| | | | | Average | |
|Average salary\1\ of|Average salary\1\ of|Average salary\1\ of| Average salary of| salary | Percent | Percent
| 1974-75 degree | 1979-80 degree | 1983-84 degree | of 1985-86 |of 1989-90 |change in |change in
| recipients | recipients | recipients |degree recipients | degree | constant | constant
Field of study | in February 1976 | in May 1981 | in June 1985 | in June 1987 | recipient | dollars, | dollars,
|--------------------|--------------------|--------------------|-------------------|in April 1991| 1976 to | 1987 to
| Current |Constant | Current |Constant | Current |Constant | Current |Constant |-------------| 1991 | 1991
| dollars | 1991 | dollars | 1991 | dollars | 1991 | dollars | 1991 | Current | |
| | dollars | | dollars | | dollars | | dollars | dollars | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Total ............................| $7,600 | $18,200 | $15,200 | $22,800 | $17,700 | $22,400 | $20,400 | 24,400 | $23,600 | 29.7 | -3.3
| | | | | | | | | | |
Engineering ........................| 12,200 | 29,200 | 22,400 | 33,600 | 24,100 | 30,500 | 26,600 | 31,900 | 30,900 | 5.8 | -3.1
Business and management ............| 10,200 | 24,400 | 16,300 | 24,400 | 18,700 | 23,700 | 21,100 | 25,300 | 24,700 | 1.2 | -2.4
Health professions .................| 8,600 | 20,600 | 17,300 | 25,900 | 20,800 | 26,300 | 22,600 | 27,000 | 31,500 | 52.9 | 16.7
Education\2\ .......................| 6,300 | 15,100 | 11,500 | 17,200 | 13,800 | 17,500 | 15,800 | 18,900 | 19,100 | 26.5 | 1.1
Public affairs and social services .| --- | --- | 13,700 | 20,500 | 15,100 | 19,100 | 17,700 | 21,200 | 20,800 | --- | -1.9
Biological sciences ................| 6,500 | 15,600 | 14,500 | 21,700 | 15,100 | 19,100 | 16,400 | 19,600 | 21,100 | 35.3 | 7.7
Physical sciences, mathematics, | | | | | | | | | | |
and computer sciences ............| 7,000 | 16,800 | 16,300 | 24,400 | 17,500 | 22,200 | 22,500 | 27,000 | 27,200 | 61.9 | 0.7
Psychology .........................| --- | --- | 12,500 | 18,700 | 14,600 | 18,500 | 17,300 | 20,800 | 19,200 | --- | -7.7
Social sciences ....................| 6,700 | 16,000 | 14,000 | 21,000 | 15,800 | 20,000 | 20,300 | 24,400 | 22,200 | 38.8 | -9.0
Humanities .........................| 5,800 | 13,900 | 12,600 | 18,900 | 14,000 | 17,700 | 16,200 | 19,400 | 19,100 | 37.4 | -1.5
Communications .....................| --- | --- | --- | --- | 16,200 | 20,500 | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Miscellaneous ......................| 6,800 | 16,300 | 15,100 | 22,600 | 18,600 | 23,500 | 17,600 | 21,100 | 20,800 | 27.6 | -1.4
------------------------------------|----------|---------|---------|----------|---------|----------|---------|---------|-------------|----------|---------- |