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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 348.Value of property and liabilities of institutions of higher education: 1899-1900 to 1993-94 [In thousands]

           |                          Property value at end of year                           |            |
           |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Endowment  |Liabilities
 Academic  |             |                Physical plant value                 |   Endowment  |(end of year|  of plant
   year    |    Total    |-----------------------------------------------------|    (book     |   market   |   funds
           |             |   Total    |   Land    |   Buildings   | Equipment  |   value)\1\  | value)\1\  |
     1     |      2      |     3      |     4     |        5      |     6      |        7     |     8      |     9
1899-1900 .|    $448,597 |   $253,599 |       --- |           --- |        --- |\2\  $194,998 |        --- |        ---
1909-10 ...|     781,255 |    457,594 |   $92,359 |      $297,153 |    $68,082 |\2\   323,661 |        --- |        ---
1919-20 ...|   1,316,404 |    747,333 |   128,922 |       495,920 |    122,491 |\2\   569,071 |        --- |        ---
1929-30 ...|   3,437,117 |  2,065,049 |   304,114 |     1,490,014 |    270,921 |\2\ 1,372,068 |        --- |        ---
1935-36 ...|   3,913,028 |  2,359,418 |   334,085 |     1,636,722 |    388,611 |\2\ 1,553,610 |        --- |        ---
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1937-38 ...|   4,208,695 |  2,556,075 |   313,665 |     1,811,309 |    431,101 |    1,652,620 |        --- |        ---
1939-40 ...|   4,440,063 |  2,753,780 |       --- |           --- |        --- |    1,686,283 |        --- |        ---
1941-42 ...|   4,525,925 |  2,759,261 |       --- |           --- |        --- |\2\ 1,766,664 |        --- |        ---
1947-48 ...|   6,076,212 |  3,691,725 |       --- |           --- |        --- |    2,384,487 |        --- |        ---
1949-50 ...|   7,401,187 |  4,799,964 |       --- |           --- |        --- |\2\ 2,601,223 |        --- |        ---
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1951-52 ...|   9,241,725 |  6,373,195 |       --- |           --- |        --- |    2,868,530 |        --- |        ---
1953-54 ...|  10,717,082 |  7,523,193 |       --- |           --- |        --- |    3,193,889 |        --- |        ---
1955-56 ...|  12,561,046 |  8,858,907 |   624,467 |\3\  6,697,648 |  1,536,792 |    3,702,139 |        --- |   $894,383
1957-58 ...|  15,770,197 | 11,124,489 |   733,182 |\3\  8,540,429 |  1,850,878 |    4,645,708 |        --- |  1,444,602
1959-60 ...|  18,870,628 | 13,548,548 |   842,664 |\3\ 10,472,478 |  2,233,407 |    5,322,080 |        --- |  1,964,306
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1961-62 ...|  22,761,193 | 16,681,844 | 1,009,294 |\3\ 12,900,093 |  2,772,457 |    6,079,349 |        --- |  2,806,868
1963-64 ...|  28,232,362 | 21,279,346 | 1,292,691 |\3\ 16,460,867 |  3,525,788 |    6,953,016 |        --- |  4,190,189
1965-66 ...|  35,274,597 | 26,851,273 | 1,758,901 |\3\ 20,653,028 |  4,439,344 |    8,423,324 |$11,126,831 |  6,071,750
1967-68 ...|         --- | 34,506,348 | 2,062,545 |\3\ 26,673,826 |  5,769,977 |          --- |        --- |        ---
1969-70 ...|  52,930,923 | 42,093,580 | 3,076,751 |    31,865,179 |  7,151,649 |   10,837,343 | 11,206,632 |  9,384,731
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1970-71 ...|  57,394,951 | 46,053,585 | 3,117,895 |    35,042,590 |  7,893,100 |   11,341,366 | 13,714,330 |  9,786,240
1971-72 ...|  62,136,459 | 50,153,251 | 3,287,326 |    38,131,339 |  8,734,586 |   11,983,208 | 15,180,934 | 10,291,095
1972-73 ...|  66,814,103 | 53,814,596 | 3,492,611 |    40,808,481 |  9,513,503 |   12,999,507 | 15,099,840 | 10,823,595
1973-74 ...|  71,305,817 | 58,002,777 | 3,888,372 |    43,701,491 | 10,412,914 |   13,303,040 | 13,168,076 | 11,400,916
1974-75 ...|  75,585,674 | 62,183,078 | 4,210,901 |    46,453,642 | 11,518,536 |   13,402,596 | 14,364,545 | 12,413,420
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1975-76 ...|  80,300,595 | 66,348,304 | 4,345,232 |    49,349,224 | 12,653,847 |   13,952,291 | 15,488,265 | 12,687,015
1976-77 ...|  85,486,550 | 70,739,427 | 4,444,927 |    52,384,393 | 13,910,107 |   14,747,123 | 16,304,553 | 13,068,341
1977-78 ...|  90,337,044 | 74,770,804 | 4,621,071 |    55,188,603 | 14,961,131 |   15,566,240 | 16,840,129 | 13,437,861
1978-79 ...|  95,442,468 | 78,637,991 | 4,824,250 |    57,563,005 | 16,250,737 |   16,804,477 | 18,158,634 | 13,712,648
1979-80 ...| 102,294,859 | 83,733,387 | 5,037,172 |    60,847,097 | 17,849,119 |   18,561,472 | 20,743,045 | 14,181,991
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1980-81 ...| 109,701,242 | 88,760,567 | 5,212,453 |    64,158,017 | 19,390,097 |   20,940,675 | 23,465,001 | 14,794,669
1981-82 ...| 117,601,954 | 94,516,512 | 5,402,339 |    67,794,877 | 21,319,297 |   23,085,442 | 24,415,245 | 15,487,618
1982-83 ...| 127,345,302 |100,992,841 | 5,889,080 |    71,519,718 | 23,584,042 |   26,352,461 | 32,691,133 | 16,749,900
1983-84 ...| 137,141,741 |107,640,113 | 6,109,746 |    75,220,765 | 26,309,602 |   29,501,629 | 32,975,610 | 18,277,315
1984-85 ...| 148,163,096 |114,763,986 | 6,236,159 |    79,133,998 | 29,393,829 |   33,399,110 | 39,916,361 | 22,105,712
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1985-86 ...| 160,959,517 |122,261,355 | 6,573,923 |    82,886,012 | 32,801,419 |   38,698,162 | 50,280,775 | 25,699,408
1986-87 ...|         --- |126,426,171 | 7,165,445 |    84,838,657 | 34,422,069 |          --- | 56,585,153 |        ---
1987-88 ...|         --- |139,456,342 | 8,307,789 |    92,428,615 | 38,719,937 |          --- | 57,391,814 |        ---
1988-89 ...|         --- |158,693,085 | 9,462,095 |   104,743,145 | 44,487,845 |          --- | 64,155,247 |        ---
1989-90 ...|         --- |164,635,000 | 9,968,000 |   108,609,000 | 46,058,000 |          --- | 67,978,726 |        ---
           |             |            |           |               |            |              |            |
1990-91 ...|         --- |178,084,000 |10,028,000 |   117,683,000 | 50,373,000 |          --- | 72,048,579 |        ---
1991-92\4\ |         --- |184,813,238 |10,528,395 |   122,422,566 | 51,862,277 |          --- | 82,534,026 |        ---
1992-93\4\ |         --- |192,760,817 |11,006,451 |   128,436,599 | 53,317,767 |          --- | 92,239,311 |        ---
1993-94 ...|         --- |199,463,715 |11,197,662 |   133,124,680 | 55,141,373 |          --- | 96,012,591 |        ---

1 Includes funds functioning as endowment.

2 Includes annuity funds.

3 Includes improvements to land and equipment. These funds are included under appropriate categories after 1967-68.

4 Revised from previously published data.

---Data not available.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared July 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest