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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 345.Current-fund expenditures and educational and general expenditures of private institutions of higher education, by state: 1985-86 to 1993-94 [In thousands of dollars]

                       |                   Current-fund expenditures                    |              Educational and general expenditures
         State         |----------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------
                       |  1985-86   |  1990-91   |  1991-92   |  1992-93   | 1993-94\1\ |  1985-86   |  1990-91   |  1991-92   |  1992-93   | 1993-94\1\
           1           |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10     |     11
   United States ......|$34,341,889 |$53,126,743 |$57,341,982 |$60,670,938 |$64,041,076 |$25,255,003 |$39,744,472 |$43,012,623 |$45,766,989 |$48,885,124
Alabama ...............|    186,596 |    244,425 |    263,052 |    286,584 |    299,982 |    164,093 |    212,538 |    229,670 |    252,259 |    265,046
Alaska ................|     10,171 |     22,127 |     18,454 |     22,693 |     23,199 |      9,106 |     19,375 |     15,851 |     18,687 |     18,140
Arizona ...............|     52,887 |    121,482 |     94,564 |    106,478 |    118,954 |     48,600 |    110,015 |     86,087 |    100,150 |    111,414
Arkansas ..............|     70,755 |    114,655 |    118,373 |    124,091 |    130,253 |     56,492 |     95,560 |     98,442 |    103,347 |    108,969
California ............|  3,644,031 |  5,525,201 |  5,957,016 |  6,171,590 |  6,419,322 |  2,275,958 |  3,484,709 |  3,836,270 |  4,051,762 |  4,366,131
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Colorado ..............|    160,193 |    288,865 |    305,244 |    306,824 |    327,275 |    142,218 |    257,003 |    269,386 |    279,956 |    297,087
Connecticut ...........|    836,949 |  1,293,468 |  1,376,756 |  1,437,827 |  1,527,283 |    733,144 |  1,143,220 |  1,224,643 |  1,280,969 |  1,363,083
Delaware ..............|     29,569 |     23,875 |     27,215 |     29,293 |     31,836 |     26,501 |     21,598 |     24,741 |     26,575 |     29,040
District of Columbia ..|  1,307,377 |  1,955,110 |  2,100,279 |  2,307,943 |  2,386,469 |    803,566 |  1,178,178 |  1,246,366 |  1,311,616 |  1,375,811
Florida ...............|    723,270 |  1,274,196 |  1,386,602 |  1,510,855 |  1,561,498 |    553,391 |  1,001,000 |  1,089,712 |  1,193,708 |  1,234,246
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Georgia ...............|    696,734 |  1,227,745 |  1,371,887 |  1,514,055 |  1,683,308 |    429,639 |    788,200 |    886,314 |    981,355 |  1,122,545
Hawaii ................|     32,553 |     42,881 |     41,760 |     91,016 |     95,803 |     25,323 |     36,528 |     36,124 |     72,609 |     76,909
Idaho .................|     49,768 |     74,519 |     82,255 |     87,532 |     95,011 |     37,736 |     59,252 |     65,018 |     72,006 |     82,923
Illinois ..............|  2,729,672 |  3,955,777 |  4,366,966 |  4,694,688 |  4,778,173 |  1,495,654 |  2,349,405 |  2,544,490 |  2,698,324 |  2,936,263
Indiana ...............|    530,163 |    847,885 |    889,004 |    941,404 |  1,000,966 |    426,813 |    700,346 |    736,784 |    782,734 |    831,223
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Iowa ..................|    353,753 |    533,300 |    595,007 |    634,046 |    676,124 |    292,291 |    445,631 |    501,547 |    534,230 |    573,136
Kansas ................|    105,193 |    144,471 |    147,336 |    157,139 |    171,402 |     87,719 |    124,578 |    126,939 |    136,036 |    149,127
Kentucky ..............|    194,873 |    282,937 |    304,780 |    315,147 |    330,341 |    159,293 |    236,191 |    255,870 |    263,722 |    275,986
Louisiana .............|    353,433 |    572,049 |    629,158 |    673,080 |    739,368 |    221,928 |    372,431 |    397,191 |    439,834 |    459,780
Maine .................|    133,778 |    200,149 |    210,328 |    223,573 |    238,196 |    106,912 |    167,618 |    176,530 |    187,523 |    199,895
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Maryland ..............|    896,251 |  1,461,897 |  1,550,526 |  1,622,871 |  1,729,558 |    562,773 |    987,405 |  1,048,953 |  1,133,491 |  1,217,678
Massachusetts .........|  3,544,867 |  5,339,793 |  5,580,304 |  5,850,688 |  6,116,367 |  2,817,687 |  4,278,151 |  4,600,897 |  4,874,439 |  5,122,411
Michigan ..............|    447,436 |    699,193 |    738,699 |    789,175 |    826,746 |    384,533 |    618,422 |    651,408 |    696,518 |    730,458
Minnesota .............|    521,441 |    730,974 |    776,325 |    812,893 |    800,291 |    443,972 |    625,497 |    654,953 |    678,472 |    679,001
Mississippi ...........|     64,054 |    101,330 |    110,325 |    115,789 |    123,506 |     55,252 |     88,305 |     96,217 |    101,895 |    108,547
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Missouri ..............|    904,573 |  1,493,892 |  1,645,969 |  1,666,001 |  1,769,749 |    713,411 |  1,186,195 |  1,306,990 |  1,347,644 |  1,453,221
Montana ...............|     22,349 |     33,471 |     33,238 |     39,500 |     44,193 |     18,565 |     29,165 |     28,567 |     33,873 |     38,509
Nebraska ..............|    161,066 |    245,142 |    269,968 |    287,540 |    303,472 |    138,929 |    219,054 |    242,660 |    258,485 |    271,942
Nevada ................|      2,448 |      4,507 |      5,971 |      5,490 |      6,768 |      2,448 |      4,066 |      5,127 |      4,666 |      5,998
New Hampshire .........|    264,440 |    407,903 |    432,080 |    455,312 |    487,785 |    230,657 |    355,056 |    374,323 |    395,395 |    426,736
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
New Jersey ............|    714,733 |    982,070 |  1,082,717 |  1,167,222 |  1,208,726 |    540,245 |    789,649 |    863,322 |    926,131 |    980,224
New Mexico ............|     22,196 |     33,272 |     46,252 |     33,162 |     40,520 |     19,678 |     28,754 |     39,813 |     28,659 |     35,079
New York ..............|  5,596,257 |  8,246,193 |  9,003,453 |  9,536,982 | 10,157,945 |  4,572,405 |  6,735,931 |  7,401,300 |  7,837,705 |  8,315,046
North Carolina ........|    837,291 |  1,704,643 |  1,911,631 |  2,008,628 |  2,166,337 |    592,910 |  1,123,378 |  1,255,073 |  1,313,943 |  1,417,518
North Dakota ..........|     18,853 |     27,978 |     34,323 |     33,758 |     36,380 |     15,860 |     24,033 |     29,719 |     28,821 |     31,776
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Ohio ..................|    976,303 |  1,510,387 |  1,613,085 |  1,696,377 |  1,807,756 |    833,879 |  1,308,048 |  1,403,786 |  1,486,111 |  1,586,086
Oklahoma ..............|    178,905 |    280,889 |    256,332 |    266,152 |    286,118 |    149,565 |    239,088 |    220,403 |    230,661 |    248,299
Oregon ................|    171,604 |    277,152 |    287,800 |    307,280 |    334,424 |    149,289 |    247,671 |    256,162 |    275,352 |    299,529
Pennsylvania ..........|  3,155,505 |  4,914,117 |  5,452,687 |  5,667,740 |  6,008,469 |  2,033,015 |  3,242,842 |  3,521,644 |  3,802,781 |  4,115,506
Rhode Island ..........|    315,651 |    518,425 |    559,922 |    590,911 |    636,510 |    261,616 |    437,800 |    476,062 |    504,274 |    545,057
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
South Carolina ........|    196,271 |    319,782 |    274,300 |    293,819 |    318,200 |    154,496 |    258,540 |    225,437 |    245,689 |    268,292
South Dakota ..........|     51,675 |     84,903 |     71,462 |     63,406 |     66,315 |     44,726 |     74,859 |     63,351 |     56,780 |     59,358
Tennessee .............|    686,514 |  1,097,066 |  1,199,755 |  1,226,183 |  1,352,769 |    440,308 |    706,976 |    785,347 |    827,801 |    894,506
Texas .................|    993,824 |  1,528,755 |  1,633,787 |  1,716,860 |  1,833,288 |    855,445 |  1,365,275 |  1,460,510 |  1,540,238 |  1,653,269
Utah ..................|    183,060 |    272,883 |    317,586 |    454,442 |    458,878 |    110,880 |    223,238 |    257,271 |    313,342 |    317,681
                       |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |
Vermont ...............|    150,689 |    266,539 |    287,261 |    300,593 |    269,666 |    126,299 |    229,548 |    250,999 |    261,364 |    232,565
Virginia ..............|    387,455 |    671,912 |    706,344 |    748,902 |    807,849 |    313,055 |    581,094 |    607,724 |    645,752 |    702,430
Washington ............|    227,211 |    368,077 |    401,261 |    435,993 |    475,565 |    189,575 |    316,014 |    345,756 |    375,031 |    413,941
West Virginia .........|     73,716 |    108,334 |    114,586 |    129,367 |    143,742 |     60,900 |     93,399 |     98,830 |    112,959 |    126,231
Wisconsin .............|    373,533 |    645,774 |    651,420 |    702,292 |    775,629 |    326,254 |    519,270 |    585,465 |    633,564 |    701,051
Wyoming ...............|        --- |      4,370 |      6,578 |      9,752 |     12,788 |        --- |      4,370 |      6,578 |      7,752 |     10,426
   Outlying areas .....|    198,653 |    271,237 |    284,662 |    306,098 |    337,721 |    189,080 |    256,576 |    267,789 |    290,189 |    320,304
Puerto Rico ...........|    198,653 |    271,237 |    284,662 |    306,098 |    337,721 |    189,080 |    256,576 |    267,789 |    290,189 |    320,304

1 Preliminary data.

---Data not reported or not applicable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest