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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 310.Average undergraduate tuition and fees and room and board rates paid by students in institutions of higher education, by control of institution and by state: 1994-95 and 1995-96

                      | Public 4-year,|   Public 4-year, 1995-96\1\   | Private 4-year, |   Private 4-year, 1995-96\1\    |  Public 2-year,
                      |    1994-95    |                               |     1994-95     |                                 |   tuition only
        State         |---------------|-------------------------------|-----------------|---------------------------------|    (in-state)
                      |       |Tuition|       |Tuition|       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |
                      |       | (in-  |       | (in-  |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |------------------
                      | Total |state) | Total |state) | Room  | Board | Total  |Tuition | Total  |Tuition | Room  | Board |1994-95|1995-96\1\
          1           |   2   |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |   7   |   8    |   9    |   10   |   11   |  12   |  13   |  14   |    15
   United States .....|$6,670 |$2,681 |$7,013 |$2,848 |$2,121 |$2,045 |$16,602 |$11,481 |$17,613 |$12,239 |$2,753 |$2,622 |$1,192 |   $1,245
Alabama ..............| 5,429 | 2,107 | 5,737 | 2,240 | 1,757 | 1,739 | 11,208 |  7,318 | 11,635 |  7,580 | 1,799 | 2,256 | 1,132 |    1,317
Alaska ...............| 6,153 | 2,039 | 6,665 | 2,489 | 2,238 | 1,937 | 12,849 |  8,302 | 12,917 |  8,293 | 1,879 | 2,745 | 1,320 |    2,120
Arizona ..............| 5,825 | 1,894 | 5,998 | 1,926 | 2,257 | 1,815 | 10,358 |  6,225 | 10,934 |  6,779 | 2,012 | 2,143 |   735 |      764
Arkansas .............| 4,912 | 1,954 | 5,064 | 2,028 | 1,613 | 1,423 |  9,615 |  6,197 | 10,183 |  6,574 | 1,488 | 2,121 |   884 |      903
California ...........| 7,924 | 2,696 | 8,213 | 2,666 | 3,031 | 2,516 | 17,696 | 11,847 | 20,143 | 13,977 | 3,196 | 2,970 |   365 |      362
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Colorado .............| 6,524 | 2,380 | 7,037 | 2,473 | 2,000 | 2,564 | 16,262 | 11,060 | 17,120 | 11,796 | 2,574 | 2,750 | 1,282 |    1,340
Connecticut ..........| 8,491 | 3,737 | 8,753 | 3,845 | 2,609 | 2,299 | 21,739 | 15,521 | 23,011 | 16,646 | 3,621 | 2,744 | 1,520 |    1,646
Delaware .............| 8,118 | 3,805 | 8,489 | 3,981 | 2,407 | 2,101 | 11,349 |  7,159 | 11,518 |  7,373 | 2,701 | 1,443 | 1,266 |    1,266
District of Columbia .|   --- | 1,046 |   --- | 1,118 |   --- |   --- | 20,311 | 14,021 | 21,337 | 14,681 | 3,917 | 2,740 |   --- |      ---
Florida ..............| 6,201 | 1,783 | 6,254 | 1,767 | 2,193 | 2,295 | 14,329 |  9,785 | 15,028 | 10,364 | 2,428 | 2,236 | 1,113 |    1,103
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Georgia ..............| 5,382 | 1,964 | 5,691 | 2,103 | 1,712 | 1,877 | 14,329 |  9,562 | 15,194 | 10,208 | 2,719 | 2,267 | 1,023 |    1,062
Hawaii ...............|   --- | 1,504 |   --- | 1,576 |   --- |   --- | 11,020 |  5,971 | 11,632 |  6,234 | 3,050 | 2,347 |   500 |      524
Idaho ................| 5,203 | 1,581 | 5,321 | 1,682 | 1,541 | 2,098 | 14,451 | 11,130 | 15,307 | 11,843 | 1,430 | 2,035 |   991 |      991
Illinois .............| 7,498 | 3,195 | 7,829 | 3,352 | 2,072 | 2,405 | 16,009 | 11,078 | 16,678 | 11,653 | 2,718 | 2,306 | 1,193 |    1,232
Indiana...............| 6,920 | 2,862 | 7,392 | 3,037 | 1,931 | 2,425 | 15,920 | 11,842 | 16,829 | 12,592 | 1,987 | 2,250 | 1,848 |    1,937
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Iowa .................| 5,701 | 2,462 | 5,945 | 2,565 | 1,693 | 1,688 | 15,184 | 11,349 | 15,934 | 11,932 | 1,864 | 2,138 | 1,700 |    1,782
Kansas ...............| 5,441 | 2,019 | 5,691 | 2,120 | 1,731 | 1,841 | 11,698 |  8,063 | 12,400 |  8,634 | 1,582 | 2,183 | 1,051 |    1,147
Kentucky .............| 5,327 | 2,057 | 5,455 | 2,161 | 1,527 | 1,767 | 10,679 |  7,046 | 11,192 |  7,497 | 1,711 | 1,985 | 1,088 |    1,112
Louisiana ............| 5,268 | 2,212 | 5,491 | 2,221 | 1,464 | 1,806 | 16,748 | 11,768 | 17,796 | 12,449 | 2,906 | 2,440 | 1,023 |    1,031
Maine ................| 7,763 | 3,303 | 7,966 | 3,474 | 2,235 | 2,257 | 20,520 | 15,058 | 21,872 | 16,204 | 2,758 | 2,910 | 2,151 |    2,381
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Maryland .............| 8,300 | 3,321 | 8,728 | 3,572 | 2,722 | 2,435 | 20,120 | 13,805 | 21,245 | 14,700 | 3,524 | 3,022 | 1,843 |    1,967
Massachusetts ........| 8,562 | 4,148 | 8,757 | 4,253 | 2,462 | 2,042 | 22,330 | 15,689 | 23,335 | 16,403 | 3,688 | 3,244 | 2,437 |    2,359
Michigan .............| 7,948 | 3,733 | 8,195 | 3,895 | 2,024 | 2,276 | 12,849 |  8,771 | 13,331 |  9,176 | 1,974 | 2,182 | 1,436 |    1,529
Minnesota ............| 6,203 | 2,931 | 6,712 | 3,216 | 2,022 | 1,474 | 16,339 | 12,233 | 17,222 | 12,897 | 2,058 | 2,267 | 1,965 |    2,065
Mississippi ..........| 5,250 | 2,446 | 5,425 | 2,459 | 1,399 | 1,568 |  9,312 |  6,384 |  9,901 |  6,782 | 1,582 | 1,536 |   938 |      941
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Missouri..............| 6,347 | 2,797 | 6,750 | 3,015 | 2,022 | 1,713 | 14,057 |  9,577 | 14,116 |  9,566 | 2,162 | 2,387 | 1,204 |    1,255
Montana ..............| 6,004 | 2,109 | 7,754 | 2,367 | 1,778 | 3,609 | 10,438 |  6,999 | 11,062 |  7,545 | 1,388 | 2,128 | 1,376 |    1,382
Nebraska .............| 5,187 | 2,058 | 5,497 | 2,182 | 1,422 | 1,892 | 12,541 |  8,861 | 13,234 |  9,430 | 1,801 | 2,003 | 1,102 |    1,132
Nevada ...............| 6,905 | 1,601 | 7,388 | 1,684 | 3,090 | 2,614 |    --- |  7,532 |    --- |  7,841 | 3,050 |   --- |   843 |      970
New Hampshire ........| 8,181 | 4,039 | 8,729 | 4,446 | 2,573 | 1,710 | 17,180 | 12,148 | 21,071 | 15,038 | 3,024 | 3,009 | 2,316 |    2,420
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
New Jersey ...........| 8,727 | 3,776 | 9,125 | 3,972 | 3,101 | 2,052 | 18,949 | 12,928 | 19,751 | 13,566 | 3,226 | 2,959 | 1,754 |    1,878
New Mexico ...........| 5,365 | 1,836 | 5,298 | 1,940 | 1,504 | 1,854 | 13,489 |  9,104 | 14,355 |  9,784 | 2,289 | 2,282 |   675 |      690
New York .............| 7,926 | 2,944 | 8,960 | 3,714 | 2,937 | 2,310 | 19,663 | 13,069 | 20,831 | 13,852 | 3,724 | 3,255 | 2,151 |    2,427
North Carolina .......| 4,857 | 1,502 | 5,119 | 1,639 | 1,742 | 1,737 | 14,658 | 10,493 | 15,428 | 10,984 | 2,128 | 2,316 |   582 |      581
North Dakota .........| 5,514 | 2,248 | 5,642 | 2,248 | 1,016 | 2,378 |  9,520 |  6,663 |  9,907 |  6,998 | 1,260 | 1,649 | 1,689 |    1,698
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Ohio .................| 7,732 | 3,403 | 8,169 | 3,603 | 2,386 | 2,181 | 16,282 | 11,735 | 17,139 | 12,377 | 2,349 | 2,414 | 2,166 |    2,261
Oklahoma .............| 4,196 | 1,672 | 4,287 | 1,839 |   837 | 1,611 | 11,562 |  7,781 | 11,773 |  7,831 | 1,803 | 2,140 | 1,149 |    1,260
Oregon ...............| 6,930 | 3,064 | 7,354 | 3,233 | 1,647 | 2,474 | 17,592 | 12,971 | 18,899 | 13,892 | 2,257 | 2,750 | 1,322 |    1,338
Pennsylvania .........| 8,672 | 4,517 | 9,124 | 4,723 | 2,227 | 2,174 | 18,979 | 13,418 | 19,876 | 14,111 | 2,943 | 2,822 | 1,755 |    1,909
Rhode Island .........| 9,067 | 3,706 | 9,446 | 3,856 | 3,029 | 2,561 | 20,957 | 14,604 | 22,075 | 15,390 | 3,613 | 3,072 | 1,686 |    1,726
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
South Carolina .......| 6,756 | 3,020 | 6,964 | 3,094 | 1,998 | 1,872 | 12,651 |  9,073 | 13,517 |  9,741 | 1,786 | 1,990 | 1,048 |    1,071
South Dakota .........| 5,271 | 2,509 | 5,619 | 2,642 | 1,247 | 1,730 | 12,352 |  8,536 | 13,039 |  9,123 | 1,541 | 2,374 | 3,430 |    3,430
Tennessee ............| 5,131 | 1,897 | 5,372 | 1,990 | 1,644 | 1,737 | 13,235 |  9,257 | 14,068 |  9,830 | 2,153 | 2,085 |   976 |    1,022
Texas ................| 5,177 | 1,606 | 5,464 | 1,820 | 1,885 | 1,759 | 12,390 |  8,386 | 13,156 |  8,959 | 2,000 | 2,198 |   689 |      771
Utah .................| 5,334 | 1,943 | 5,414 | 2,011 | 1,458 | 1,945 |  7,060 |  2,761 |  7,384 |  2,936 | 1,380 | 3,068 | 1,340 |    1,375
                      |       |       |       |       |       |       |        |        |        |        |       |       |       |
Vermont ..............|10,327 | 5,682 |10,640 | 5,898 | 3,072 | 1,670 | 20,596 | 14,960 | 21,612 | 15,670 | 3,375 | 2,567 | 2,196 |    2,370
Virginia .............| 7,958 | 3,776 | 8,202 | 3,907 | 2,261 | 2,033 | 14,166 |  9,943 | 15,021 | 10,596 | 2,062 | 2,363 | 1,384 |    1,433
Washington ...........| 7,068 | 2,685 | 7,136 | 2,791 | 2,187 | 2,158 | 16,988 | 12,408 | 18,092 | 13,276 | 2,487 | 2,329 | 1,313 |    1,369
West Virginia.........| 5,912 | 1,961 | 6,128 | 2,024 | 1,970 | 2,133 | 13,354 |  9,460 | 14,231 | 10,008 | 1,853 | 2,370 | 1,303 |    1,312
Wisconsin ............| 5,613 | 2,468 | 5,847 | 2,614 | 1,706 | 1,527 | 14,693 | 10,761 | 15,652 | 11,569 | 1,812 | 2,271 | 1,682 |    1,840
Wyoming ..............| 5,237 | 1,908 | 5,429 | 2,005 | 1,512 | 1,912 |    --- |    --- |    --- |    --- |   --- |   --- |   892 |      948

1 Preliminary data based on fall 1994 enrollments.

---Data not reported or not applicable.

NOTE.--Data are for the entire academic year and are average charges. Tuition and fees were weighted by the number of full-time-equivalent undergraduates in 1994, but are not adjusted to reflect student residency. Room and board are based on full-time students.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" and "Institutional Characteristics" surveys. (This table was prepared September 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest