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Table 329.Current-fund revenue from state and local governments of institutions of higher education, by state: 1985-86 to 1993-94 [In thousands]

                      |     Current-fund revenue from state and local governments      |       Current-fund revenue from state and local governments, 1993-94 \1\
                      |                                                                |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      |----------------------------------------------------------------|            |State appro-|Local appro-| State and  |  State and  |  State and
        State         |            |            |            |            |            |            | priations  | priations  |local appro-|local grants |local grants
                      |  1985-86   |  1989-90   |  1990-91   |  1991-92   |  1992-93   |   Total    | for public | for public | priations  |and contracts|and contracts
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |institutions|institutions|for private | for public  | for private
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |institutions| institutions| institutions
          1           |     2      |     3      |     4      |     5      |     6      |     7      |     8      |     9      |     10     |     11      |     12
   United States\2\ ..|$32,456,006 |$41,989,141 |$43,412,081 |$44,746,783 |$45,692,830 |$46,908,594 |$37,565,065 | $4,021,421 |   $261,195 |  $3,458,511 |  $1,602,402
Alabama ..............|    656,823 |    727,543 |    758,900 |    762,004 |    791,758 |    849,967 |    793,597 |      4,464 |      5,142 |      42,988 |       3,777
Alaska ...............|    159,781 |    167,360 |    175,938 |    181,358 |    180,110 |    186,305 |    175,337 |        616 |          0 |      10,331 |          23
Arizona ..............|    539,054 |    714,195 |    768,654 |    779,292 |    769,328 |    817,274 |    608,640 |    178,478 |          0 |      30,018 |         138
Arkansas .............|    266,898 |    326,399 |    332,367 |    371,131 |    407,115 |    415,536 |    377,115 |      2,513 |          1 |      34,382 |       1,526
California ...........|  4,943,659 |  6,425,599 |  6,628,037 |  7,127,388 |  7,072,896 |  6,411,115 |  4,496,412 |  1,253,614 |          5 |     612,982 |      48,101
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Colorado .............|    391,468 |    474,849 |    510,649 |    508,624 |    508,586 |    521,088 |    445,496 |     24,613 |          0 |      46,077 |       4,903
Connecticut ..........|    280,012 |    400,074 |    406,306 |    390,250 |    379,720 |    411,711 |    359,722 |          0 |      1,600 |      22,727 |      27,662
Delaware .............|     88,661 |    119,602 |    124,881 |    142,638 |    134,355 |    140,191 |    128,382 |        804 |          0 |      10,766 |         239
District of Columbia .|     71,761 |     83,756 |     84,471 |     83,808 |     79,935 |     77,727 |          0 |     66,449 |          0 |       7,173 |       4,104
Florida ..............|  1,172,112 |  1,824,902 |  1,863,133 |  1,793,785 |  1,808,015 |  1,942,724 |  1,692,248 |      4,677 |     13,754 |     139,999 |      92,047
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Georgia ..............|    689,379 |    920,901 |  1,001,889 |    977,304 |  1,077,918 |  1,242,527 |  1,112,771 |     18,262 |     11,651 |      75,675 |      24,168
Hawaii ...............|    195,375 |    268,859 |    321,195 |    381,118 |    379,025 |    400,980 |    383,957 |          0 |          0 |      16,982 |          42
Idaho ................|    125,338 |    167,155 |    193,188 |    206,819 |    205,370 |    218,399 |    196,847 |      9,487 |          0 |      11,885 |         181
Illinois .............|  1,405,622 |  1,783,123 |  1,855,023 |  1,821,597 |  1,865,744 |  1,931,481 |  1,290,028 |    383,470 |     18,528 |     150,509 |      88,945
Indiana...............|    645,880 |    914,108 |    984,176 |    999,381 |  1,002,215 |  1,019,058 |    933,408 |      2,290 |          0 |      57,945 |      25,415
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Iowa .................|    431,840 |    545,959 |    599,407 |    613,147 |    635,838 |    673,738 |    596,617 |     25,012 |          0 |      29,571 |      22,538
Kansas ...............|    422,278 |    546,565 |    556,372 |    571,270 |    587,290 |    630,158 |    478,847 |    106,172 |          0 |      40,182 |       4,957
Kentucky .............|    483,027 |    595,727 |    665,808 |    707,859 |    684,648 |    705,050 |    651,533 |      5,785 |          0 |      41,460 |       6,271
Louisiana ............|    562,205 |    563,543 |    634,541 |    670,183 |    676,781 |    683,174 |    572,390 |      2,524 |      2,712 |      84,329 |      21,219
Maine ................|    103,724 |    178,358 |    189,099 |    171,887 |    176,327 |    178,079 |    160,727 |          0 |          0 |      15,687 |       1,664
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Maryland .............|    631,471 |    890,011 |    943,620 |    823,075 |    876,755 |    898,788 |    668,941 |    121,435 |     27,589 |      67,236 |      13,586
Massachusetts ........|    589,876 |    758,239 |    545,606 |    507,248 |    580,056 |    639,251 |    554,484 |         48 |      4,775 |      52,056 |      27,888
Michigan .............|  1,215,291 |  1,555,997 |  1,589,630 |  1,764,129 |  1,730,143 |  1,769,771 |  1,424,502 |    215,314 |        558 |      85,776 |      43,620
Minnesota ............|    533,573 |    760,863 |    818,117 |    871,048 |    893,456 |    956,836 |    848,665 |     21,867 |         67 |      61,902 |      24,335
Mississippi ..........|    362,517 |    421,069 |    419,177 |    401,458 |    441,825 |    471,136 |    409,154 |     28,386 |          0 |      33,256 |         340
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Missouri..............|    506,246 |    636,322 |    651,819 |    613,905 |    655,962 |    685,610 |    579,585 |     63,394 |          0 |      35,968 |       6,662
Montana ..............|     97,672 |    109,282 |    119,813 |    139,753 |    133,037 |    136,263 |    124,228 |      4,019 |          0 |       7,739 |         277
Nebraska .............|    248,544 |    336,087 |    374,112 |    387,688 |    402,829 |    419,798 |    351,988 |     46,895 |          0 |      20,184 |         731
Nevada ...............|     99,841 |    156,966 |    173,580 |    191,292 |    197,213 |    208,216 |    185,186 |          0 |          0 |      23,020 |          10
New Hampshire ........|     52,393 |     72,201 |     79,979 |     80,343 |     85,033 |     90,950 |     75,189 |          0 |          0 |       8,815 |       6,946
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
New Jersey ...........|    837,214 |  1,218,368 |  1,190,657 |  1,280,172 |  1,285,916 |  1,359,960 |    986,616 |    155,788 |     13,667 |     147,157 |      56,731
New Mexico ...........|    221,094 |    362,937 |    413,558 |    437,925 |    419,182 |    431,098 |    358,189 |     38,860 |          0 |      32,896 |       1,153
New York .............|  2,726,150 |  3,413,434 |  3,421,222 |  3,578,508 |  3,675,680 |  3,893,354 |  2,379,089 |    346,962 |     42,063 |     430,165 |     695,076
North Carolina .......|  1,074,960 |  1,561,133 |  1,633,096 |  1,703,504 |  1,810,371 |  1,746,867 |  1,570,743 |     73,799 |          0 |      49,658 |      52,668
North Dakota .........|    118,691 |    130,672 |    133,796 |    140,149 |    151,668 |    136,744 |    130,183 |          9 |          0 |       6,279 |         274
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Ohio .................|  1,132,678 |  1,457,509 |  1,541,996 |  1,490,804 |  1,448,082 |  1,553,389 |  1,323,256 |     81,755 |      6,308 |      97,581 |      44,489
Oklahoma .............|    437,693 |    485,273 |    535,024 |    590,597 |    601,040 |    580,522 |    504,877 |     14,771 |          1 |      58,810 |       2,063
Oregon ...............|    394,899 |    509,225 |    544,631 |    580,442 |    616,623 |    571,448 |    405,006 |    108,930 |          0 |      53,838 |       3,674
Pennsylvania .........|    961,089 |  1,259,717 |  1,276,665 |  1,334,311 |  1,298,755 |  1,379,619 |  1,028,622 |     75,014 |     65,412 |      91,456 |     119,115
Rhode Island .........|    107,265 |    136,654 |    123,502 |    116,197 |    118,844 |    117,735 |    109,983 |          0 |          1 |       6,274 |       1,477
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
South Carolina .......|    491,802 |    601,516 |    618,304 |    601,894 |    627,013 |    631,482 |    581,835 |     21,972 |          0 |      17,923 |       9,751
South Dakota .........|     65,151 |     81,315 |     86,262 |     93,150 |     97,575 |    106,452 |     98,378 |          0 |          1 |       7,607 |         466
Tennessee ............|    528,933 |    712,775 |    711,103 |    681,944 |    763,246 |    824,936 |    765,915 |      1,935 |          0 |      48,018 |       9,068
Texas ................|  2,521,860 |  3,051,747 |  3,069,099 |  3,315,755 |  3,496,729 |  3,783,870 |  3,188,001 |    249,579 |     31,442 |     243,159 |      71,688
Utah .................|    256,997 |    322,123 |    346,711 |    369,253 |    385,953 |    402,523 |    361,814 |          0 |          0 |      40,079 |         630
                      |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |            |             |
Vermont ..............|     35,334 |     46,061 |     48,485 |     49,405 |     49,418 |     49,586 |     40,881 |         13 |          0 |       6,001 |       2,691
Virginia .............|    775,474 |    995,573 |    961,845 |    887,077 |    873,539 |    914,056 |    807,866 |        998 |     10,345 |      76,674 |      18,173
Washington ...........|    620,383 |    817,265 |    915,462 |    922,706 |    985,218 |  1,023,612 |    894,859 |          0 |      2,275 |     125,688 |         790
West Virginia.........|    222,693 |    263,157 |    280,199 |    293,370 |    297,177 |    316,565 |    291,886 |        615 |          0 |      23,433 |         631
Wisconsin ............|    825,610 |    986,035 |  1,053,246 |  1,094,481 |  1,134,317 |  1,213,191 |    938,775 |    246,471 |      3,297 |      15,167 |       9,481
Wyoming ..............|    127,714 |    131,040 |    137,727 |    144,360 |    137,201 |    138,684 |    122,297 |     13,363 |          0 |       3,024 |           0

1 Preliminary data.

2 Excludes U.S. Service Schools.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest