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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 321.Current-fund revenue of institutions of higher education, by source: 1980-81 to 1993-94

                                     |            |             |             |             |             |             |             |             |
               Source                |  1980-81   |   1985-86   |   1987-88   |   1988-89   |   1989-90   |   1990-91   |   1991-92   |   1992-93   | 1993-94 \1\
                  1                  |     2      |      3      |      4      |      5      |      6      |      7      |      8      |      9      |     10
                                     |                                                    In thousands
     Total current-fund revenue .....|$65,584,789 |$100,437,616 |$117,340,109 |$128,501,638 |$139,635,477 |$149,766,051 |$161,395,896 |$170,880,503 |$179,226,601
Tuition and fees ....................| 13,773,259 |  23,116,605 |  27,836,781 |  30,806,566 |  33,926,060 |  37,434,462 |  41,559,037 |  45,346,071 |  48,646,538
Federal government ..................|  9,747,586 |  12,704,750 |  14,771,954 |  15,893,978 |  17,254,874 |  18,236,082 |  19,833,317 |  21,014,564 |  22,076,385
  Appropriations ....................|  1,346,835 |   1,617,510 |   1,664,054 |   1,677,430 |   1,890,046 |   1,840,694 |   1,907,403 |   1,872,840 |   1,994,279
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|  1,126,558 |   1,658,636 |   1,980,749 |   2,150,079 |   2,353,119 |   2,504,859 |   2,703,590 |   2,913,256 |   3,129,307
  Restricted grants and contracts\2\ |  6,005,317 |   7,190,345 |   8,225,129 |   9,009,709 |   9,773,266 |  10,443,977 |  11,561,444 |  12,589,727 |  13,554,435
  Independent operations (FFRDC)\3\ .|  1,268,877 |   2,238,259 |   2,902,022 |   3,056,760 |   3,238,442 |   3,446,552 |   3,660,881 |   3,638,741 |   3,398,364
State governments ...................| 20,106,222 |  29,911,500 |  33,517,166 |  36,031,208 |  38,349,239 |  39,480,874 |  40,586,907 |  41,247,955 |  41,910,288
  Appropriations ....................| 19,266,186 |  28,402,288 |  31,298,537 |  33,287,034 |  35,223,174 |  36,255,090 |  36,884,957 |  37,314,176 |  37,824,061
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|     84,848 |     154,109 |     217,208 |     357,221 |     411,757 |     366,206 |     376,176 |     382,204 |     360,852
  Restricted grants and contracts ...|    755,188 |   1,355,102 |   2,001,421 |   2,386,953 |   2,714,309 |   2,859,577 |   3,325,774 |   3,551,575 |   3,725,375
Local governments ...................|  1,790,740 |   2,544,506 |   3,006,263 |   3,363,676 |   3,639,902 |   3,931,239 |   4,159,876 |   4,444,875 |   4,998,306
  Appropriations ....................|  1,482,536 |   2,153,160 |   2,470,439 |   2,758,086 |   2,919,447 |   3,177,696 |   3,336,012 |   3,599,983 |   4,023,620
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|     29,629 |      56,975 |      76,638 |      98,787 |     122,404 |     116,982 |     140,135 |     139,881 |     134,491
  Restricted grants and contracts ...|    278,575 |     334,371 |     459,186 |     506,803 |     598,051 |     636,561 |     683,729 |     705,011 |     840,195
Private gifts, grants, and contracts |  3,176,670 |   5,410,905 |   6,359,282 |   7,060,730 |   7,781,422 |   8,361,265 |   8,977,271 |   9,659,977 |  10,203,062
  Unrestricted ......................|  1,210,903 |   2,111,972 |   2,235,096 |   2,429,579 |   2,634,974 |   2,720,233 |   2,921,997 |   3,229,718 |   3,400,457
  Restricted ........................|  1,965,766 |   3,298,933 |   4,124,186 |   4,631,151 |   5,146,448 |   5,641,032 |   6,055,274 |   6,430,259 |   6,802,605
Endowment income ....................|  1,364,443 |   2,275,898 |   2,586,441 |   2,914,396 |   3,143,696 |   3,268,629 |   3,442,009 |   3,627,773 |   3,669,536
  Unrestricted ......................|    770,358 |   1,285,194 |   1,340,788 |   1,498,703 |   1,614,088 |   1,521,940 |   1,549,930 |   1,536,511 |   1,557,733
  Restricted ........................|    594,085 |     990,704 |   1,245,654 |   1,415,694 |   1,529,608 |   1,746,690 |   1,892,079 |   2,091,262 |   2,111,803
Sales and services ..................| 13,677,366 |  21,274,265 |  25,492,435 |  28,162,465 |  30,787,233 |  34,107,502 |  37,519,828 |  39,824,766 |  41,791,319
  Educational activities ............|  1,409,730 |   2,373,494 |   2,918,090 |   3,315,620 |   3,632,100 |   4,054,703 |   4,520,890 |   5,037,901 |   5,294,030
  Auxiliary enterprises .............|  7,287,290 |  10,674,136 |  11,947,778 |  12,855,580 |  13,938,469 |  14,903,127 |  15,758,599 |  16,662,850 |  17,537,514
  Hospitals .........................|  4,980,346 |   8,226,635 |  10,626,566 |  11,991,265 |  13,216,664 |  15,149,672 |  17,240,338 |  18,124,015 |  18,959,776
Other sources .......................|  1,948,503 |   3,199,186 |   3,769,787 |   4,268,618 |   4,753,051 |   4,945,998 |   5,317,651 |   5,714,523 |   5,931,167
                                     |---------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
     Total current-fund revenue .....|      100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0 |       100.0
Tuition and fees ....................|       21.0 |        23.0 |        23.7 |        24.0 |        24.3 |        25.0 |        25.7 |        26.5 |        27.1
Federal government ..................|       14.9 |        12.6 |        12.6 |        12.4 |        12.4 |        12.2 |        12.3 |        12.3 |        12.3
  Appropriations ....................|        2.1 |         1.6 |         1.4 |         1.3 |         1.4 |         1.2 |         1.2 |         1.1 |         1.1
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|        1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7 |         1.7
  Restricted grants and contracts\2\ |        9.2 |         7.2 |         7.0 |         7.0 |         7.0 |         7.0 |         7.2 |         7.4 |         7.6
  Independent operations (FFRDC)\3\ .|        1.9 |         2.2 |         2.5 |         2.4 |         2.3 |         2.3 |         2.3 |         2.1 |         1.9
State governments ...................|       30.7 |        29.8 |        28.6 |        28.0 |        27.5 |        26.4 |        25.1 |        24.1 |        23.4
  Appropriations ....................|       29.4 |        28.3 |        26.7 |        25.9 |        25.2 |        24.2 |        22.9 |        21.8 |        21.1
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|        0.1 |         0.2 |         0.2 |         0.3 |         0.3 |         0.2 |         0.2 |         0.2 |         0.2
  Restricted grants and contracts ...|        1.2 |         1.3 |         1.7 |         1.9 |         1.9 |         1.9 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1
Local governments ...................|        2.7 |         2.5 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.8
  Appropriations ....................|        2.3 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.2
  Unrestricted grants and contracts .|      (\4\) |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1 |         0.1
  Restricted grants and contracts ...|        0.4 |         0.3 |         0.4 |         0.4 |         0.4 |         0.4 |         0.4 |         0.4 |         0.5
Private gifts, grants, and contracts |        4.8 |         5.4 |         5.4 |         5.5 |         5.6 |         5.6 |         5.6 |         5.7 |         5.7
  Unrestricted ......................|        1.8 |         2.1 |         1.9 |         1.9 |         1.9 |         1.8 |         1.8 |         1.9 |         1.9
  Restricted ........................|        3.0 |         3.3 |         3.5 |         3.6 |         3.7 |         3.8 |         3.8 |         3.8 |         3.8
Endowment income ....................|        2.1 |         2.3 |         2.2 |         2.3 |         2.3 |         2.2 |         2.1 |         2.1 |         2.0
  Unrestricted ......................|        1.2 |         1.3 |         1.1 |         1.2 |         1.2 |         1.0 |         1.0 |         0.9 |         0.9
  Restricted ........................|        0.9 |         1.0 |         1.1 |         1.1 |         1.1 |         1.2 |         1.2 |         1.2 |         1.2
Sales and services ..................|       20.9 |        21.2 |        21.7 |        21.9 |        22.0 |        22.8 |        23.2 |        23.3 |        23.3
  Educational activities ............|        2.1 |         2.4 |         2.5 |         2.6 |         2.6 |         2.7 |         2.8 |         2.9 |         3.0
  Auxiliary enterprises .............|       11.1 |        10.6 |        10.2 |        10.0 |        10.0 |        10.0 |         9.8 |         9.8 |         9.8
  Hospitals .........................|        7.6 |         8.2 |         9.1 |         9.3 |         9.5 |        10.1 |        10.7 |        10.6 |        10.6
Other sources .......................|        3.0 |         3.2 |         3.2 |         3.3 |         3.4 |         3.3 |         3.3 |         3.3 |         3.3

1 Preliminary data.

2 Excludes Pell Grants. Federally supported student aid that is received through students is included under tuition and auxiliary enterprises.

3 Generally includes only those revenues associated with major federally funded research and development centers (FFRDC).

4 Less than 0.05 percent.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" surveys; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance" surveys. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest