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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 312.Percent of undergraduates enrolled in fall 1992 receiving aid and average amount awarded in 1992-93 per student, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics

                           |            |                       |                       |                       |Work   |
                           | Enrollment |        Any aid        |        Grants         |         Loans         |Study  |      Other
     Selected student      | of under-  |-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-------|-----------------------
      characteristics      |graduates/1/|Total2/|Federal| Non-  | Total |Federal| Non-  | Total |Federal| Non-  |Total3/| Total |Federal| Non-
                           |in thousands|       |       |federal|       |       |federal|       |       |federal|       |       |       |federal
             1             |     2      |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8   |   9   |  10   |  11   |  12   |  13   |  14   |  15
                           |            |                         Percent of all undergraduates receiving aid
   All undergraduates .....|     18,478 |  41.4 |  32.1 |  23.6 |  36.6 |  22.6 |  20.9 |  20.4 |  19.9 |   1.4 |   4.8 |   5.8 |   2.7 |   3.3
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Sex                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Men .....................|      8,166 |  39.1 |  29.5 |  23.3 |  31.8 |  19.2 |  20.6 |  19.7 |  19.1 |   1.5 |   4.6 |   6.9 |   2.9 |   4.2
  Women ...................|     10,188 |  42.9 |  33.7 |  23.7 |  36.6 |  25.0 |  21.1 |  20.7 |  20.1 |   1.4 |   5.0 |   4.9 |   2.6 |   2.5
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Race/ethnicity             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  White, non-Hispanic .....|     13,818 |  39.3 |  29.2 |  23.3 |  32.1 |  19.2 |  20.8 |  20.0 |  19.4 |   1.4 |   4.5 |   5.6 |   2.7 |   3.1
  Black, non-Hispanic .....|      1,847 |  54.1 |  47.6 |  24.7 |  47.2 |  38.2 |  20.9 |  26.8 |  26.4 |   1.3 |   6.8 |   8.2 |   3.9 |   4.7
  Hispanic ................|      1,432 |  43.0 |  36.3 |  21.5 |  38.8 |  30.7 |  19.1 |  15.2 |  14.5 |   1.2 |   4.0 |   4.9 |   1.6 |   3.4
  Asian American ..........|        718 |  30.8 |  25.1 |  20.1 |  26.8 |  18.7 |  18.2 |  15.3 |  15.0 |   0.9 |   5.8 |   2.7 |   1.1 |   1.7
  American Indian .........|        172 |  47.8 |  35.2 |  28.7 |  42.6 |  29.2 |  25.1 |  15.4 |  15.0 |   0.9 |   4.4 |   8.4 |   1.6 |   6.7
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Age                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  23 years old or younger .|     10,163 |  45.6 |  35.5 |  27.3 |  37.4 |  23.1 |  24.3 |  24.8 |  24.0 |   2.0 |   7.0 |   7.3 |   4.6 |   2.9
  24 to 29 years old ......|      3,159 |  41.2 |  35.3 |  18.7 |  35.1 |  27.3 |  16.5 |  19.9 |  19.7 |   0.7 |   2.8 |   5.0 |   0.5 |   4.6
  30 years old or over ....|      5,116 |  33.3 |  23.5 |  19.1 |  28.8 |  18.5 |  16.9 |  12.1 |  11.9 |   0.7 |   1.7 |   3.5 |   0.3 |   3.2
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Marital status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Married .................|      4,481 |  32.4 |  22.9 |  17.8 |  26.8 |  16.1 |  15.9 |  13.3 |  13.0 |   0.7 |   1.5 |   3.6 |   0.4 |   3.3
  Not married4/ ...........|     12,744 |  44.5 |  35.5 |  25.8 |  37.1 |  24.6 |  22.9 |  23.4 |  22.8 |   1.7 |   6.1 |   6.6 |   3.6 |   3.2
  Separated ...............|        322 |  61.6 |  56.1 |  27.8 |  59.2 |  52.5 |  22.9 |  23.1 |  23.0 |   0.7 |   4.7 |   5.7 |   0.2 |   5.5
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Attendance status5/        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Full-time ...............|      6,000 |  57.9 |  45.6 |  37.9 |  48.1 |  29.4 |  34.0 |  33.6 |  32.7 |   2.7 |  10.2 |   9.5 |   5.2 |   4.6
  Part-time ...............|     12,293 |  32.9 |  25.0 |  16.5 |  27.7 |  18.8 |  14.5 |  13.6 |  13.2 |   0.8 |   2.1 |   4.0 |   1.4 |   2.7
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Dependency status          |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Dependent ...............|      8,858 |  41.7 |  31.2 |  26.7 |  33.5 |  18.6 |  23.8 |  23.0 |  22.2 |   2.1 |   7.1 |   7.1 |   5.0 |   2.3
  Independent .............|      9,620 |  41.2 |  33.0 |  20.7 |  35.7 |  26.3 |  18.2 |  18.0 |  17.8 |   0.8 |   2.7 |   4.7 |   0.6 |   4.2
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Housing status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  School-owned ............|      2,369 |  63.0 |  47.7 |  46.0 |  52.5 |  26.7 |  41.6 |  40.7 |  39.4 |   3.5 |  17.5 |  12.0 |   8.3 |   4.2
  Off-campus, not with     |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
    parents ...............|     10,163 |  39.8 |  30.6 |  21.4 |  33.0 |  22.1 |  18.8 |  18.9 |  18.6 |   1.2 |   3.2 |   5.1 |   1.7 |   3.5
  With parents ............|      4,793 |  35.0 |  28.1 |  17.8 |  29.7 |  21.4 |  15.8 |  14.2 |  13.7 |   1.1 |   2.3 |   4.5 |   2.3 |   2.3
  With relatives ..........|        406 |  36.7 |  30.6 |  16.9 |  32.3 |  24.9 |  14.3 |  16.0 |  15.6 |   1.0 |   2.9 |   4.4 |   1.6 |   2.9
 Other ....................|         38 |  40.9 |  28.6 |  26.4 |  38.2 |  24.1 |  26.3 |   8.4 |   7.9 |   0.4 |   2.2 |   1.5 |   1.3 |   0.2
                           |            |     Average 1992-93 award for full-time, full-year undergraduates enrolled in fall 1992
                           |            |     (Award averages are computed for students participating in the designated program.)
                           |            |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   All full-time, full-year|            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
    undergraduates ........|      6,000 |$5,543 |$4,257 |$3,347 |$3,487 |$2,003 |$3,201 |$3,834 |$3,723 |$2,639 |$1,357 |$2,932 |$3,340 |$2,289
Sex                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Men .....................|      2,838 | 5,759 | 4,407 | 3,499 | 3,616 | 1,990 | 3,372 | 3,944 | 3,839 | 2,626 | 1,372 | 3,061 | 3,452 | 2,539
  Women ...................|      3,145 | 5,370 | 4,137 | 3,226 | 3,391 | 2,016 | 3,064 | 3,740 | 3,625 | 2,656 | 1,348 | 2,793 | 3,238 | 1,951
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Race/ethnicity             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  White, non-Hispanic .....|      4,542 | 5,495 | 4,297 | 3,312 | 3,438 | 1,955 | 3,154 | 3,879 | 3,761 | 2,671 | 1,362 | 2,978 | 3,407 | 2,304
  Black, non-Hispanic .....|        553 | 5,738 | 4,329 | 3,439 | 3,424 | 2,094 | 3,411 | 3,619 | 3,538 | 2,359 | 1,324 | 2,809 | 3,061 | 2,174
  Hispanic ................|        384 | 4,960 | 3,666 | 2,843 | 3,302 | 2,079 | 2,659 | 3,655 | 3,597 |  ---  | 1,301 | 2,587 | 3,294 | 2,090
  Asian American ..........|        268 | 6,454 | 4,111 | 4,127 | 4,569 | 2,067 | 4,073 | 3,827 | 3,667 |  ---  | 1,542 | 3,078 |  ---  |  ---
  American Indian .........|         48 | 5,072 | 4,047 | 2,752 | 3,181 | 2,231 | 2,368 | 3,568 | 3,475 |  ---  |  ---  | 2,800 |  ---  |  ---
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Age                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  23 years old or younger .|      4,785 | 5,622 | 4,147 | 3,629 | 3,697 | 1,947 | 3,470 | 3,722 | 3,588 | 2,744 | 1,323 | 3,205 | 3,379 | 2,568
  24 to 29 years old ......|        606 | 5,528 | 4,710 | 2,337 | 2,944 | 2,125 | 2,191 | 4,269 | 4,216 | 1,976 | 1,495 | 2,223 | 3,029 | 2,120
  30 years old or over ....|        605 | 5,062 | 4,383 | 2,035 | 2,718 | 2,107 | 1,820 | 4,091 | 4,050 | 2,100 | 1,674 | 1,802 |  ---  | 1,712
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Marital status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Married .................|        608 | 4,872 | 4,355 | 2,106 | 2,537 | 1,965 | 1,905 | 3,797 | 3,676 | 2,650 | 1,341 | 3,011 | 3,362 | 2,294
  Not married4/............|      4,917 | 5,706 | 4,254 | 3,479 | 3,631 | 2,004 | 3,328 | 4,147 | 4,114 | 2,046 | 1,409 | 2,215 |  ---  | 2,156
  Separated ...............|         63 | 4,914 | 3,981 | 1,978 | 2,858 | 2,275 | 1,711 | 3,678 | 3,548 |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Dependency status          |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Dependent ...............|      4,334 | 5,676 | 4,094 | 3,766 | 3,819 | 1,874 | 3,611 | 3,716 | 3,570 | 2,753 | 1,319 | 3,289 | 3,389 | 2,658
  Independent .............|      1,666 | 5,298 | 4,495 | 2,287 | 2,906 | 2,130 | 2,107 | 4,046 | 3,994 | 2,231 | 1,491 | 2,165 | 2,879 | 1,999
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Housing status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  School-owned ............|      1,643 | 7,103 | 4,631 | 4,723 | 4,822 | 2,093 | 4,540 | 3,732 | 3,581 | 2,906 | 1,275 | 3,395 | 3,412 | 2,930
  Off-campus, not with     |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
    parents ...............|      2,717 | 5,194 | 4,413 | 2,613 | 2,961 | 2,035 | 2,437 | 3,998 | 3,902 | 2,558 | 1,458 | 2,689 | 3,283 | 2,173
  With parents ............|      1,549 | 4,044 | 3,369 | 2,363 | 2,681 | 1,836 | 2,265 | 3,525 | 3,455 | 2,152 | 1,406 | 2,640 | 3,272 | 1,788
  With relatives ..........|         85 | 4,948 | 4,225 | 2,279 | 2,687 | 2,027 | 2,043 | 4,129 | 4,035 |  ---  | 1,633 |  ---  |  ---  |  ---
 Other ....................|          7 |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---
                           |            |              Average 1992-93 award for other undergraduates enrolled in fall 1992
                           |            |           (Award averages are computed for students participating in the designated program.)
                           |            |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All other undergraduates6/ |     12,293 | 2,976 | 2,916 | 1,521 | 1,711 | 1,435 | 1,407 | 3,256 | 3,219 | 2,017 | 1,353 | 1,942 | 3,094 | 1,274
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Sex                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Men .....................|      5,282 | 3,108 | 3,067 | 1,646 | 1,776 | 1,438 | 1,550 | 3,418 | 3,371 | 2,109 | 1,322 | 1,959 | 3,308 | 1,308
  Women ...................|      6,958 | 2,886 | 2,824 | 1,428 | 1,672 | 1,432 | 1,302 | 3,150 | 3,122 | 1,924 | 1,373 | 1,942 | 2,909 | 1,243
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Race/ethnicity             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  White, non-Hispanic .....|      9,152 | 3,007 | 3,040 | 1,515 | 1,691 | 1,412 | 1,407 | 3,311 | 3,268 | 2,108 | 1,353 | 1,968 | 3,085 | 1,281
  Black, non-Hispanic .....|      1,271 | 2,928 | 2,686 | 1,478 | 1,753 | 1,478 | 1,375 | 3,052 | 3,008 | 1,779 | 1,192 | 2,052 | 3,122 | 1,387
  Hispanic ................|      1,042 | 2,598 | 2,479 | 1,356 | 1,686 | 1,518 | 1,234 | 3,059 | 3,187 |   944 | 1,805 | 1,683 | 3,218 | 1,199
  Asian American ..........|        449 | 3,664 | 3,159 | 1,896 | 2,142 | 1,590 | 1,690 | 3,125 | 3,131 |  ---  | 1,282 | 1,833 |  ---  |  ---
  American Indian .........|        123 | 2,441 | 2,327 | 1,514 | 1,622 | 1,260 | 1,488 | 3,073 | 2,939 |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Age                        |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  23 years old or younger .|      5,277 | 3,320 | 2,989 | 1,878 | 1,908 | 1,435 | 1,747 | 3,199 | 3,154 | 2,172 | 1,195 | 2,385 | 3,224 | 1,262
  24 to 29 years old ......|      2,523 | 2,920 | 2,925 | 1,189 | 1,560 | 1,446 | 1,075 | 3,282 | 3,257 | 1,766 | 1,625 | 1,357 | 2,207 | 1,284
  30 years old or over ....|      4,465 | 2,498 | 2,775 | 1,249 | 1,538 | 1,424 | 1,175 | 3,380 | 3,352 | 1,552 | 1,672 | 1,339 | 1,712 | 1,291
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Marital status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Married .................|      3,847 | 2,484 | 2,804 | 1,214 | 1,447 | 1,367 | 1,162 | 3,256 | 3,246 | 1,680 | 1,477 | 1,356 | 2,656 | 1,222
  Not married4/............|      7,709 | 3,181 | 2,970 | 1,650 | 1,817 | 1,449 | 1,517 | 3,273 | 3,231 | 2,018 | 1,343 | 2,135 | 3,160 | 1,293
Separated ...............|        257 | 2,649 | 2,498 | 1,046 | 1,619 | 1,472 |   928 | 2,857 | 2,846 |  ---  |  ---  | 1,194 |  ---  | 1,124
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Dependency status          |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  Dependent ...............|      4,440 | 3,457 | 3,039 | 2,097 | 2,018 | 1,391 | 1,961 | 3,275 | 3,216 | 2,318 | 1,191 | 2,648 | 3,217 | 1,370
  Independent .............|      7,854 | 2,729 | 2,849 | 1,216 | 1,569 | 1,455 | 1,126 | 3,243 | 3,222 | 1,632 | 1,552 | 1,354 | 2,344 | 1,242
                           |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
Housing status             |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  School-owned ............|        709 | 4,811 | 3,640 | 3,148 | 2,881 | 1,580 | 2,961 | 3,443 | 3,305 | 3,020 | 1,007 | 2,965 | 3,195 | 2,049
  Off-campus, not with     |            |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
    parents ...............|      8,040 | 2,834 | 2,969 | 1,316 | 1,583 | 1,435 | 1,212 | 3,313 | 3,270 | 2,006 | 1,575 | 1,664 | 2,989 | 1,229
  With parents ............|      3,195 | 2,615 | 2,475 | 1,333 | 1,617 | 1,379 | 1,232 | 2,961 | 2,999 | 1,445 | 1,383 | 2,038 | 3,155 | 1,063
  With relatives ..........|        319 | 2,894 | 2,943 | 1,159 | 1,648 | 1,560 | 1,127 | 3,151 | 3,186 |  ---  |  ---  | 1,717 |  ---  |  ---
 Other ....................|         31 |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---  |  ---

1 Numbers of undergraduates may not equal figures reported in other tables, since these data are based on a sample survey. Includes all postsecondary institutions.

2 Includes students who reported they were awarded aid, but did not specify the source or type of aid.

3 Details on federal and nonfederal work study participants are not available.

4 Includes students who were single, divorced, or widowed.

5 Excludes persons whose attendance status was not reported.

6 Enrollment data include persons whose attendance status was not reported.

NOTE.--Because of rounding and/or the fact that some students receive aid from multiple sources, row details may not add to totals. Because of rounding and survey item nonresponse, enrollment data may not add to totals. Data include undergraduates in noncollegiate and collegiate institutions.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, 1992-93. (This table was prepared August 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest