Digest of Education Statistics
1998 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 415. -  Percentage of school library/media centers that offered selected services and equipment, and library/media center expenditures, by control and level of school: 1993-94
                Selected                 |   Public                                               |   Private
               statistics                |________________________________________________________|_______________________________________________________
                                         |   Total      |Elementary   |Secondary    |Combined     | Total       |Elementary   |Secondary    |Combined
                    1                    |      2       |     3       |     4       |     5       |     6       |     7       |     8       |     9
Number of schools with libraries ........| 72,286   --- |53,059   --- |17,356   --- | 1,871   --- |19,301   --- |10,880   --- | 4,178   --- | 4,243   ---
   Average number of staff per library   |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Total ...................................|   1.81 (0.02)|  1.69 (0.03)|  2.12 (0.03)|  1.71 (0.07)|  1.23 (0.03)|  1.09 (0.03)|  1.58 (0.06)|  1.25 (0.07)
  Certified library/media specialists ...|   0.86 (0.01)|  0.79 (0.02)|  1.03 (0.02)|  0.79 (0.05)|  0.28 (0.01)|  0.20 (0.02)|  0.47 (0.03)|  0.30 (0.02)
    Full-time ...........................|   0.61 (0.01)|  0.51 (0.01)|  0.84 (0.02)|  0.51 (0.03)|  0.17 (0.01)|  0.07 (0.01)|  0.35 (0.03)|  0.21 (0.02)
    Part-time ...........................|   0.25 (0.01)|  0.28 (0.02)|  0.19 (0.01)|  0.28 (0.04)|  0.11 (0.01)|  0.12 (0.02)|  0.11 (0.01)|  0.09 (0.02)
  Other professional staff ..............|   0.27 (0.01)|  0.27 (0.01)|  0.26 (0.02)|  0.29 (0.03)|  0.66 (0.02)|  0.65 (0.02)|  0.65 (0.04)|  0.70 (0.06)
    Full-time ...........................|   0.13 (0.01)|  0.13 (0.01)|  0.14 (0.01)|  0.13 (0.03)|  0.23 (0.02)|  0.19 (0.01)|  0.26 (0.03)|  0.32 (0.04)
    Part-time ...........................|   0.13 (0.01)|  0.14 (0.01)|  0.13 (0.01)|  0.16 (0.02)|  0.43 (0.01)|  0.47 (0.02)|  0.39 (0.03)|  0.39 (0.04)
  Other paid employees ..................|   0.68 (0.02)|  0.63 (0.02)|  0.83 (0.02)|  0.62 (0.04)|  0.29 (0.02)|  0.24 (0.02)|  0.46 (0.03)|  0.25 (0.03)
    Full-time ...........................|   0.34 (0.01)|  0.28 (0.01)|  0.49 (0.02)|  0.29 (0.03)|  0.07 (0.01)|  0.05 (0.01)|  0.12 (0.02)|  0.07 (0.01)
    Part-time ...........................|   0.34 (0.01)|  0.34 (0.02)|  0.34 (0.02)|  0.33 (0.03)|  0.22 (0.01)|  0.19 (0.02)|  0.34 (0.02)|  0.18 (0.03)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  Percentage of schools' library media   |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  centers with the following equipment   |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Telephone ...............................|   61.2  (1.3)|  55.8  (1.8)|  74.7  (1.6)|  51.6  (3.3)|  40.8  (1.3)|  30.7  (1.6)|  52.8  (2.5)|  54.6  (4.2)
Fax machine .............................|    7.8  (0.5)|   4.7  (0.6)|  15.1  (0.8)|   8.8  (1.4)|   5.1  (0.5)|   3.1  (0.6)|   7.9  (1.1)|   7.4  (1.2)
Computer with modem .....................|   34.3  (1.0)|  28.3  (1.2)|  48.2  (1.5)|  38.1  (3.0)|  19.5  (1.0)|  12.2  (1.5)|  30.2  (1.9)|  27.9  (2.7)
Automated catalog .......................|   24.0  (0.9)|  20.3  (1.1)|  32.8  (1.1)|  20.5  (1.9)|   9.7  (0.7)|   5.5  (0.5)|  15.8  (1.9)|  14.4  (2.3)
Automated circulation system ............|   37.9  (1.1)|  34.1  (1.6)|  47.7  (1.3)|  27.8  (2.6)|   9.5  (0.7)|   5.4  (0.6)|  16.0  (1.8)|  13.8  (1.8)
Database searching with CD-ROM ..........|   31.2  (0.8)|  23.9  (1.2)|  48.1  (1.3)|  31.4  (3.1)|  13.9  (0.8)|   6.3  (0.8)|  25.7  (1.6)|  21.6  (2.2)
On-line database searching ..............|    9.4  (0.5)|   5.4  (0.5)|  18.9  (0.9)|   8.8  (1.5)|   5.5  (0.5)|   0.7  (0.3)|  12.2  (1.2)|  11.0  (1.7)
Compact disc for periodical indices, etc.|   46.7  (1.1)|  39.6  (1.5)|  63.5  (1.3)|  46.6  (3.7)|  19.6  (1.0)|  12.3  (1.1)|  33.5  (2.2)|  24.6  (2.2)
Video laser disc ........................|   31.9  (1.0)|  30.3  (1.3)|  36.1  (1.3)|  26.1  (2.8)|   6.3  (0.6)|   4.8  (0.7)|   9.9  (1.2)|   6.9  (1.1)
Connection to Internet ..................|   12.0  (0.6)|   9.5  (0.8)|  17.5  (0.8)|  15.0  (1.9)|   5.3  (0.5)|   2.8  (0.8)|   9.2  (1.1)|   7.5  (1.2)
Cable television ........................|   76.2  (0.8)|  75.0  (1.1)|  80.6  (0.9)|  57.7  (3.6)|  39.9  (1.3)|  42.6  (2.0)|  43.1  (2.8)|  30.1  (2.7)
Broadcast television ....................|   48.6  (1.0)|  48.0  (1.4)|  49.9  (1.3)|  48.1  (3.1)|  39.9  (1.6)|  42.9  (1.9)|  39.7  (2.5)|  32.2  (3.9)
Closed circuit television ...............|   25.5  (0.7)|  22.0  (1.0)|  34.0  (1.0)|  20.9  (2.2)|   8.8  (0.7)|   5.7  (1.0)|  19.2  (1.6)|   6.3  (1.5)
Satellite dish ..........................|   22.9  (0.6)|  14.4  (0.7)|  41.1  (1.1)|  45.2  (3.0)|   8.7  (0.9)|   5.6  (0.9)|  15.6  (1.2)|   9.8  (2.5)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Total students using library per 100     |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  students each week\1\ .................|   83.4  (0.4)|  88.9  (0.5)|  68.6  (0.9)|  66.4  (1.8)|  76.5  (0.9)|  84.9  (1.0)|  64.6  (1.7)|  60.0  (2.6)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Books checked out per 100 students       |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  each week\1\ ..........................|    128    (2)|   150    (3)|    67    (4)|    85    (8)|   116   (18)|   146   (28)|    47    (8)|    68    (5)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Percentage of schools offering--         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  Microcomputers ........................|   90.1  (0.7)|  88.5  (1.0)|  94.0  (1.0)|  87.4  (1.5)|  75.8  (1.6)|  72.8  (2.1)|  80.6  (2.9)|  78.5  (3.5)
  Long distance learning ................|   19.0  (0.8)|  15.9  (1.1)|  24.8  (1.0)|  36.4  (2.6)|   8.8  (0.9)|   8.3  (0.9)|   8.2  (1.6)|  10.9  (2.9)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
    Average holdings per 100 students    |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  at the end of the 1992-93 school year  |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Books (number of volumes) .............. |  2,585   (57)| 2,467   (81)| 2,891  (101)| 3,085  (262)| 3,716  (252)| 3,455  (349)| 5,383  (726)| 3,677  (286)
Current serial subscriptions (print/     |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  microfilm) ............................|      9  (\2\)|     7  (\2\)|    14    (1)|    15    (3)|     8    (1)|     7    (1)|    16    (1)|     8    (1)
Video materials (tape and disc) .........|     38    (2)|    35    (2)|    46    (2)|    70   (11)|    47    (5)|    44    (5)|    50    (6)|    54   (10)
Other audiovisual materials .............|    116    (4)|   114    (6)|   117    (7)|   187   (24)|    76    (6)|    74    (5)|   120   (16)|    63   (16)
Microcomputer software ..................|     18    (1)|    20    (1)|    12    (1)|    21    (2)|    26    (4)|    28    (5)|    11    (4)|    26    (9)
CD-ROM titles ...........................|      1  (\2\)|     1  (\2\)|     2  (\2\)|     3  (\2\)|     1  (\2\)| (\2\)  (\2\)|     2    (1)|     2    (1)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
    Locally budgeted expenditures\3\     |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
          per student, 1992-93           |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Books ...................................|  $8.52 (0.23)| $7.80 (0.25)|$10.06 (0.42)|$14.40 (2.06)| $7.86 (0.45)| $6.94 (0.52)|$12.86 (1.26)| $8.09 (0.97)
Current serial subscriptions (print/     |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
  microfilm) ............................|   2.18 (0.05)|  1.49 (0.06)|  4.15 (0.14)|  3.33 (0.30)|  1.57 (0.09)|  0.95 (0.10)|  4.83 (0.36)|  1.78 (0.20)
Video materials (tape and disc) .........|   1.24 (0.04)|  1.04 (0.05)|  1.77 (0.10)|  1.74 (0.35)|  1.07 (0.09)|  0.87 (0.08)|  1.49 (0.15)|  1.40 (0.27)
Other audiovisual materials .............|   0.82 (0.04)|  0.77 (0.06)|  0.87 (0.07)|  1.54 (0.30)|  0.55 (0.05)|  0.55 (0.06)|  0.72 (0.10)|  0.45 (0.11)
Microcomputer software ..................|   1.09 (0.09)|  0.89 (0.07)|  1.50 (0.35)|  2.84 (0.90)|  1.41 (0.19)|  1.25 (0.20)|  1.86 (0.59)|  1.63 (0.36)
CD-ROM titles ...........................|   0.63 (0.05)|  0.38 (0.06)|  1.24 (0.09)|  2.09 (0.53)|  0.69 (0.17)|  0.59 (0.25)|  1.69 (0.18)|  0.53 (0.11)
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
                                         |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
     Expenditures (all sources) per      |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
            student, 1992-93             |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
Total, library/media materials ..........|  17.18 (0.35)| 14.88 (0.45)| 22.71 (0.82)| 31.11 (3.02)| 15.96 (0.80)| 13.68 (0.92)| 27.29 (2.29)| 16.99 (1.53)
  Microcomputer hardware ................|   3.84 (0.25)|  3.43 (0.33)|  4.73 (0.46)|  7.15 (1.42)|  3.60 (0.59)|  2.62 (0.55)|  8.68 (1.87)|  3.98 (1.27)
  Audiovisual equipment .................|   2.24 (0.15)|  2.00 (0.17)|  2.98 (0.46)|  2.25 (0.30)|  1.57 (0.19)|  1.39 (0.25)|  3.12 (0.60)|  1.37 (0.32)
  On-line database searching/electronic  |              |             |             |             |             |             |             |
    communications ......................|   0.30 (0.04)|  0.25 (0.06)|  0.43 (0.05)|  0.55 (0.26)|  0.31 (0.13)|  0.29 (0.19)|  0.60 (0.16)|  0.24 (0.06)

\1\During the most recent full week of school.
\2\Data less than 0.5 are rounded to 0.
\3\Locally budgeted expenditures exclude federal gifts and grants.
---Data not available.

NOTE.--Percentages are based on schools that have library/media centers. In school year 1990-91, 96 percent of public and 87 percent of private schools had library/media centers. Standard errors appear in parentheses.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94, unpublished data. (This table was prepared August 1997.)

1998 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest