| |Ever a participant| Participated in | Participated in
| | in adult |adult education2/ |adult education2/
Characteristics |Number of| education\2\ | in past 3 years | in past year
of |adults in|------------------|------------------|------------------
participants | popu- | |Percent | |Percent | |Percent
|lation\1\| Number |of popu-| Number |of popu-| Number |of popu-
| | | lation | | lation | | lation
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Total ...........................| 181,800 | 97,397 | 54 | 69,361 | 38 | 57,391 | 32
Age | | | | | | |
17 to 24 years .....................| 21,688 | 9,240 | 43 | 8,756 | 40 | 7,125 | 33
25 to 34 years .....................| 47,244 | 27,325 | 58 | 22,773 | 48 | 17,530 | 37
35 to 44 years .....................| 38,565 | 25,043 | 65 | 19,581 | 51 | 17,083 | 44
45 to 54 years .....................| 25,375 | 14,755 | 58 | 9,351 | 37 | 8,107 | 32
55 to 64 years .....................| 19,967 | 10,101 | 51 | 5,150 | 26 | 4,516 | 23
65 years and over ..................| 28,960 | 10,934 | 38 | 3,750 | 13 | 3,031 | 10
| | | | | | |
Sex | | | | | | |
Men ................................| 82,154 | 42,163 | 51 | 29,945 | 36 | 25,923 | 32
Women ..............................| 99,646 | 55,234 | 55 | 39,415 | 40 | 31,469 | 32
| | | | | | |
Racial/ethnic group | | | | | | |
White, non-Hispanic ................| 143,144 | 80,099 | 56 | 56,715 | 40 | 47,401 | 33
Black, non-Hispanic ................| 20,141 | 8,213 | 41 | 5,552 | 28 | 4,586 | 23
Hispanic ...........................| 13,804 | 6,905 | 50 | 5,396 | 39 | 4,032 | 29
Other races, non-Hispanic ..........| 4,711 | 2,180 | 46 | 1,698 | 36 | 1,371 | 29
| | | | | | |
Highest level of education | | | | | | |
completed | | | | | | |
Less than high school diploma ......| 28,306 | 7,337 | 26 | 4,127 | 15 | 3,437 | 12
High school diploma .............. | 110,384 | 58,135 | 53 | 39,403 | 36 | 31,602 | 29
Associate degree ...................| 5,034 | 3,949 | 78 | 3,191 | 63 | 2,461 | 49
Bachelor's degree or higher ........| 38,076 | 27,976 | 73 | 22,640 | 59 | 19,891 | 52
| | | | | | |
Labor force status | | | | | | |
In labor force .....................| 125,440 | 73,513 | 59 | 58,078 | 46 | 49,242 | 39
Employed .........................| 115,620 | 69,421 | 60 | 55,093 | 48 | 47,143 | 41
Unemployed .......................| 9,820 | 4,092 | 42 | 2,985 | 30 | 2,099 | 21
Not in labor force..................| 56,361 | 23,884 | 42 | 11,283 | 20 | 8,149 | 14
| | | | | | |
Annual family income | | | | | | |
$10,000 or less ....................| 27,504 | 10,706 | 39 | 5,766 | 21 | 3,843 | 14
$10,001 to $15,000 .................| 15,465 | 7,014 | 45 | 4,426 | 29 | 3,178 | 21
$15,001 to $20,000 .................| 16,117 | 6,335 | 39 | 4,183 | 26 | 3,308 | 21
$20,001 to $25,000 .................| 16,092 | 7,666 | 48 | 5,343 | 33 | 4,063 | 25
$25,001 to $30,000 .................| 17,973 | 9,309 | 52 | 6,570 | 37 | 5,445 | 30
$30,001 to $40,000 .................| 26,110 | 14,922 | 57 | 10,313 | 39 | 9,043 | 35
$40,001 to $50,000 .................| 21,303 | 13,270 | 62 | 10,526 | 49 | 9,313 | 44
$50,001 to $75,000 .................| 24,540 | 16,629 | 68 | 12,971 | 53 | 11,235 | 46
More than $75,000 ..................| 16,695 | 11,546 | 69 | 9,263 | 55 | 7,963 | 48
--------------------------------------|---------|---------|--------|---------|--------|---------|-------- |