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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 358.Federal on-budget funds obligated for programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education: Fiscal years 1980 to 1996 [In thousands of dollars]

                   Program                   |    1980    |   1985     |   1990     |   1991     |    1992    |    1993    |    1994    |  1995\1\   |     1996\2\
                      1                      |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |        10
                                             |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
   Total ....................................|$14,102,165 |$18,818,201 |$25,214,923 |$28,543,858 |$34,966,632 |$33,748,670 |$36,644,942 |$46,139,000 |   $47,050,000
Elementary and secondary education ..........|  4,239,022 |  4,732,864 |  7,169,693 |  8,061,767 |  8,606,349 |  8,565,459 |  8,729,009 |  8,830,000 |     7,275,000
  Grants for the disadvantaged ..............|  3,204,664 |  3,745,855 |  5,383,960 |  6,233,448 |  6,717,712 |  6,659,203 |  7,038,334 |  7,200,000 |     6,032,000
  School improvement programs ...............|    788,918 |    748,000 |  1,524,001 |  1,555,406 |  1,587,369 |  1,600,013 |  1,368,108 |  1,343,000 |     1,026,000
  Bilingual education .......................|    169,540 |    171,605 |    188,152 |    197,885 |    224,911 |    225,693 |    239,805 |    206,000 |       155,000
  Indian education ..........................|     75,900 |     67,404 |     73,580 |     75,028 |     76,357 |     80,550 |     82,762 |     81,000 |        62,000
School assistance in federally affected      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
  areas .....................................|    812,873 |    695,746 |    815,573 |    785,807 |    835,394 |    760,456 |    911,716 |    783,000 |       742,000
  Maintenance and operations ................|    690,000 |    665,000 |    717,354 |    738,746 |    744,491 |    713,108 |    787,263 |    715,000 |       721,000
  Construction ..............................|    110,873 |     23,037 |     22,929 |     38,961 |     43,155 |      5,291 |      8,584 |      2,000 |        21,000
  Disaster assistance .......................|     12,000 |      7,709 |     75,290 |      8,100 |     47,748 |     42,057 |    115,869 |     66,000 |           ---
Education for the handicapped ...............|  1,555,253 |  2,666,056 |  3,480,122 |  4,695,615 |  4,750,048 |  4,752,116 |  5,965,688 |  5,767,000 |     5,879,000
  State grant programs ......................|    815,805 |  1,245,219 |  1,258,871 |  2,214,902 |  1,980,432 |  1,842,956 |  2,779,228 |  2,467,000 |     3,125,000
  Early childhood education\3\ ..............|     38,745 |     27,625 |    280,341 |    387,282 |    480,599 |    476,180 |    661,665 |    661,000 |       307,000
  Special centers, projects, and research ...|     55,075 |     53,430 |     72,966 |    117,333 |    109,976 |    139,265 |    101,605 |    132,000 |           ---
  Captioned films and media services ........|     17,778 |     35,670 |     15,191 |     16,326 |     16,593 |     17,571 |     18,608 |     19,000 |           ---
  Personnel training ........................|     55,375 |     68,025 |     70,838 |     69,288 |     89,753 |     90,120 |    104,012 |     91,000 |           ---
  Handicapped rehabilitation service and     |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    research ................................|    572,475 |  1,236,087 |  1,781,915 |  1,890,484 |  2,072,695 |  2,186,024 |  2,300,570 |  2,397,000 |     2,447,000
Vocational education and adult programs .....|  1,153,743 |    856,271 |  1,138,674 |    800,661 |  1,774,664 |  1,575,268 |  1,456,185 |  1,461,000 |     1,223,000
  Basic programs\4\ .........................|    744,653 |    725,624 |    858,716 |    472,275 |  1,253,148 |  1,049,834 |    950,244 |  1,004,000 |     1,186,000
  Consumer and homemaking ...................|     63,169 |     33,138 |     34,517 |     18,210 |     48,989 |     35,872 |     33,895 |      1,000 |           ---
  Program improvement and supportive         |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    services ................................|    162,512 |      5,202 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |           ---
  State planning and advisory councils ......|     13,423 |      7,584 |      7,923 |      8,803 |      9,325 |      8,928 |      9,087 |      9,000 |           ---
  Adult education, grants to states .........|    153,724 |     84,723 |    188,280 |    201,032 |    235,650 |    309,810 |    254,724 |    299,000 |        26,000
  Other\5\ ..................................|     16,262 |        --- |     49,238 |    100,341 |    227,552 |    170,824 |    208,235 |    148,000 |        11,000
Postsecondary student financial assistance ..|  5,108,534 |  8,534,205 | 11,112,068 | 12,477,771 | 17,008,333 | 16,065,617 | 17,400,855 | 26,956,000 |    30,041,000
  Educational opportunity grants\6\ .........|  2,534,378 |  3,558,440 |  4,919,264 |  5,867,491 |  6,274,116 |  6,764,683 |  7,092,393 |  6,484,000 |     8,342,000
  Work-study ................................|    596,065 |    599,467 |    615,269 |    607,922 |    621,139 |    625,043 |    620,878 |    620,000 |       617,000
  Perkins loan program ......................|    322,749 |    219,850 |    157,415 |    175,325 |    157,518 |    183,262 |    177,413 |    187,000 |        20,000
  Federal Family Education Loan program\7\ ..|  1,597,877 |  4,130,920 |  5,341,039 |  5,733,383 |  9,855,159 |  8,380,619 |  8,444,937 | 10,461,000 |     8,756,000
  Other student assistance programs\8\ ......|     57,465 |     25,528 |     79,081 |     93,650 |    100,401 |    112,010 |  1,065,234 |  9,204,000 |    12,306,000
Direct aid to postsecondary institutions ....|    277,068 |    329,714 |    341,634 |    445,258 |    518,380 |    518,908 |    740,677 |    780,000 |       773,000
  Aid to minority and developing             |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    institutions ............................|    114,680 |    140,374 |     99,812 |    111,506 |    130,215 |    130,743 |    211,054 |    231,000 |        15,000
  Special programs for the disadvantaged ....|    147,389 |    174,940 |    241,822 |    333,752 |    388,165 |    388,165 |    529,623 |    549,000 |\9\    758,000
  Cooperative education .....................|     14,999 |     14,400 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |           ---
Higher education facilities .................|    268,493 |    194,556 |     84,305 |     84,599 |     92,923 |     81,026 |     49,888 |     46,000 |        30,000
  Construction loans and insurance ..........|     35,362 |     33,188 |     30,000 |     29,277 |     38,095 |     46,472 |     20,607 |     15,000 |        12,000
  Interest subsidy grants ...................|     24,626 |     24,968 |     38,741 |     39,866 |     41,181 |     22,647 |     18,188 |     21,000 |         5,000
  College housing loans .....................|    208,505 |    136,400 |     15,564 |     15,456 |     13,647 |     11,907 |     11,093 |     10,000 |        13,000
Other higher education programs .............|     34,927 |     74,340 |    188,999 |    187,039 |    198,993 |    201,734 |    129,951 |    120,000 |         4,000
  International education and foreign        |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    languages\10\ ...........................|     19,977 |     32,050 |     86,337 |     91,100 |    107,812 |    114,761 |        --- |        --- |           ---
  Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
    Education\11\ ...........................|     12,000 |     12,710 |     99,450 |     87,826 |     87,831 |     86,257 |    129,554 |    116,000 |        (\12\)
  Other .....................................|      2,950 |     29,580 |      3,212 |      8,113 |      3,350 |        716 |        397 |      4,000 |         4,000
Public library services .....................|    101,218 |    116,027 |    132,583 |    142,252 |    148,208 |    144,380 |    149,591 |    150,000 |       125,000
  Public library services ...................|     66,451 |     75,000 |     82,505 |     83,897 |     83,898 |     83,227 |     83,227 |     83,000 |           ---
  Interlibrary cooperation ..................|        --- |     18,000 |     19,551 |     19,908 |     19,908 |     19,749 |     19,749 |     24,000 |           ---
  Public library construction ...............|        --- |     16,027 |     14,837 |     18,554 |     17,179 |     14,871 |     21,074 |     24,000 |         7,000
  Research libraries ........................|      5,992 |      6,000 |      6,593 |      5,855 |      5,855 |      5,808 |      5,808 |        --- |           ---
  Other .....................................|     28,775 |      1,000 |      9,097 |     14,038 |     21,368 |     20,725 |     19,733 |     19,000 |       118,000
Payments to special institutions ............|    273,860 |    253,622 |    292,736 |    306,833 |    327,521 |    320,455 |    321,753 |    340,000 |       291,000
  American Printing House for the Blind .....|      4,349 |      5,500 |      5,663 |      6,136 |      5,900 |      6,298 |      6,463 |      7,000 |         5,000
  National Technical Institute for the Deaf .|     19,799 |     31,400 |     35,594 |     37,598 |     39,278 |     40,964 |     41,836 |     43,000 |        40,000
  Gallaudet College .........................|     49,409 |     59,092 |     67,643 |     72,261 |     76,540 |     77,589 |     78,435 |     80,000 |        72,000
  Howard University .........................|    200,303 |    157,630 |    183,836 |    190,838 |    205,803 |    195,604 |    195,019 |    210,000 |       174,000
Departmental accounts .......................|    277,174 |    364,800 |    458,536 |    556,256 |    705,819 |    763,251 |    789,629 |    906,000 |       667,000
  Educational research and improvement ......|     51,415 |     60,556 |     87,074 |    140,367 |    267,569 |    283,078 |    294,323 |    327,000 |       250,000
  Departmental management account ...........|    223,857 |    300,885 |    370,844 |    415,469 |    438,246 |    480,166 |    495,249 |    579,000 |       417,000
  Other .....................................|      1,875 |      3,349 |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |        --- |           ---
  Trust funds ...............................|         27 |         10 |        618 |        420 |          4 |          7 |         57 |        --- |           ---

1 Revised from previously published data.

2 Estimated.

3 Includes preschool incentive grants.

4 Includes programs of national significance and special programs for the disadvantaged.

5 Includes national programs for research, demonstrations, evaluation and technical assistance, literacy training for homeless adults, and some other small programs.

6 Includes Pell Grants, Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants, State Student Incentive Grants, and Income Contingent Loans.

7 Formerly the Guaranteed Student Loan program.

8 Includes Federal Direct Student Loan program starting in fiscal year 1994.

9 Dollar amount also includes "Funds for Improvement of Postsecondary Education" program.

10 This program starting in fiscal year 1994 is included under the program, ``Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education.''

11 International education and foreign languages are included under this program starting in fiscal year 1994.

12 This program is included under the "Special programs for the disadvantaged" program.

---Data are not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Data presented in this tabulation are obligations, which differ from outlay figures reported in other tables in this chapter.

SOURCE: U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of the United States Government, fiscal years 1982 to 1997. (This table was prepared May 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest