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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 360.U.S. Department of Education obligations for major programs, by state or other area: Fiscal year 1995 [In thousands]

                              |            |           |Block grant| School  |   Voca-    |           |         |         |  Higher   |           |           |            |
                              |            |Grants for | to states |assistanc|   tional   | Education |Bilingual| Indian  |    and    |  Student  |  Public   | Rehabili-  |  Goals
     State or other area      |   Total    |    the    |for school |in federa|    and     |  for the  |education|education|continuing | financial |  library  |   tation   |2000\11\
                              |            | disadvan- | improve-  |affected |   adult    |  handi-   |         |         |  educa-   |  assis-   |programs\9\|services\10\|
                              |            | taged\1\  |  ment\2\  |areas\3\ |education\4\| capped\5\ |         |         |  tion\7\  | tance\8\  |           |            |
              1               |     2      |     3     |     4     |    5    |     6      |     7     |    8    |    9    |    10     |    11     |    12     |     13     |   14
   Total .....................|$24,713,604 |$7,172,237 |$1,062,672 |$671,707 | $1,362,074 |$3,116,710 |$204,058 | $75,027 |$1,215,321 |$7,358,439 |  $130,711 | $2,129,820 |$214,829
Alabama.......................|    440,213 |   128,941 |    17,236 |   4,167 |     26,241 |    51,327 |     214 |   1,215 |    43,017 |   118,587 |     2,001 |     45,666 |   1,602
Alaska........................|    136,832 |    25,363 |     5,266 |  64,392 |      5,144 |    10,115 |   1,151 |   6,965 |     2,723 |     5,843 |       552 |      7,662 |   1,656
Arizona.......................|    431,724 |   106,516 |    16,015 |  65,399 |     20,871 |    39,638 |   7,167 |   8,232 |    11,457 |   122,077 |     2,118 |     32,205 |      30
Arkansas......................|    245,492 |    79,036 |    10,373 |   1,621 |     15,463 |    28,857 |     254 |     118 |    15,478 |    61,533 |     1,517 |     27,569 |   3,672
California....................|  2,580,239 |   832,630 |   118,812 |  58,102 |    140,624 |   301,648 |  71,297 |   4,917 |    97,023 |   745,262 |    12,763 |    196,899 |     262
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Colorado......................|    278,419 |    69,808 |    13,115 |   7,281 |     16,207 |    33,217 |   4,076 |     432 |    14,142 |    88,070 |     2,097 |     25,661 |   4,312
Connecticut...................|    199,189 |    55,722 |    10,410 |   5,015 |     12,482 |    40,331 |   2,011 |      24 |     8,350 |    42,712 |     1,898 |     16,753 |   3,481
Delaware......................|     64,864 |    16,655 |     5,256 |      68 |      5,464 |     9,118 |     275 |       0 |     5,105 |    12,934 |     1,018 |      7,672 |   1,299
District of Columbia..........|    335,327 |    21,109 |     5,159 |   1,056 |      5,415 |     1,330 |   1,476 |       0 |   222,847 |    64,399 |       570 |     11,489 |     477
Florida.......................|  1,022,864 |   304,566 |    46,195 |  11,809 |     61,216 |   154,221 |   7,528 |      60 |    30,629 |   283,523 |     6,774 |    100,382 |  15,961
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Georgia.......................|    561,323 |   173,817 |    26,991 |   6,481 |     38,459 |    69,390 |     589 |       0 |    38,434 |   140,799 |     3,234 |     60,768 |   2,361
Hawaii........................|     89,852 |    19,809 |     5,257 |  18,868 |      6,479 |     7,293 |   1,153 |       0 |     6,950 |    13,973 |       652 |      8,028 |   1,390
Idaho.........................|    110,494 |    27,062 |     5,248 |   4,425 |      6,954 |    11,622 |   1,540 |     255 |     3,983 |    37,252 |       627 |     11,068 |     458
Illinois......................|    965,142 |   327,916 |    46,011 |   9,550 |     53,115 |   135,154 |   7,795 |      80 |    39,175 |   244,871 |     5,641 |     79,739 |  16,096
Indiana.......................|    460,156 |   113,142 |    20,109 |   1,675 |     31,514 |    66,853 |     212 |       9 |    15,897 |   162,579 |     2,979 |     43,452 |   1,734
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Iowa..........................|    241,169 |    52,324 |    10,067 |     185 |     15,088 |    32,946 |     576 |     115 |    14,235 |    90,425 |     1,518 |     22,804 |     887
Kansas........................|    311,494 |    59,694 |     9,523 |   8,556 |     12,766 |    27,861 |     903 |     319 |    12,305 |   153,983 |     1,347 |     21,025 |   3,212
Kentucky......................|    373,196 |   133,099 |    16,237 |   1,117 |     24,168 |    46,576 |     100 |       0 |    16,947 |    86,490 |     2,124 |     40,531 |   5,808
Louisiana.....................|    533,405 |   194,266 |    22,239 |   5,945 |     27,481 |    47,914 |   2,055 |     455 |    27,037 |   149,527 |     1,751 |     46,716 |   8,019
Maine.........................|    129,461 |    29,510 |     5,257 |   2,656 |     12,082 |    30,542 |     998 |     124 |     6,003 |    27,369 |       676 |     12,586 |   1,658
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Maryland......................|    328,453 |    88,597 |    16,605 |   8,649 |     19,908 |    46,805 |   1,234 |     154 |    20,508 |    87,229 |     2,316 |     31,037 |   5,412
Massachusetts.................|    516,436 |   126,138 |    18,469 |   4,301 |     24,277 |    76,366 |   3,282 |     255 |    22,872 |   196,776 |     2,733 |     40,925 |      42
Michigan......................|    941,097 |   319,510 |    40,675 |   6,735 |     48,009 |   183,716 |   1,186 |   3,071 |    29,237 |   213,820 |     4,112 |     76,565 |  14,462
Minnesota.....................|    353,501 |    85,678 |    16,789 |   5,040 |     20,889 |    51,016 |   1,672 |   4,115 |    15,825 |   114,525 |     1,829 |     36,094 |      30
Mississippi...................|    352,855 |   127,060 |    14,085 |   3,462 |     18,012 |    34,601 |     100 |   1,123 |    19,084 |    98,657 |     1,630 |     33,681 |   1,360
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Missouri......................|    415,170 |   115,526 |    19,802 |   6,504 |     27,348 |    58,853 |     920 |      42 |    16,577 |   120,096 |     2,423 |     47,041 |      37
Montana.......................|    123,053 |    26,427 |     5,253 |  21,760 |      5,924 |    10,070 |   2,587 |   3,843 |     7,704 |    29,828 |       812 |      8,398 |     450
Nebraska......................|    154,745 |    31,051 |     6,060 |   6,869 |      8,359 |    19,565 |     709 |     348 |     5,527 |    60,267 |     1,041 |     14,382 |     567
Nevada........................|     73,313 |    19,564 |     5,319 |   3,324 |      6,702 |    13,163 |     486 |     863 |     2,222 |    10,486 |       903 |      8,854 |   1,427
New Hampshire.................|     75,824 |    16,727 |     5,254 |     875 |      6,414 |    12,689 |     280 |       0 |     3,219 |    20,992 |       788 |      8,586 |       0
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
New Jersey....................|    519,558 |   145,617 |    26,526 |  11,323 |     30,819 |   109,368 |   2,816 |     104 |    17,080 |   128,009 |     4,373 |     41,075 |   2,448
New Mexico....................|    242,779 |    61,206 |     8,014 |  38,213 |      9,889 |    23,468 |   6,288 |   6,180 |     9,998 |    58,342 |     1,157 |     17,226 |   2,798
New York......................|  1,948,936 |   632,977 |    75,419 |  15,686 |     75,221 |   204,539 |  29,144 |   1,461 |    50,559 |   711,394 |     7,583 |    117,662 |  27,290
North Carolina................|    540,594 |   135,690 |    23,770 |   8,401 |     39,470 |    75,365 |     429 |   2,314 |    38,817 |   138,961 |     3,675 |     65,906 |   7,796
North Dakota..................|     90,895 |    17,890 |     5,245 |  11,702 |      5,466 |     7,108 |   1,511 |   1,185 |     5,120 |    27,457 |       593 |      7,610 |       8
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Ohio..........................|  1,097,689 |   307,509 |    43,793 |   3,814 |     57,482 |   218,237 |     224 |      29 |    26,912 |   332,456 |     4,938 |     98,579 |   3,715
Oklahoma......................|    347,533 |    85,716 |    13,175 |  19,883 |     19,283 |    33,075 |   7,323 |  13,544 |    18,623 |   102,420 |     1,747 |     32,719 |      25
Oregon........................|    244,631 |    79,138 |    11,191 |   2,982 |     15,163 |    34,740 |   2,706 |   1,331 |    10,173 |    55,901 |     1,590 |     25,681 |   4,035
Pennsylvania..................|  1,261,464 |   316,544 |    44,636 |   3,033 |     56,340 |   110,176 |   2,214 |       0 |    30,738 |   575,703 |     5,799 |    100,650 |  15,631
Rhode Island..................|     98,344 |    22,023 |     5,258 |   2,514 |      6,626 |    12,759 |     972 |      34 |     3,802 |    36,040 |       738 |      7,567 |       8
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
South Carolina................|    333,527 |    93,744 |    14,066 |   6,233 |     22,839 |    45,008 |     100 |      26 |    20,259 |    90,327 |     1,596 |     38,055 |   1,275
South Dakota..................|    137,322 |    20,077 |     5,244 |  14,699 |      5,570 |     9,473 |   1,699 |   2,757 |     4,342 |    64,497 |       600 |      7,937 |     427
Tennessee.....................|    420,616 |   123,584 |    19,166 |   3,097 |     29,685 |    62,924 |     228 |       0 |    26,220 |   103,435 |     2,370 |     49,869 |      37
Texas.........................|  1,826,529 |   627,329 |    82,176 |  26,903 |     99,930 |   217,848 |  16,177 |     162 |    57,469 |   502,530 |     7,517 |    151,966 |  36,522
Utah..........................|    198,606 |    34,190 |     8,379 |   6,631 |     12,614 |    26,755 |   1,191 |     996 |     8,610 |    76,055 |     1,080 |     18,808 |   3,296
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Vermont.......................|     70,495 |    16,338 |     5,255 |      12 |      5,290 |     6,661 |     267 |      97 |     4,650 |    22,505 |       455 |      7,685 |   1,281
Virginia......................|    467,012 |   101,656 |    20,899 |  30,568 |     30,919 |    71,441 |   1,147 |      11 |    26,823 |   132,986 |     2,921 |     47,642 |       0
Washington....................|    418,884 |   113,253 |    18,808 |  23,873 |     22,989 |    57,305 |   2,551 |   4,952 |    19,987 |   109,407 |     2,761 |     36,634 |   6,364
West Virginia.................|    190,207 |    70,712 |     7,913 |      79 |     12,048 |    23,486 |       0 |       0 |     9,162 |    43,799 |       917 |     21,314 |     778
Wisconsin.....................|    433,263 |   125,832 |    19,876 |   6,747 |     25,729 |    56,409 |     510 |   2,118 |    19,507 |   128,606 |     2,345 |     43,901 |   1,683
Wyoming.......................|     66,456 |    16,283 |     5,150 |   7,126 |      5,146 |     7,358 |     349 |     591 |     2,803 |    14,240 |       532 |      6,508 |     370
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
Indian tribe setaside.........|     43,338 |         0 |     1,256 |       0 |          0 |    28,767 |       0 |       0 |         0 |         0 |     2,508 |     10,271 |     536
Undistributed.................|    100,493 |    15,291 |       328 |  80,948 |        400 |         0 |     314 |       0 |     2,494 |         0 |         0 |        719 |       0
                              |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
   Outlying areas             |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
American Samoa................|     14,478 |     4,998 |     2,111 |       0 |        376 |     3,127 |     100 |       0 |       659 |     2,174 |        89 |        800 |      45
Federated States of           |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
  Micronesia .................|        204 |         0 |         0 |       0 |        100 |         0 |       0 |       0 |        30 |         0 |         0 |          0 |      74
Guam..........................|     22,389 |     4,866 |     3,422 |       0 |        789 |     7,488 |     552 |       0 |     1,816 |     1,439 |       254 |      1,763 |       0
Marshall Islands..............|        155 |         0 |         0 |       0 |        100 |         0 |       0 |       0 |        30 |         0 |         0 |          0 |      25
North Mariana Islands.........|      6,766 |     2,372 |       822 |       0 |        375 |     1,632 |       0 |       0 |       153 |       638 |        87 |        662 |      25
Palau.........................|      1,204 |         0 |        13 |       0 |        100 |       746 |       0 |       0 |        31 |         1 |        76 |        212 |      25
Puerto Rico...................|    700,733 |   261,631 |    25,253 |   1,179 |     47,317 |     3,706 |     945 |       0 |    21,356 |   292,973 |     1,854 |     44,461 |      59
Trust Territory of            |            |           |           |         |            |           |         |         |           |           |           |            |
  the Pacific ................|        958 |         0 |         0 |       0 |          0 |         0 |     100 |       0 |       858 |         0 |         0 |          0 |       0
Virgin Islands................|     22,245 |     8,510 |     2,423 |     173 |        920 |     4,948 |     373 |       0 |     1,730 |     1,261 |       111 |      1,704 |      93

1 Title I formerly called Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981 includes Grants to Local Education Agencies, Migrant Education--Basic State Grants, Program for Neglected and Delinquent Children, Capital Expenses, State Improvement Grants, and Even Start--State Educational Agencies.

2 Title VI formerly called Chapter 2 includes Education Consolidation and Improvement Act of 1981, Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Grants, Drug-Free Schools and Communities--State Grants, Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Christa McAuliffe Fellowships, and Innovative Education Program Strategies.

3 Impact Aid--Basic Support Payments and Impact Aid--Payments for Children with Disabilities.

4 Includes Vocational Education--Basic Grants to States, State Councils, Tech-Prep Education, Adult Education-State Administered Basic Grant Program, and State Literacy Resource Centers.

5 Includes Special Education--Grants to States (Part B, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), Preschool Incentive Grants to States, Special Education--Grants for Infants and Families with Disabilities, and Education of Children with Disabilities in State Operated or Supported Schools.

6 Includes Emergency Immigrant Education Program and Bilingual Education State Grants.

7 Includes Institutional Aid to Strengthen Higher Education Institutions serving significant numbers of low-income students, Other Special Programs for the Disadvantaged, Cooperative Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Fellowships and Scholarships, and annual interest subsidy grants for facilities construction.

8 Includes Pell Grants, State Student Incentive Grants, Guaranteed Student Loan interest subsidies, and Postsecondary Review Program.

9 Includes Public Library Services, Public Library Construction and Technology Enhancement, and Interlibrary Cooperation and Resource Sharing.

10 Includes Rehabilitation Services--Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to States, Supported Employment Services for Individuals with Severe Disabilities, Rehabilitation Services--Client Assistance Program, Independent Living--State Grants, and Program of Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights.

11 Includes State and Local Systemic Improvement.

NOTE.--Data reflect revisions to figures in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1997. To the extent possible, data represent obligations rather than outlays. Because of the exclusion of certain programs, totals in this table are lower than those reported in other tables. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, based on unpublished tabulations from the Office of Management and Budget; and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Federal Expenditures by State for Fiscal Year 1995. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest