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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 331.Current-fund expenditures and expenditures per full-time-equivalent student in institutions of higher education, by type and control of institution: 1970-71 to 1993-94

             |        All institutions          |      4-year institutions         |       2-year institutions
             |   Current-fund      |            |   Current-fund      |            |   Current-fund      |
 Control of  |   expenditures,     |Current-fund|   expenditures,     |Current-fund|   expenditures,     |Current-fund
 institution |   in millions       |expenditures|   in millions       |expenditures|   in millions       |expenditures
  and year   |---------------------|per student,|---------------------|per student,|---------------------|per student,
             |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant |Unadjusted|Constant  |in constant
             | dollars  | 1993-94  |  1993-94   | dollars  | 1993-94  |  1993-94   | dollars  | 1993-94  |   1993-94
             |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\ |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\ |          |dollars\1\| dollars\1\
      1      |    2     |    3     |     4      |    5     |    6     |     7      |    8     |    9     |     10
     All     |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|  $23,375 |  $91,703 |    $13,610 |  $21,049 |  $82,575 |    $16,048 |   $2,327 |   $9,128 |      $5,732
1975-76 .....|   38,903 |  109,655 |     12,931 |   33,811 |   95,302 |     16,152 |    5,092 |   14,352 |       5,565
1976-77 .....|   42,600 |  112,679 |     13,555 |   37,052 |   98,004 |     16,758 |    5,548 |   14,675 |       5,955
1977-78 .....|   45,971 |  114,019 |     13,549 |   39,899 |   98,958 |     16,673 |    6,072 |   15,061 |       6,072
1978-79 .....|   50,721 |  117,247 |     14,044 |   44,163 |  102,088 |     17,209 |    6,558 |   15,159 |       6,274
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1979-80 .....|   56,914 |  119,849 |     14,121 |   49,661 |  104,576 |     17,383 |    7,253 |   15,273 |       6,180
1980-81 .....|   64,053 |  121,693 |     13,799 |   55,840 |  106,090 |     17,219 |    8,212 |   15,603 |       5,871
1981-82 .....|   70,339 |  122,121 |     13,547 |   61,333 |  106,485 |     17,038 |    9,006 |   15,636 |       5,656
1982-83 .....|   75,936 |  123,927 |     13,631 |   66,238 |  108,101 |     17,299 |    9,697 |   15,826 |       5,567
1983-84  ....|   81,993 |  127,684 |     13,930 |   71,680 |  111,624 |     17,647 |   10,314 |   16,061 |       5,653
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1984-85  ....|   89,951 |  132,611 |     14,814 |   78,744 |  116,089 |     18,448 |   11,207 |   16,523 |       6,214
1985-86  ....|   97,536 |  136,987 |     15,317 |   85,560 |  120,167 |     19,091 |   11,976 |   16,819 |       6,349
1986-87 .....|  105,764 |  143,004 |     15,777 |   92,985 |  125,726 |     19,767 |   12,779 |   17,279 |       6,390
1987-88 .....|  113,786 |  147,381 |     15,968 |  100,143 |  129,709 |     19,997 |   13,644 |   17,672 |       6,442
1988-89 .....|  123,867 |  152,452 |     16,108 |  109,141 |  134,327 |     20,157 |   14,726 |   18,125 |       6,473
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1989-90 .....|  134,656 |  156,189 |     15,969 |  118,578 |  137,541 |     20,186 |   16,077 |   18,648 |       6,285
1990-91 .....|  146,088 |  160,983 |     16,125 |  128,594 |  141,705 |     20,337 |   17,494 |   19,277 |       6,393
1991-92 .....|  156,189 |  166,384 |     16,059 |  137,375 |  146,342 |     20,666 |   18,814 |   20,042 |       6,112
1992-93 .....|  165,241 |  170,787 |     16,364 |  145,300 |  150,177 |     21,065 |   19,941 |   20,611 |       6,232
1993-94 \2\..|  173,351 |  173,351 |     16,747 |  152,164 |  152,164 |     21,369 |   21,187 |   21,187 |       6,558
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   Public    |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|   14,996 |   58,831 |     11,877 |   12,899 |   50,603 |     14,589 |    2,097 |    8,227 |       5,542
1975-76 .....|   26,184 |   73,803 |     11,316 |   21,392 |   60,296 |     14,864 |    4,792 |   13,507 |       5,478
1976-77 .....|   28,635 |   75,741 |     11,928 |   23,411 |   61,923 |     15,487 |    5,224 |   13,818 |       5,876
1977-78 .....|   30,725 |   76,206 |     11,914 |   25,013 |   62,039 |     15,360 |    5,712 |   14,167 |       6,010
1978-79 .....|   33,733 |   77,977 |     12,418 |   27,600 |   63,801 |     15,966 |    6,132 |   14,176 |       6,209
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1979-80 .....|   37,768 |   79,532 |     12,441 |   30,979 |   65,235 |     16,071 |    6,789 |   14,297 |       6,127
1980-81 .....|   42,280 |   80,327 |     12,093 |   34,677 |   65,883 |     15,844 |    7,602 |   14,444 |       5,815
1981-82 .....|   46,219 |   80,244 |     11,833 |   37,890 |   65,783 |     15,631 |    8,330 |   14,462 |       5,621
1982-83 .....|   49,573 |   80,903 |     11,810 |   40,616 |   66,285 |     15,705 |    8,957 |   14,618 |       5,558
1983-84 .....|   53,087 |   82,669 |     12,013 |   43,588 |   67,877 |     15,912 |    9,499 |   14,792 |       5,655
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1984-85  ....|   58,315 |   85,971 |     12,861 |   48,017 |   70,789 |     16,704 |   10,298 |   15,181 |       6,205
1985-86  ....|   63,194 |   88,754 |     13,311 |   52,184 |   73,291 |     17,287 |   11,010 |   15,463 |       6,368
1986-87 .....|   67,654 |   91,476 |     13,496 |   56,003 |   75,722 |     17,628 |   11,651 |   15,754 |       6,346
1987-88 .....|   72,641 |   94,088 |     13,562 |   60,137 |   77,891 |     17,720 |   12,505 |   16,196 |       6,372
1988-89 .....|   78,946 |   97,164 |     13,691 |   65,349 |   80,429 |     17,850 |   13,597 |   16,734 |       6,458
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1989-90 .....|   85,771 |   99,486 |     13,496 |   70,865 |   82,197 |     17,792 |   14,906 |   17,289 |       6,283
1990-91 .....|   92,961 |  102,439 |     13,554 |   76,722 |   84,544 |     17,836 |   16,239 |   17,895 |       6,350
1991-92 .....|   98,847 |  105,299 |     13,392 |   81,334 |   86,643 |     18,067 |   17,513 |   18,656 |       6,083
1992-93 .....|  104,570 |  108,080 |     13,661 |   86,065 |   88,954 |     18,540 |   18,505 |   19,126 |       6,142
1993-94 \2\..|  109,310 |  109,310 |     13,992 |   89,697 |   89,697 |     18,820 |   19,612 |   19,612 |       6,438
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
   Private   |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
institutions |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1970-71 .....|    8,379 |   32,872 |     18,419 |    8,150 |   31,972 |     19,067 |      230 |      901 |       8,352
1975-76 .....|   12,719 |   35,851 |     18,316 |   12,419 |   35,006 |     18,985 |      300 |      845 |       7,449
1976-77 .....|   13,965 |   36,938 |     18,821 |   13,641 |   36,081 |     19,508 |      324 |      857 |       7,585
1977-78 .....|   15,246 |   37,813 |     18,730 |   14,885 |   36,920 |     19,472 |      360 |      893 |       7,272
1978-79 .....|   16,988 |   39,270 |     18,978 |   16,563 |   38,286 |     19,774 |      425 |      984 |       7,392
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1979-80 .....|   19,146 |   40,317 |     19,247 |   18,682 |   39,340 |     20,105 |      464 |      977 |       7,081
1980-81 .....|   21,773 |   41,366 |     19,004 |   21,163 |   40,207 |     20,073 |      610 |    1,159 |       6,676
1981-82 .....|   24,120 |   41,877 |     18,752 |   23,444 |   40,703 |     19,939 |      676 |    1,174 |       6,120
1982-83 .....|   26,363 |   43,024 |     19,198 |   25,623 |   41,816 |     20,617 |      740 |    1,208 |       5,677
1983-84  ....|   28,907 |   45,015 |     19,701 |   28,092 |   43,746 |     21,242 |      815 |    1,269 |       5,627
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1984-85  ....|   31,637 |   46,641 |     20,573 |   30,727 |   45,299 |     22,045 |      910 |    1,341 |       6,320
1985-86  ....|   34,342 |   48,232 |     21,195 |   33,376 |   46,876 |     22,814 |      966 |    1,357 |       6,141
1986-87 .....|   38,110 |   51,529 |     22,540 |   36,982 |   50,004 |     24,217 |    1,128 |    1,525 |       6,891
1987-88 .....|   41,145 |   53,293 |     23,251 |   40,006 |   51,817 |     24,784 |    1,139 |    1,476 |       7,331
1988-89 .....|   44,922 |   55,288 |     23,354 |   43,792 |   53,898 |     24,972 |    1,130 |    1,390 |       6,652
             |          |          |            |          |          |            |          |          |
1989-90 .....|   48,885 |   56,702 |     23,535 |   47,713 |   55,344 |     25,228 |    1,172 |    1,359 |       6,305
1990-91 .....|   53,127 |   58,543 |     24,137 |   51,872 |   57,161 |     25,656 |    1,255 |    1,382 |       7,000
1991-92 .....|   57,342 |   61,085 |     24,456 |   56,041 |   59,699 |     26,118 |    1,301 |    1,386 |       6,537
1992-93 .....|   60,671 |   62,707 |     24,834 |   59,235 |   61,223 |     26,259 |    1,436 |    1,484 |       7,666
1993-94 \2\..|   64,041 |   64,041 |     25,223 |   62,466 |   62,466 |     26,526 |    1,575 |    1,575 |       8,554

1 Dollars adjusted by the Higher Education Price Index.

2 Preliminary data.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" and "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" and "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest