,690
LAT Latitude of agency office location - - 19,690
LON Longitude of agency office location - - 19,690
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 4,004 - 15,686
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 4,004 - 15,686
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 19,690
CSA Combined Statistical Area 7,903 - 11,787
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 7,903 - 11,787
NECTA New England City and Town Area 18,663 - 1,027
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 18,663 - 1,027
CD 116th Congressional District - - 19,690
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 357 - 19,333
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 8 - 19,682
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 19,690
LOCALE Locale assigned to district - - 19,690
PCT_CITY11 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_CITY12 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_CITY13 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_SUB21 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_SUB22 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_SUB23 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_TOWN31 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_TOWN32 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_TOWN33 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_RURAL41 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_RURAL42 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant) 1,166 - 18,524
PCT_RURAL43 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote) 1,166 - 18,524
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,640 23.39
City, Midsize 12 840 11.98
City, Small 13 916 13.06
Suburban, Large 21 1,737 24.77
Suburban, Midsize 22 204 2.91
Suburban, Small 23 152 2.17
Town, Fringe 31 131 1.87
Town, Distant 32 457 6.52
Town, Remote 33 350 4.99
Rural, Fringe 41 399 5.69
Rural, Distant 42 121 1.73
Rural, Remote 43 62 0.88
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 7,012
NAME Name of institution - - 7,012
STREET Reported street address - 12 7,000
CITY Reported city - - 7,012
STATE Reported state - - 7,012
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 7,012
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 7,009
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 7,009
NMCNTY County name 3 - 7,009
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 7,009
LAT Latitude of school location - - 7,012
LON Longitude of school location - - 7,012
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 307 - 6,705
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 307 - 6,705
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 7,012
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,602 - 5,410
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,602 - 5,410
NECTA New England City and Town Area 6,680 - 332
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 6,680 - 332
CD 116th Congressional District 3 - 7,009
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 81 - 6,931
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 7,002
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 7,012


Public School File (27.34 MB)

Public School District File (7.2 MB)

Private School File (6.21 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.68 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2019.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 116th Congress.
  3. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) September 2018 metropolitan and micropolitan area components.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,368 15.11
City, Midsize 12 5,901 5.80
City, Small 13 6,809 6.70
Suburban, Large 21 26,593 26.15
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,301 3.25
Suburban, Small 23 1,998 1.96
Town, Fringe 31 2,969 2.92
Town, Distant 32 6,316 6.21
Town, Remote 33 4,145 4.08
Rural, Fringe 41 11,603 11.41
Rural, Distant 42 10,264 10.09
Rural, Remote 43 6,421 6.31
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,321 11.71
City, Midsize 12 628 3.17
City, Small 13 879 4.43
Suburban, Large 21 3,693 18.63
Suburban, Midsize 22 500 2.52
Suburban, Small 23 359 1.81
Town, Fringe 31 615 3.10
Town, Distant 32 1,436 7.24
Town, Remote 33 1,045 5.27
Rural, Fringe 41 2,280 11.50
Rural, Distant 42 3,393 17.11
Rural, Remote 43 2,679 13.51
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCH School identification number - - 101,688
LEAID School district identification number - - 101,688
NAME Name of institution - - 101,688
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 101,688
STREET Reported location street address - - 101,688
CITY Reported location city - - 101,688
STATE Reported location state - - 101,688
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 101,688
STFIP State FIPS - - 101,688
CNTY County FIPS - - 101,688
NMCNTY County name - - 101,688
LOCALE Locale code - - 101,688
LAT Latitude of school location - - 101,688
LON Longitude of school location - - 101,688
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 11,455 - 90,233
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 11,455 - 90,233
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 101,688
CSA Combined Statistical Area 29,670 - 72,018
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 29,670 - 72,018
NECTA New England City and Town Area 97,699 - 3,989
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 97,699 - 3,989
CD 116th Congressional District - - 101,688
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 1,442 - 100,246
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 99 - 101,589
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 101,688
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAID Agency identification number - - 19,828
NAME Name of agency - - 19,828
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 19,828
STREET Reported location street address - - 19,828
CITY Reported location city - - 19,828
STATE Reported location state - - 19,828
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 19,828
STFIP State FIPS - - 19,828
CNTY County FIPS - - 19,828
NMCNTY County name - - 19,828
LAT Latitude of agency office location - - 19,828
LON Longitude of agency office location - - 19,828
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 4,039 - 15,789
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 4,039 - 15,789
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 19,828
CSA Combined Statistical Area 7,969 - 11,859
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 7,969 - 11,859
NECTA New England City and Town Area 18,770 - 1,058
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 18,770 - 1,058
CD 116th Congressional District - - 19,828
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 354 - 19,474
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 7 - 19,821
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 19,828
LOCALE Locale assigned to district - - 19,828
PCT_CITY11 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_CITY12 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_CITY13 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_SUB21 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_SUB22 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_SUB23 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_TOWN31 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_TOWN32 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_TOWN33 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_RURAL41 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_RURAL42 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant) 1,221 - 18,607
PCT_RURAL43 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote) 1,221 - 18,607
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 3,754 17.40
City, Midsize 12 1,618 7.50
City, Small 13 1,888 8.75
Suburban, Large 21 7,162 33.20
Suburban, Midsize 22 613 2.84
Suburban, Small 23 380 1.76
Town, Fringe 31 386 1.79
Town, Distant 32 915 4.24
Town, Remote 33 574 2.66
Rural, Fringe 41 2,247 10.42
Rural, Distant 42 1,684 7.81
Rural, Remote 43 351 1.63
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
PPIN School identification number - - 21,572
NAME Name of institution - - 21,572
STREET Reported street address - - 21,572
CITY Reported city - - 21,572
STATE Reported state - - 21,572
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 21,572
STFIP State FIPS - - 21,572
CNTY County FIPS - - 21,572
NMCNTY County name - - 21,572
LOCALE Locale code - - 21,572
LAT Latitude of school location - - 21,572
LON Longitude of school location - - 21,572
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 1,332 - 20,240
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 1,332 - 20,240
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator 1,332 - 20,240
CSA Combined Statistical Area 4,677 - 16,895
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 4,677 - 16,895
NECTA New England City and Town Area 20,562 - 1,010
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 20,562 - 1,010
CD 116th Congressional District - - 21,572
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 209 - 21,363
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper - - 21,572
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 21,572
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,667 23.59
City, Midsize 12 837 11.84
City, Small 13 929 13.14
Suburban, Large 21 1,758 24.87
Suburban, Midsize 22 197 2.79
Suburban, Small 23 148 2.09
Town, Fringe 31 133 1.88
Town, Distant 32 462 6.54
Town, Remote 33 354 5.01
Rural, Fringe 41 393 5.56
Rural, Distant 42 125 1.77
Rural, Remote 43 62 0.88
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 7,068
NAME Name of institution - - 7,068
STREET Reported street address - 10 7,058
CITY Reported city - - 7,068
STATE Reported state - - 7,068
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 7,068
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 7,065
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 7,065
NMCNTY County name 3 - 7,065
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 7,065
LAT Latitude of school location - - 7,068
LON Longitude of school location - - 7,068
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 314 - 6,754
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 314 - 6,754
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 7,068
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,617 - 5,451
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,617 - 5,451
NECTA New England City and Town Area 6,718 - 350
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 6,718 - 350
CD 116th Congressional District 3 - 7,065
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 82 - 6,986
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 7,058
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 7,068


Public School File (27.4 MB)

Public School District File (7.14 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.36 MB)

User Notes

  1. The public school and school district point files are based on an October 1st, 2019 benchmark. This did not include 70 schools and 39 school district offices in California that were reported later to the CCD directory. The public school and school district point files were subsequently updated and re-released on March 30th, 2020.
  2. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2018.
  3. Congressional district codes represent the 116th Congress.
  4. CBSA and CSA codes are based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) August 2017 metropolitan and micropolitan area components.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,147 14.82
City, Midsize 12 6,035 5.91
City, Small 13 6,722 6.58
Suburban, Large 21 27,014 26.44
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,327 3.26
Suburban, Small 23 2,073 2.03
Town, Fringe 31 3,004 2.94
Town, Distant 32 6,367 6.23
Town, Remote 33 4,187 4.10
Rural, Fringe 41 11,470 11.23
Rural, Distant 42 10,366 10.15
Rural, Remote 43 6,464 6.33
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 2,266 11.42
City, Midsize 12 659 3.32
City, Small 13 856 4.31
Suburban, Large 21 3,709 18.69
Suburban, Midsize 22 484 2.44
Suburban, Small 23 371 1.87
Town, Fringe 31 623 3.14
Town, Distant 32 1,453 7.32
Town, Remote 33 1,036 5.22
Rural, Fringe 41 2,243 11.31
Rural, Distant 42 3,441 17.34
Rural, Remote 43 2,699 13.60
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCH School identification number - - 102,176
LEAID School district identification number - - 102,176
NAME Name of institution - - 102,176
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 102,176
STREET Reported location street address - - 102,176
CITY Reported location city - - 102,176
STATE Reported location state - - 102,176
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 102,176
STFIP State FIPS - - 102,176
CNTY County FIPS - - 102,176
NMCNTY County name - - 102,176
LOCALE Locale code - - 102,176
LAT Latitude of school location - - 102,176
LON Longitude of school location - - 102,176
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 11,614 - 90,562
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 11,614 - 90,562
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 102,176
CSA Combined Statistical Area 31,573 - 70,603
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 31,573 - 70,603
NECTA New England City and Town Area 98,188 - 3,988
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 98,188 - 3,988
CD 116th Congressional District - - 102,176
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 1,446 - 100,730
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 101 - 102,075
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 102,176
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAID Agency identification number - - 19,840
NAME Name of agency - - 19,840
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 19,840
STREET Reported location street address - - 19,840
CITY Reported location city - - 19,840
STATE Reported location state - - 19,840
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 19,840
STFIP State FIPS - - 19,840
CNTY County FIPS - - 19,840
NMCNTY County name - - 19,840
LAT Latitude of agency office location - - 19,840
LON Longitude of agency office location - - 19,840
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 4,052 - 15,788
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 4,052 - 15,788
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 19,840
CSA Combined Statistical Area 8,313 - 11,527
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 8,313 - 11,527
NECTA New England City and Town Area 18,781 - 1,059
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 18,781 - 1,059
CD 116th Congressional District - - 19,840
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 356 - 19,484
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 7 - 19,833
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 19,840
LOCALE Locale assigned to district - - 19,840
PCT_CITY11 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 11 (city - large) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_CITY12 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 12 (city - midsize) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_CITY13 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 13 (city - small) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_SUB21 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 21 (suburb - large) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_SUB22 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 22 (suburb - midsize) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_SUB23 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 23 (suburb - small) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_TOWN31 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 31 (town - fringe) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_TOWN32 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 32 (town - distant) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_TOWN33 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 33 (town - remote) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_RURAL41 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 41 (rural - fringe) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_RURAL42 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 42 (rural - distant) 1,210 - 18,630
PCT_RURAL43 Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in locale 43 (rural - remote) 1,210 - 18,630
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,717 23.42
City, Midsize 12 876 11.95
City, Small 13 926 12.63
Suburban, Large 21 1,887 25.74
Suburban, Midsize 22 201 2.74
Suburban, Small 23 160 2.18
Town, Fringe 31 136 1.85
Town, Distant 32 474 6.46
Town, Remote 33 359 4.90
Rural, Fringe 41 403 5.50
Rural, Distant 42 125 1.70
Rural, Remote 43 65 0.89
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 7,332
NAME Name of institution - - 7,332
STREET Reported street address - 11 7,321
CITY Reported city - - 7,332
STATE Reported state - - 7,332
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 7,332
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 7,329
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 7,329
NMCNTY County name 3 - 7,329
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 7,329
LAT Latitude of school location - - 7,332
LON Longitude of school location - - 7,332
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 332 - 7,000
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 332 - 7,000
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 7,332
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,767 - 5,565
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,767 - 5,565
NECTA New England City and Town Area 6,972 - 360
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 6,972 - 360
CD 116th Congressional District 3 - 7,329
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 83 - 7,249
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 7,322
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 7,332


Public School File (27 MB)

Public School District File (6.39 MB)

Private School File (5.75 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.35 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2017.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 115th Congress.
  3. TIGER 2017 uses the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updates to metropolitan and micropolitan delineations as of July 15, 2015.
  4. The 2017-18 Private School Survey (PSS) data files include seven private schools that are not included in the EDGE Private School Location files. These seven cases became "survey eligible" after the school location files were completed. The PPINs for these cases are 00262259, 00299755, 00599908, A1101006, A1502929, A1592104, and A1771210.
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 15,096 14.75
City, Midsize 12 6,015 5.88
City, Small 13 6,768 6.61
Suburban, Large 21 27,177 26.56
Suburban, Midsize 22 3,373 3.30
Suburban, Small 23 2,090 2.04
Town, Fringe 31 3,022 2.95
Town, Distant 32 6,366 6.22
Town, Remote 33 4,215 4.12
Rural, Fringe 41 11,302 11.04
Rural, Distant 42 10,401 10.16
Rural, Remote 43 6,512 6.36
Not applicable N - 0.00
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1,830 9.71
City, Midsize 12 575 3.05
City, Small 13 806 4.28
Suburban, Large 21 3,446 18.29
Suburban, Midsize 22 464 2.46
Suburban, Small 23 356 1.89
Town, Fringe 31 605 3.21
Town, Distant 32 1,450 7.70
Town, Remote 33 1,018 5.40
Rural, Fringe 41 2,179 11.56
Rural, Distant 42 3,425 18.18
Rural, Remote 43 2,688 14.27
Not applicable N - 0.00
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
NCESSCH School identification number - - 102,337
NAME Name of institution - - 102,337
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 102,337
STREET Reported location street address - - 102,337
CITY Reported location city - - 102,337
STATE Reported location state - - 102,337
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 102,337
STFIP State FIPS - - 102,337
CNTY County FIPS - - 102,337
NMCNTY County name - - 102,337
LOCALE Locale code - - 102,337
LAT Latitude of school location - - 102,337
LON Longitude of school location - - 102,337
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 11,693 - 90,644
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 11,693 - 90,644
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 102,337
CSA Combined Statistical Area 31,628 - 70,709
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 31,628 - 70,709
NECTA New England City and Town Area 98,150 - 4,187
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 98,150 - 4,187
CD 115th Congressional District - - 102,337
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 1,441 - 100,896
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 97 - 102,240
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 102,337
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
LEAID Agency identification number - - 18,842
NAME Name of agency - - 18,842
OPSTFIPS FIPS state code for operating state - - 18,842
STREET Reported location street address - - 18,842
CITY Reported location city - - 18,842
STATE Reported location state - - 18,842
ZIP Reported location ZIP code - - 18,842
STFIP State FIPS - - 18,842
CNTY County FIPS - - 18,842
NMCNTY County name - - 18,842
LAT Latitude of agency office location - - 18,842
LON Longitude of agency office location - - 18,842
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 4,063 - 14,779
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 4,063 - 14,779
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 18,842
CSA Combined Statistical Area 8,126 - 10,716
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 8,126 - 10,716
NECTA New England City and Town Area 17,777 - 1,065
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 17,777 - 1,065
CD 115th Congressional District - - 18,842
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 358 - 18,484
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 4 - 18,838
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 18,842
LOCALE Locale assigned to district - - 18,842
LOC_OTHER Percentage of enrolled students attending schools in a locale other than the locale assigned to district 1,216 - 17,626
LOC_COUNT Number of locales assigned to schools operated by district 1,216 - 17,626
LOC_SCH List of locales assigned to schools operated by district 1,216 - 17,626
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 4106 17.94
City, Midsize 12 1689 7.38
City, Small 13 1986 8.68
Suburban, Large 21 7650 33.42
Suburban, Midsize 22 635 2.77
Suburban, Small 23 388 1.70
Town, Fringe 31 413 1.80
Town, Distant 32 967 4.22
Town, Remote 33 619 2.70
Rural, Fringe 41 2349 10.26
Rural, Distant 42 1726 7.54
Rural, Remote 43 362 1.58
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
PPIN School identification number - - 22,890
PINST Name of institution - - 22,890
STREET Reported street address - - 22,890
CITY Reported city - - 22,890
STATE Reported state - - 22,890
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 22,890
STFIP State FIPS - - 22,890
CNTY County FIPS - - 22,890
NMCNTY County name - - 22,890
LOCALE Locale code - - 22,890
LAT Latitude of school location - - 22,890
LON Longitude of school location - - 22,890
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 1,375 - 21,515
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 1,375 - 21,515
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator 1,375 - 21,515
CSA Combined Statistical Area 5,131 - 17,759
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 5,131 - 17,759
NECTA New England City and Town Area 21,788 - 1,102
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 21,788 - 1,102
CD 115th Congressional District - - 22,890
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 227 - 22,663
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper - - 22,890
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 22,890
Locale Description Locale Code Frequency Percent
City, Large 11 1806 23.77
City, Midsize 12 903 11.88
City, Small 13 981 12.91
Suburban, Large 21 1993 26.23
Suburban, Midsize 22 213 2.80
Suburban, Small 23 155 2.04
Town, Fringe 31 140 1.84
Town, Distant 32 466 6.13
Town, Remote 33 355 4.67
Rural, Fringe 41 400 5.26
Rural, Distant 42 122 1.61
Rural, Remote 43 62 0.82
Not applicable N 3 0.04
Variable Label Not Applicable Missing Reported
UNITID School identification number - - 7,599
NAME Name of institution - - 7,599
STREET Reported street address - 11 7,588
CITY Reported city - - 7,599
STATE Reported state - - 7,599
ZIP Reported ZIP code - - 7,599
STFIP State FIPS 3 - 7,596
CNTY County FIPS 3 - 7,596
NMCNTY County name 3 - 7,596
LOCALE Locale code 3 - 7,596
LAT Latitude of school location - - 7,599
LON Longitude of school location - - 7,599
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area 317 - 7,282
NMCBSA Core Based Statistical Area name 317 - 7,282
CBSATYPE Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area indicator - - 7,599
CSA Combined Statistical Area 1,789 - 5,810
NMCSA Combined Statistical Area name 1,789 - 5,810
NECTA New England City and Town Area 7,210 - 389
NMNECTA New England City and Town Area name 7,210 - 389
CD 115th Congressional District 3 - 7,596
SLDL State Legislative District - Lower 86 - 7,513
SLDU State Legislative District - Upper 10 - 7,589
SCHOOLYEAR School year - - 7,599


Public School File (30.3 MB)

Public District File (7.5 MB)

Postsecondary School File (2.75 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2016.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 115th Congress.
  3. TIGER 2016 uses the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updates to metropolitan and micropolitan delineations as of February 28, 2013.


Public School File (31.1 MB)

Public District File (6.5 MB)

Private School File (8.34 MB)

Postsecondary School File (4 MB)

User Notes

  1. Geographic codes are based on TIGER 2015.
  2. Congressional district codes represent the 114th Congress.
  3. TIGER 2015 uses the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updates to metropolitan and micropolitan delineations as of February 28, 2013.