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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 347.Additions to physical plant value of institutions of higher education, by type of addition and control of institution: 1969-70 to 1993-94 [In millions]

           | Total, |      Public institutions         |     Private institutions
           |  all   |----------------------------------|---------------------------------
   Year    | insti- |        |       |         |Equip- |       |       |         |Equip-
           |tutions | Total  | Land  |Buildings| ment  | Total | Land  |Buildings| ment
     1     |   2    |   3    |   4   |    5    |   6   |   7   |   8   |    9    |  10
1969-70 ...| $4,233 | $2,985 |  $152 |  $2,185 |  $648 |$1,248 |   $59 |    $967 |  $221
1970-71 ...|  4,165 |  3,032 |   128 |   2,241 |   663 | 1,134 |    41 |     895 |   198
1971-72 ...|  4,163 |  3,054 |   112 |   2,277 |   665 | 1,109 |    53 |     860 |   195
1972-73 ...|  3,967 |  2,940 |   126 |   2,077 |   737 | 1,028 |    53 |     750 |   225
1973-74 ...|  4,312 |  3,206 |   205 |   2,188 |   813 | 1,106 |    55 |     816 |   235
           |        |        |       |         |       |       |       |         |
1974-75 ...|  4,761 |  3,476 |   263 |   2,246 |   967 | 1,284 |    67 |     860 |   357
1975-76 ...|  4,702 |  3,552 |   168 |   2,365 | 1,019 | 1,150 |    58 |     768 |   325
1976-77 ...|  4,623 |  3,362 |   128 |   2,208 | 1,026 | 1,261 |    58 |     838 |   366
1977-78 ...|  4,527 |  3,306 |   102 |   2,117 | 1,087 | 1,221 |    45 |     777 |   400
1978-79 ...|  4,576 |  3,377 |   154 |   1,944 | 1,279 | 1,199 |    52 |     763 |   383
           |        |        |       |         |       |       |       |         |
1979-80 ...|  5,551 |  3,666 |   164 |   2,149 | 1,354 | 1,886 |    98 |   1,220 |   568
1980-81 ...|  6,471 |  4,279 |   146 |   2,555 | 1,579 | 2,192 |   104 |   1,398 |   690
1981-82 ...|  6,975 |  4,594 |   170 |   2,679 | 1,744 | 2,382 |    83 |   1,488 |   811
1982-83 ...|  7,421 |  4,765 |   374 |   2,396 | 1,994 | 2,656 |   106 |   1,666 |   884
1983-84 ...|  7,604 |  5,038 |   196 |   2,427 | 2,415 | 2,566 |   110 |   1,507 |   950
           |        |        |       |         |       |       |       |         |
1984-85 ...|  8,306 |  5,390 |   202 |   2,455 | 2,733 | 2,916 |   135 |   1,671 | 1,110
1985-86 ...| 10,149 |  6,875 |   237 |   3,318 | 3,320 | 3,274 |   128 |   1,922 | 1,225
1986-87 ...| 10,675 |  6,899 |   313 |   3,235 | 3,351 | 3,776 |   160 |   2,408 | 1,208
1987-88 ...| 11,589 |  7,218 |   272 |   3,520 | 3,426 | 4,371 |   250 |   2,715 | 1,406
1988-89 ...| 13,638 |  8,162 |   562 |   3,845 | 3,756 | 5,477 |   243 |   3,401 | 1,833
           |        |        |       |         |       |       |       |         |
1989-90 ...| 15,900 | 10,616 |   532 |   5,438 | 4,647 | 5,284 |   408 |   3,277 | 1,599
1990-91 ...| 17,634 | 11,472 |   449 |   6,168 | 4,855 | 6,162 |   448 |   3,799 | 1,914
1991-92\1\ | 15,543 |  9,820 |   412 |   5,272 | 4,136 | 5,723 |   380 |   3,419 | 1,925
1992-93\1\ | 16,494 | 10,599 |   336 |   5,982 | 4,281 | 5,895 |   491 |   3,458 | 1,946
1993-94 ...| 16,379 | 10,263 |   361 |   5,582 | 4,320 | 6,116 |   259 |   3,840 | 2,017

1 Revised from previously published figures.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared July 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest